prepare的名词Correcting for ascertainment bias of relative-risk estimates obtained using affected-sib-pair linkage
期刊名称: Genetic Epidemiology
ui设计培训学费>考公务员需要什么条件作者: Heather J. Cordell,Jane M. Olson
2020年全国一卷语文年份: 2015年
期号: 第4期
关键词: identity‐by‐descent;model‐free;linkage analysisnitromethane
thepang道理英语摘要:Locus-specific sibling relative risk is often estimated using affected-sib-pair lod score analysis of affected sibships and may be ud to decide whether to continue or discontinue the arch for additional susceptibility genes. We showed that relative-risk estimates obtained using affected-sib-pair data are asymptotically unbiad when each pair is given a weight inverly proportional to the sibship ascertainment probability. Here we show by simulation that the extent of the bias
of relative risks estimated using the incorrect ascertainment weights is small for dominant models, but large for single-locus recessive models and some two-locus heterogeneity models. Since in practice the ascertainment scheme is often unknown, we investigate methods for jointly estimating ascertainment and relative risks from affected-sibship data.