PK Electrics
PK Electrics was established in 1987 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, China. Over the years it has grown from a local supplier producing a limited range of electrical cabling and switches to a national supplier of a wide range of electrical supplies including: cables, sockets, switches and light fittings and currently operating three factories all bad in Zhejiang province. 淄博英语培训
PK’s products are ud in the manufacture of other electrical items, by the construction industry and associated tradespeople and more recently in a growing consumer market Over the last four years the organisation has embarked on its first consumer bad marketing campaigns, involving the u of consumer advertising and promotion and the collection of consumer and trade feedback. Prior to this the organisation had focud predominantly on the trade market.
PK’s products are lectively distributed using specialist electrical retailers, department stores and more recently DIY outlets. Their pricing is competitive and in the past the organi
仓鼠的英文sation has ud price-bad promotions to attract new customers. Over the years the organisation has developed a good reputation for quality and customer rvice. 翻译网
4 6级成绩查询With rising economic growth and the rising disposable incomes, especially of the urban population PK Electrics has en demand for its products grow as people ek improvements to their homes and living standards.
The management of the company is now in the hands of a young dynamic team of managers who want to improve the performance of the organization, building on its current success. The past few years have en continual growth, but over the last two years the rate of growth has begun to decline with sales rising 5% and profits by 2% last year. invent>lame
The management team is aware of big changes in international trading that have occurred over the last 10-15 years with the Chine economy becoming more market-bad and the more recent impact of China joining the World Trade Organisation in December 2001. They have recently met with Trade delegations from veral different co
untries and are now looking outside China for new markets to enhance their growth and business performance.