Chapter 3答案Morphology顺顺留学怎么样
1. Define the following terms briefly.
(1)morphology: the study of the structure of words.
(2)morpheme: the smallest unit of language that carries meaning or rves a grammatical function.
(3)free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.
(4)bound morpheme: a morpheme that can not stand alone as a word, e.g.
-ment (as in establishment), and -er (as in painter).
(5)morph: the smallest meaningful phonetic gments of an utterance on the level of parole.
(6)allomorph: a phonetic form in which a morpheme is realized, e.g. -s, -es, and -en are all allomorphs (in writing) of the plural morpheme.
(7)derivation: the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words or morphemes in morphology and word formation.
(8)clipping: the process by which parts of a word of more than one syllable have been cut off, and reduced to a shorter form.platelets
(9)acronym: words which are compod of the first letter of a ries of words and are pronounced as single words. Examples: NATO, radar and yuppy.
(10) initialism: Some new words are compod of the first letters of a ries of words and pronounced by saying each letter in them. Such words are called
(11) blending: A single new word can be formed by combining two parate forms. Typically, blending is finished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of another word. For example, brunch is
formed by the shortened forms of breakfast and lunch.
(12) root: the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word, e.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.
facts(13) stem: the ba to which one or more affixes are attached to create a more complex form that may be another stem or a word. For example, book is the stem of bookish.
(14) prefix: Affixes can be joined to the beginning of the root or stem, in which ca they are called prefixes.
copy(15) suffix: Affixes can be joined to the end of the root or stem, in which ca they are called suffixes.time for miracle
2. (3), (5), (7)
3. (1) simple: fly tree suite
(2)bound morpheme root
fly / fly
reu re-u
spiteful -ful spite
preplan pre-plan
绍兴学校desks -s desk
triumphed -ed triumph
suite / suite
optionality -ality option
untie un-tie
delight de-light
fastest -est fast
prettier -ier pretty
tree / tree
justly -ly just
deform de-form
mistreat mis-treat
dislike dis-like
payment -ment pay
disobey dis-obey
premature pre-mature
(1) Column I: ablaut (vowel modification)
Column II: suppletion
Column III: stress modification
(2)The process in the Column I is finished by changing the vowel of each word,while in Column II, the process is finished by changing vowel and consonant of each word.
(3)Column I: awake/awoke bear/bore ari/aro
blow/blew bite/bit hide/hid
lie/lay know/knew foot/feet
英语学习网站 voagoo/gee tooth/teeth lou/lice
Column II: bad/wor are/were many/more
Column III: #combine/com#bine #compress/com#press
#conduct/con#duct #inrt/in#rt
#insult/in#sult #intern/in#tern
5. (1) Omitted.
(2)Other examples:
#rerun (n.) – re#run (v.) #contrast (n.) – con#trast (v.)
#convert (n.) – con#vert (v.) #dert (n.) – de#rt (v.)
#export (n.) – ex#port (v.) #increa (n.) – in#crea (v.)
#conduct (n.) – con#duct (v.) #object (n.) – ob#ject (v.)
#content (n.) – con#tent (v.) #protest (n.) – pro#test (v.)
#insult (n.) – in#sult (v.) #produce (n.) – pro#duce (v.)
When a word belongs to different word class, the stress of the word will be sometimes placed on different syllables. When all the words above are stresd on the first syllables, they are nouns, but if they have the cond syllables stresd, the words become verbs.
6. (1) It means “the inhabitant of ”.
(2)It means “the person who does”.
(3)The morphological rule working here is “n. + -er –– n.”, and the last phoneme of the noun, which the suffix -er is added to, should be a consonant.
(4)The rule in (3) doesn’t work in the word discoverer becau the last phoneme of discoverer is a vowel /2/.
7. (1) inflection (2) derivation (3) inflection (4) inflection (5) derivation