一、Adver and aver
Adver means harmful or unfavorable: "Adver market conditions caud the IPO to be poorly subscribed." Aver refers to feelings of dislike or opposition: "I was aver to paying $18 a share for a pany that generates no revenue."
But, hey, feel free to have an aversion to adver conditions.
二、Advi and advice
Aside from the two words being pronounced differently (the s in advi sounds like az), advi is a verb while advice is a noun. Advice is what you give (whether or not the recipient is interested in that gift is a different issue altogether) when you advi someone.
除了这两个单词的发音不同(advi中的s发起来类似az),advi是动词,而advice是名词。Advice就是你给别人 “advi” 的忠告(至于接收者是否感兴趣那么另当别论)。
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So "Thank you for the advi" is incorrect, while "I advi you not to bore me with your advice in the future" is correct if pretentious.
how dare you 所以 “Thank you for the advi” 是不对的,而当你在显摆“I advi you not to bore me with your advice in the future”的用法那么是正确的。
三、Affect and effect
Verbs first. Affect means to influence: "Impatient investors affected our roll-out date."Effect means to aomplish something: "The board effected a sweeping policy change."
How you u effect or affect can be tricky. For example, a board can affect changes by influencing them and can effect changes by directly implementing them. Bottom line, u effect if you're making it happen, and affect if you're having an impact on something that someone el is trying to make happen. memt
As for nouns, effect is almost always correct: "Once he was fired he was given 20 minutes to gather his personal effects." Affect refers to an emotional state, so unless you're a psychologist you probably have little reason to u it.
而作名词用的时候,effect几乎怎么用都不会错:“有一次他被辞退了,然后可以用20分钟收拾自己的个人物品。”affect指代情感状态,所以如果你不是心理学家,你也很少有时机用到这个词。 2020高考日期
四、Aggressive and enthusiastic
Aggressive is a very popular business adjective: aggressive sales force, aggressive revenue projections, aggressive product rollout. But unfortunately, aggressive means ready to attack, or pursuing aims forcefully, possibly unduly so.
aggressive是一个很常用的商务形容词:aggressive sales force(积极的销售团队),aggressive revenue projections(积极的收入预测)aggressive product rollout(积极的产品展
Of cour, most people have en aggressive ud that way for so long they don't think of it negatively; to them it just means hard-charging, results-oriented, driven, etc., none of which are bad things.
But some people may not e it that way. So consider using words like enthusiastic,eager, mitted, dedicated, or even passionate.
五、Award and reward
An award is a prize. Musicians win Grammy Awards. Car panies win J.D. Power awards. Employees win Employee of the Month awards. Think of an award as the result of a contest or petition.
award是一个奖项。音乐家得的奖是格莱美奖;汽车公司可以得J.D. Power奖;雇员得的是月度最正确员工奖。所以award可以视为某个竞赛或比赛的奖项。
A reward is something given in return for effort, achievement, hard work, merit, etc. A sales mission is a reward. A bonus is a reward. A free trip for landing the highest number of new customers is a reward.
reward就是对努力,成就,辛勤工作,功绩等作出的犒赏。销售佣金是reward,补贴是reward。最正确业务员的旅行也是reward。 unforgetable
Be happy when your employees win industry or civic awards, and reward them for the hard work and sacrifices they make to help your business grow.
六、Between and among
U between when you name parate and individual items. Take "The team will decide between Mary, Marcia, and Steve when we fill the open customer rvice position." Mary, Marcia, and Steve are parate and distinct, so between is correct.
当你表示不同的或单独的名目时,使用between。比方“团队将会在Mary, Marcia和Steve之间(between)选出担任客户效劳经理的人员。Mary, Marcia和Steve都是不同的个体,所以使用between是正确的。