1. The entire town was affected with a sudden outbreak of the flu, causing many to fall ill.
健康管理师培训2010年考研2. The company was affected with a major financial crisis, leading to layoffs and budget cuts.
邱政政3. The community was affected with a devastating natural disaster, leaving many homeless and in need of aid.title
datetime4. The school was affected with a widespread cheating scandal, causing a loss of trust and integrity among students and faculty.
不可抗力英文5. The family was affected with a tragic loss, causing them to grieve and struggle to move forward.
6. The environment was affected with pollution and climate change, leading to negative impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.
7. The economy was affected with a recession, causing job loss and financial instability for many individuals and business.
8. The political system was affected with corruption and scandal, leading to a loss of faith in government and democracy.
9. The healthcare system was affected with a shortage of medical supplies and personnel, causing difficulties in providing adequate care for patients.
10. The music industry was affected with the ri of digital streaming, causing a shift in the way artists and record labels make money.