大学外语精读第三册 复习资料

更新时间:2023-07-11 11:45:33 阅读: 评论:0

1. profit  n. advantage or good obtained from sth.; money gained in business  益处;利润
2. stain vt. make dirty marks on 玷污
人与环境3. discourage  vt.  cau to lo courage or confidence  使泄气,使灰心
4. reluctant  a. unwilling  不情愿的,勉强的初中国旗下讲话稿
5. spiteful  a.  having or showing ill will  恶意的
6. flatter  vt.  prai too much ;prai insincerely(in order to plea )  过奖;谄媚,奉承
7. appreciate  vt. understand and enjoy ;be thankful for  欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激
8. squabble  vi.  Quarrel, esp. nosily and unreasonably  争吵,口角
9. ignore  vt.  not to take notice of ,pay no attention to  不理 ,忽视
10. youngster  n. young person. esp. a boy
11. arbitrary  a. bad on one’s own opinion only, not on reason 任意的,武断的
12. subquent a. following, later 随后的,接下去的
13. temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的
14. wander  vi. Move about without a purpo 闲逛;漫游
15. petty  a. small; unimportant  小的;不足道的
16. confirm vt.  make certain; support  证实,肯定;确认
17. conduct  vt. direct the cour of; manage 指挥,处理
18. obscure a. not clearly en or understood  模糊的;晦涩的
rain man
19. brilliant a. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid  辉煌的;卓越的
20. outrage  vt. arou anger or rentment by injury or insult  引起……的气愤
21. fruitful  a. producing good results; productive or profitable 硕果累累的;多产的,有利的
22. parameter n. limiting factor or characteristic; limit (限定的)因素,特性;界限
23. outdo vt. do more or better than (sb.)  比某人做得多或做的好; 超过;胜过
24. sibling  n. brother or sister 兄弟姊妹
25. messy a. in a taste of disorder; dirty 凌乱的;脏的
26. contract  vt. catch or develop(an illness) 感染疾病
27. reminder n. thing which reminds of sb. of a fact or person 使人回想起某事或某人的某事
28. clamor vi. Make a loud demand or protest 大声地要求或抗议
29. highway  n. main public road 公路;交通要道
30. intend  vt. have (a particular purpo or plan) in mind; mean 打算;意欲
31. sweaty a. covered with sweat, sweating
32. convince  vt. make (sb.) feel certain; cau (sb.) to realize
33. compel vt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.)
34. pace n. rate or speed of development, or in walking, etc. 速度;步速词库
35. reflection n. careful thinking; consideration 深思;考虑
render36. stimulate vt. encourage; excite 刺激;激励
37. loan vt. pay back(money etc.)
38.distribute  vt. divide among veral or many; give or nd out 分发;分送
39. learned a. showing or requiring much knowledge 博学的
40. civil a. of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的,国内的
41. idiot n. a stupid person or sb. who has done sth. stupid 白痴,笨蛋
42. statistic n. a t of numbers of which reprent facts or measurements 数据
43. lousy a. not very good at doing sth. ; of very bad quality 蹩脚的;劣等的
44. fancy  a. having a lot of decoration or bright colors, or made in a complicated way; expensive and fashionable 花哨的,别致的;高档的,奢华的
45. maximum n. the greatest quantity, number or degree possible or permissible 最大值,最大限度 a. 最大限度的
46. elaborate a. carefully planned and organized; having a lot of small parts put together in a complicated way 精心计划(制作)的;复杂的
47. strain vt. exert, u or tax to the utmost; injure by overexertion 尽力使用;使过度劳累,扭伤
48. surround vt. encircle, be prent on all sides 包围
49. grab v. take firmly and suddenly, roughly or rudely; try to get to catch 攫取;抓取
50. interpret v. explain the meaning of; translate(esp. oral remarks)  解释;口头翻译
51. flip v. turn or move quickly by jumping or with a jerk
裙子英文52. stillness n. silence, quietness
53. assume vt. take as true without actual proof; suppo 假设,主观认为
54. correspondence n. the act of exchanging letters 通信
55. ecstatic  a. marked by a state of overwhelming emotion, esp. great joy 欣喜若狂的
56. respond  vi. act in answer to the action of another; answer
57. embarrassment n. a feeling of shyness, shame or guilt
58. interrupt vt. stop sb. from speaking or doing by sth. you say or do 打断,打扰
59. rack vt. make sb. suffer great mental or physical pain; shake violently 使痛苦,折磨;梦里摇动
曼德拉去世>melt60. vulnerability n. being liable to be damaged or hurt 易受伤性,脆弱性
(二)  选词填空
1. Peter was endlessly criticized by his father, who emed to expect simply too much of him.
2. The profits we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.
3. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and government pension.
4. The job, though not difficult, includes many routine tasks which are quite boring.

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