punchJourney Through Adolescence
Lesson 42 Journey Through Adolescence 青少年旅程
Parents are often upt when their children prai the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents e that they are annoyed. They may even accu them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents. Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so cretive and never tells them anything, but they ldom realize that they have brought this on themlves.
Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themlves have been unsatisfactory, that it ca hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatly surprid and deeply touched if they realize how much belief their
2014年高考语文试卷children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child. If parents were prepared
for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of obrvation and independent judgement, they would not be
so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by renting and resisting it.spr
The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity,always respects a parent whoadmits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust.What the child cannot forgive is the parents' refusal to admit the charges if thechild knows them to be true.
toughVictorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude; in fact hey did nothing of the kind, but children were then too cowed to let them know how they really felt. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent. It is always wir and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.
Slurn. 诋毁 Annoy vt.使生气
Spiteful 恶意的,怀恨的 Dignity n.尊严
Resolve vt.决心 Disillusionment n.幻灭感
Stand up to 经得起 Infallibility n.一贯准确
Rent vt.怨恨 Sincerity n.诚挚
Charge n.指责 Retreat vi.后退
一对一教育Unreasoning a.不凭理智的 Authoritarian a.专制的Cow vt.吓唬
slur put /cast a slur on sb. 给….以诋毁
slander 诽谤(lesson31) backbite He backbites me.
Smear 涂污,诽谤 Fame 名声
Defame 诽谤 Defamation 诽谤
brunaAnnoy 水准not so strong
按水准分 irritate(烦了) anger fury(大发雷霆)
男女朋友吵架,令人心烦用 that really annoys me. 如用 that really angers me. 就分手了
annoying adj. You’re reading a book, a mosquito hovers. You can say “it’s annoying’
Vicious 恶毒的 Ill-natured 心眼怀的 Bitchy 恶毒的 Venom 毒液 Venomous 邪恶的
Indignity 侮辱 Keep dignity 守住面子 Lo dignity 丢面子
To lie is to lo one’s dignity. Illusion 幻想幻觉(没有实际的幻想)
I’m u nder illusion that I will be a billionaire.brookfield
Fantasy 幻想 Fancy 幻想 Mirage 幻想海市蜃楼幻景
Massage 按摩 Message 信息
Stand up to (vere test /严峻考验 rumor/流言 charge/指责criticism/批评 )
It’s raining hot(heavily), I brave to school . 不顾风雨冒着雨
Fallible 有问题的
Flaw 瑕疵 flawless 无暇的 Fault 错误 faultless 无误的
idris elba