menu 菜单
French cuisine 法国菜
today’s special 今日特餐
chef’s special 主厨特餐
buffet 自助餐
fast food 快餐
specialty 招牌菜
continental cuisine 欧式西餐
aperitif 饭前酒
dim sum 点心
French fires 炸薯条
baked potato 烘马铃薯
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
omelette 简蛋卷
pudding 布丁
pastries 甜点
pickled vegetables 泡菜
kimchi 韩国泡菜
crab meat 蟹肉
prawn 明虾
conch 海螺
escargots 田螺
braid beef 炖牛肉
bacon 熏肉
poached egg 荷包蛋
sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋
over 煎两面荷包蛋
fried egg 煎蛋
over easy 煎半熟蛋
over hard 煎全熟蛋
scramble eggs 炒蛋
boiled egg you are gonna cry煮蛋
stone fire pot 石头火锅
sashi 日本竹筷
sake 日本米酒
miso shiru 味噌汤
roast meat 铁板烤肉
sashimi 生鱼片
butter 奶油ca937航班
肉汤恩波考研 broth
奶油鸡茸汤 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉汤 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream
奶油口蘑解肉汤 creamed mushroom soup with crab meat
奶油大虾汤 creamed prawn soup; prawn soup with cream
奶油鲍鱼汤 creamed abalone soup; abalone soup with cream
奶油龙须菜汤 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油芦笋汤 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油菜花汤 creamed cauliflower soup; cauliflower soup with cream
奶油口蘑菜花汤 creamed mushroom soup with cauliflower
奶油蕃茄汤 creamed tomato soup; tomato soup with cream
奶油菠菜汤 creamed spinach soup; spinach soup with cream
奶油豌豆汤 creamed peas soup; peas soup with cream
肉杂拌汤 mixed meat soup
牛尾汤 ox-tail soup
牛肉丸子汤 beef balls soup
牛肉蔬菜汤 beef soup with vegetables
冷牛肉茶 cold beef tea
口蘑鸡汤 chicken soup with mushrooms
番茄鸡汤 chicken soup with tomato
鸡腿蔬菜汤 chicken leg soup with vegetables
咖哩鸡丁汤 curry chicken cubes soup
鸡块汤 chicken chips soup
鸡块面条汤 noodles soup with chicken chips
鸡球蔬菜汤 chicken meatballs soup with vegetables
鸡杂菠菜汤 chicken giblets soup with spinach
家常鱼汤 fish soup in home style
红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato
红菜汤 borsch
丸子蔬菜汤 meat balls soup with vegetables
酸菜汤 sour cabbage soup
洋葱汤 onion soup
白豆汤 white beam soup
豌豆泥汤 mashed pea soup
清汤肉饼 consomme with meat pie
面球汤 dumplings soup
通心粉清汤 consomme with macaroni
清汤卧果 consomme with poached eggs
红焖里脊 braid fillet
铁扒里脊 grilled fillet
炸里脊片 fried fillet slices
洋葱软炸里脊片 soft fried fillet slices with onion
红酒里脊 fillet with red wine
罐焖里脊 fillet a la Duches
里脊串 fillet shashlik
火锅里脊 fillet podjarka
里脊扒 fillet steak
鸡蛋里脊扒 fillet steak with egg
口蘑汁里脊扒 fillet steak with mushroom sauce
奶油口蘑里脊丝 fillet a la Stroganoff
咖哩里脊丝 curry shredded fillet
总会牛排 club steak
牛肉扒 beef steak
牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg
咖哩牛肉 curry beef
ya汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger
什锦汁牛肉丸子 beef balls with mixed sauce
家常焖牛肉 braid beef in home style
steamed fish with mushrooms and tomato sauce
土豆煮鱼 boiled fish with potatoes
黄油汁土豆煮鱼 boiled fish and potato with butter sauce
炸明虾 fried prawns
软煎大虾 soft-fried prawns
黄油汁煎大虾 fried prawns with butter sauce
罐焖大虾 prawns a la Duches
奶酪口蘑烤大虾 prawns au gratin
火腿奶酪炸大虾 fried prawns with ham and chee
铁扒大虾 grilled prawns
大虾蛋奶酥 prawn souffle
炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish
土豆炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with potatoes
番茄汁炸鱼 fried fish with tomato sauce
奶油汁炸鱼 fried fish with cream sauce
鞑靼汁炸鱼英语书信作文万能套用 fried fish with Tartar sauce
清煎鲤鱼 fried carp
火腿汁煎鱼 fried fish with ham sauce
俄式煎鱼 fish a la Russia
罐焖鱼 fish a la Duches
罐焖桂鱼 mandarin fish a la Duches
火锅鱼片 fish podjarka
火锅鱼虾 fish and prawns podjarka
火锅大虾 prawns podjarka
fenzheng炭烧鱼串 fish shashlik
炭烧鱼段 fish chips shashlik
铁扒桂鱼 grilled mandarin fish
铁扒比目鱼 grilled turbot
奶油汁烤鱼 baked fish with cream sauce
鱼排 fish steak
奶油口蘑烤桂鱼 mandarin fish au gratin
奶酪口蘑烤鱼虾 fish and prawns au gratin
白汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white
白酒汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white wine
红酒蒸鱼 steamed fish with red wine
番茄汁蒸鱼 steamed fish tomato sauce
柠檬汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with lemon sauce
鸡蛋汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with egg sauce
口蘑汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushroom sauce
红汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and brown sauce