中餐-热菜(peeping holes蔬菜类)
蔬 菜 类 (Vegetables)
1.XO酱炒海茸百合Sautéed Lily Bulbs and Seaweed in XO Sauce
2.百合炒南瓜Sautéed Pumpkin with Lily Bulbs
3.板栗白菜Poached Chine Cabbage with Chestnuts
4.白灼时蔬Scalded Seasonal Vegetable
5.炒芥兰Sautéed Chine Broccoli
6.炒生菜Sautéed Lettuce
7.炒时蔬Sautéed Seasonal Vegetable
8.豉汁凉瓜皮Sautéed Bitter Melon Peel in Black Bean Sauce
9.葱香荷兰豆Sautéed Snow Peas with Scallion
10.翠豆玉米粒Sautéed Green Peas and Sweet Corn
11.冬菇扒菜心Braid Shanghai Greens with Black Mushrooms
12.豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜Sautéed Indian Lettuce with Diced Fish in Black Bean Sauce
13.干贝扒芦笋Braid Asparagus with Scallops
14.干煸苦瓜Sautéed Bitter Melon
15.海茸墨鱼花Sautéed Diced Cuttlefish and Seaweed
16.蚝皇扒双蔬Braid Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce
17.蚝油扒时蔬Braid Vegetable in Oyster Sauce
18.蚝油生菜Sautéed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce
19.红烧毛芋头Braid Taro in Brown Sauce
20.红枣蒸南瓜Steamed Pumpkin with Chine Dates
21.猴头蘑扒菜心Braid Shanghai Greens with Mushrooms
22.虎皮尖椒Pan-Seared Green Chili Pepper
23.琥珀香芹炒藕粒Sautéed Diced Lotus Root with Celery and Walnuts
24.黄耳浸白玉条Simmered White Gourd Slices with Yellow Fungus
25.黄金玉米Sautéed Sweet Corn with Salted Egg Yolk
26.火腿炒蚕豆Sautéed Broad Beans with Ham
27.鸡汤竹笙浸时蔬Bamboo Fungus and Steamed Vegetable in Chicken Soup
28.姜汁炒时蔬Sautéed Seasonal Vegetable in Ginger Sauce
29.椒盐茄子丁Deep-Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt
30.煎酿鲜茄子Fried Eggplant Stuffed with Pork and Shrimp
31.辣椒炝时蔬Sautéed Vegetable with Chili Pepper
32.栗子扒白菜Braid Chine Cabbage with Chestnuts
33.萝卜干炒腊肉Sautéed Prerved Pork with Dried Turnip
34.米汤豆苗Sautéed Pea Sprouts in Rice Soup
35.木耳炒山药Sautéed Chine Yam with Black Fungus
36.木瓜炖百合Stewed Papaya with Lily Bulbs
37.浓汤金华四宝蔬Braid Four Kinds of Vegetables in Broth
38.浓汤娃娃菜Stewed Baby Cabbage in Broth
39.芹香木耳Sautéed Black Fungus with Celery
40.清炒/蒜茸各式时蔬Sautéed Seasonal Vegetable with/without Garlic
41.清炒/蒜茸西兰花Sautéed Broccoli with/without Garlic
42.清炒豆尖Sautéed Bean Sprouts
43.清煎西红柿Pan-Fried Tomato
44.肉末雪菜Sautéed Potherb Mustard with Minced Pork
45.上汤扒娃娃菜Braid Baby Cabbage in Broth
46.上汤鸡毛菜Braid Green Vegetable in Broth
47.上汤芥兰Braid Chine Broccoli in Broth2012年6月四级真题
48.上汤浸时蔬Braid Seasonal Vegetable in Broth
49.双耳炒四季Sautéed Fungus and Assorted Vegetables
50.松仁玉米Sautéed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts
51.蒜茸炒时蔬Sautéed Vegetable with Chopped Garlic
52.田园素小炒Vegetarian’s Delight
53.铁扒什锦Grilled Assorted Vegetables
54.西红柿炒蛋Scrambled Egg with Tomato
55.西芹百合Sautéed Lily Bulbs and Celery
56.乡村大丰收Raw Vegetables Combination
57.雪菜炒豆瓣Sautéed Beans with Potherb Mustard
58.野山红炒木耳Sautéed Black Fungus with Red Pepper
59.银杏炒百合Sautéed Lily Bulbs with Gingko
采用英语 60.油盐水浸时蔬Braid Seasonal Vegetable
61.鱼香茄子Yu-Shiang Eggplant (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)outlines>曲柄销
62.鱼香茄子煲Yu-Shiang Eggplant en Casrole (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
63.鱼香丝瓜煲Yu-Shiang Sponge Gourd en Casrole (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
64.玉笋炒酸菜Sautéed Pickled Cabbage with Bamboo Shoots
65.素什锦Mixed Vegetables
66.鱼香芥兰Yu-Shiang Chine Broccoli (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
67.雪豆马蹄Snow Peas with Water Chestnuts
外景地 68.四季豆Sautéed French Beans
69.清炒菠菜Sautéed Spinach
70.干贝刈菜Sautéed Seasonal Vegetable with Scallops
71.清炒荷兰豆Sautéed Snow Peas
72.蟹肉丝瓜Sautéed Crab Meat with Sponge Gourd
73.豆腐乳炒通菜Sautéed Water Spinach in Prerved Tofu Sauce
74.烫青菜Scalded Green Vegetable
75.小鱼苋菜Boiled Amaranth with Silver Fish
76.北菇扒菜心Braid Shanghai Greens and Mushrooms
77.扁鱼白菜Braid Dried Silver Carp with Chine Cabbage
78.桂竹笋肉丝Sautéed Bamboo Shoots with Shredded Pork
79.青叶豆腐Steamed Tofu with Green Vegetable
80.客家小炒Sautéed Pork and Squid with Dried Turnip and Garlic, Hakka Style
1.白灵菇扒鲍片Braid Sliced Abalone with Mushrooms
2.鲍鱼海珍煲Braid Abalone and Seafood en Casrole
酒店英语 3.百花鲍鱼卷Steamed Abalone Rolls Stuffed with Minced Shrimps
4.鲍鱼烧牛头Braid Abalone with Ox Head
5.鲍鱼珍珠鸡Steamed Glutinous Rice Mixed with Diced Abalone and Chicken
6.碧绿香肘扣鲍片Braid Sliced Abalone with Pork and Vegetables
深圳早教 7.碧绿原汁鲍鱼Braid Abalone with Vegetables
8.锅粑鲍鱼Abalone Sauce on Deep-Fried Rice Cake
9.蚝皇扣干鲍Braid Dried Abalone in Oyster Sauce
10.蚝皇鲜鲍片Braid Sliced Abalone in Oyster Sauce