把信息当做知识,把知识当做智慧。许多人日夜在网上泡着,四处收集新闻热点,说起来滔滔不绝,仿佛天下大事尽在心中,联合国秘书长就是给他打工的小马仔。可是如果你仔细听听,认真想想,却发现他嘴里没有一句是他的话。他根本没有兴趣咀嚼和消化那些信息。他只是一个信息的贩卖者,是一个廉价的传声筒。Modern people tend to equate information with knowledge, and knowledge with wisdom. That’s why many of them are mou potatoes, arching for hot news day and night. They would rattle on and on once such people strike a conversation with you, as if they knew everything about all major events in the world and the cretary general of UN were always at his beck and call! However, if you listen attentively and think carefully you will find they are but parrots that only repeat what others have said without a single word of their own. They never bother to chew and digest the information rounded up. They are no more than mongers of information or cheap megaphones.
They tend to take brand for taste and indifference for cultivation. They never open their mouths without dirty filthy language. They were well dresd but spit at will on the street. They always carry some vogue magazine in hand but would not even offer their ats to nior citizens on bus.
They are precocious physically but deficient mentally. As material affluence tend to cau over-nutrition, nowadays physically premature children are very common and many of them catch up with their parents in height in their teens. But many of them do not know how to make their bed, wash clothes, or even tie their shoestrings after they become college students!
Many of them become frequent job-hoppers upon graduation from college and will hardly make any achievement. They always hold that they were bestowed with genius and would sooner or later find some place to bring their genius into full play. As a result, they would not take a down-to-earth attitude in doing anything but feel wronged no matter what jobs they get. To them, nothing is right or satisfactory, just like the saying goes: “Distant mountains are always greener and taller.”
乱七八糟的意思In modern peoples’ eyes, disgrace is nothing, whereas, fame is everything. Thus, everyone is overeager to show his face on the TV. He who can’t grasp such an opportunit
y rushes to “strip” himlf online, no matter how ugly he might look, how disgraceful the thing might be, as long as he can fish for fame in return. “Show” swiftly goes to the rever: no shyness, all showiness.
They buy hous only for the purpo of showing off, even if they are heavily burdened by mortgage. Housing is the inevitable topic of conversation no matter what you may talk about with them. Tho who haven’t bought a flat want to buy one, tho who already bought one want to buy a bigger one, and tho who already have big ones want to buy a cond one. Flat as their wallets are, their blood boils with sudden urges to buy whenever some new building opens for sale. When it comes to interior decoration, they will also strive to score off their neighbors. You make a palace of your flat? Well, I shall make a pr
commonwealthesidential suite of mine. However, as their salaries are limited, they cannot but save every penny in order to make ends meet. Thus, they drag out a mirable existence under heavy spiritual burden from day to day.
milf什么意思When it comes to the purcha of private cars, they also keep vying with each other, ignoring the already rious traffic jam. Many of them buy cares only to save their faces: they are afraid to be looked down upon if they don’t own cars when others do. Some girls even demand private cars as a must for marriage. Though driving one’s own car costs more than hiring a taxi, they still rush to buy. As a result, there are more and more cars to cram the already crowded streets, and very often walking proves to be quicker than driving.
Very often shopping reduces their wisdom and they fall into traps t up by businessmen. The mere sight of “discount” of any commodity will urge them to squeeze into the crowded store to buy it no matter whether they really need it or not, and this practice has become an obssion. As a result, heaps of unwanted things reduce their homes into dumping grounds. As a matter of fact, sometimes they know very well that no discounted goods is of high quality and they even swear not to be taken in any more. However, they cannot help themlves as soon they e signs of “discount” or “promotion”.新东方英语学习网站