
更新时间:2023-07-10 21:10:15 阅读:14 评论:0

You know, most times  你知道  大多数时候
when people tell us somethings for the best,  当人们说这是为你好时
it's for the worst.  其实是最坏的决定
This time it's true, okay?  但这次我不骗你  好吗
I'll be right back.  我马上就回来
Hi, my name is Alice.  你好  我叫爱丽丝
Is Paul home?  保罗在家吗
I'm sorry, ma'am, this isn't a good time.  不好意思女士  现在不太方便
Hey, what's going on?  什么情况
- Paul, who is that? -   -保罗  这是谁  -我是
Jannet, take Christopher back inside right now.  詹妮特  把克里斯托弗进屋
- What are you doing here?-  I came to say you were right.  -你来干什么  -我想告诉你你是对的
I was wrong.  我错了
Beth's in the car, just so you are aware.  贝丝就在车里  就是告诉你一声
No, Jesus! Alice!  不  老天爷  爱丽丝
It's been five years. You can't just show up here!  已经五年了  你不能突然来找我
- I came becau I can't do this. - Listen to me.  -我来这是因为我办不到  -听我说
- Okay, I understand. - I cannot.  -好  我懂  -我做不到
I feel that I am letting her down.  我感觉我让她失望了
You cannot be here. Listen to me.  你不该来这  听我说
I need you to get back in the car, and you'll come back.  你回车上去好吗  你下次再来
- We'll talk about this another time. -   -我们下次再聊  -我们现在英语单词查询
- We can talk now. - No, we can't talk now.  -我们现在就能聊啊  -现在不行
No, you shouldn't have brought her here!  不  你不该带她来
- Why did you bring her here? - Becau I need your help!  -你为什么带她来  -因为我需要你的帮助
It's too late! Plea go.  太迟了  请你离开
Mama?  妈妈
Who was that?  那是谁
A mistake.  一个错误
A-A rounding error.  一个舍入误差
A-A rounding error.  指运算得到的近似值和精确值之间的差异
It's just a problem I gotta solve.  只是个我需要解决的问题
What problem?  什么问题
[剧终]  后翼弃兵
What I do with you.  我该拿你怎么办
This whole hou belong to you?  这整个房子都是你的吗
You're no orphan.  你不是孤儿
Not anymore.  不再是了
You've been in Lexington this whole time?  你一直都在莱克星顿吗
Louisville.  在路易斯维尔办英语四级成绩单
What brought you back here?  那你回来是为了什么
You don't em to like answering your phone.  你好像不喜欢接电话
Mr. Shaibel died.  夏贝先生去世了
There's a funeral day after tomorrow.   葬礼就在后天  我想
we could go together.  我们可以一起去scarf的复数
Thank you.  谢谢
God, Beth.  天哪  贝丝
I know.  我懂
revolutionI'm working as a paralegal.  我现在是律师的专职助手
- You went to college? - I did, Kentucky State.  -你去上大学了吗  -对  肯塔基州立大学
I got a Physical Education scholarship.  我获得了体育奖学金
But when I found out the school ud to be called  但后来我发现这个学校的旧称是
the State Normal School for Colored Persons,  州立黑人师范学校
it made me want to study history,  让我想转战历史专业
which pisd me off way more than I already was.  结果更是火上浇油  我更生气了
That's hard to imagine.  真是难以想象
abductionI switched my major to Poli-Sci.  我就转去了政治社会学专业
I'm saving up for law school.  我还在攒钱上法学院
I know, me, a lawyer,  我知道  难以想象我当律师
but the world is fucked up.  但这个世界就是这么操蛋
And if I'm gonna change it, I can't spend all my time  如果我想改变世界  我不能致力于
teaching white girls how to hold a badminton racket.  教一群白人女孩怎么挥羽毛球拍
I'm gonna be a radical.  我要当个激进分子
Didn't know that was a career choice.  那能算是个职业吗
It will be.  以后会是的
I still take them.  我还会吃这些药
Looks like you're doing a lot more than pills, honey.  好像你吃的不只是药吧
Haven't had anything today.  今天我一点都没吃
Not yet, anyway--  至少是还没吃
I'm suppod to go to Russia at the end of the year.  我本来年底要去苏联
- I'm afraid. - Then don't go.  -但我害怕  -那就别去
I have to go.  我必须去
If I don't, there's nothing for me to do. I'll just drink.  如果不去我就没盼头了  我只会终日酗酒
Well, looks like you do that anyway.  反正你现在也只是酗酒
I need to quit the wine,  我得戒酒
and the pills,   还要戒掉药物
clean this place up.  把这里打扫一番
That'd be a good place to start.  这是个不错的着手之处
I have to study chess eight hours a day.  我每天得花八个小时研究象棋
They want me to play in San Francisco,  他们想让我去旧金山下棋
and  they want me to be on The Tonight Show.  还想让我参加《今夜秀》
- I should probably do all of that. - Who's they?  -我应该全盘接下  -他们是谁
Chess Federation.  国际象棋联合会
screwupBut what   但我想要的
is a drink.  是一杯酒
If you weren't here, I'd probably have a bottle of wine now.  要不是你在这  我就直接喝一瓶了
You sound like Susan Hayward in one of tho movies.  你真像苏珊·海沃德在电影里的角色
I read about this pop artist once.  我曾经读到过一个流行艺术家的事情
Bought an original drawing by Michelangelo.  买了一幅米开朗基罗的原作
When he got it home,  他把画带回家之后
he took a piece of art gum,   拿了一块绘画橡皮  然后
leaving nothing but a blank page.  只剩下一张空空的白纸
I remember being really shocked by that.  我记得自己被那事震惊了
Now, I wonder if I haven't somehow erad my own brain.  现在我在想自己是否还有残存的记忆
Let's pretend that you didn't  我就当没听见
just compare yourlf to Michelangelo.  你刚把自己比作米开朗基罗
under age10 years old

本文发布于:2023-07-10 21:10:15,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:专业   需要   世界   电影   艺术家   流行   还有
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