一、中国古代成语故事 1.惊弓之鸟
Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring
li anIn the Warring States Period, there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei.One day he said to the king: 'I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring.' When the king expresd doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goo flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goo fell to the ground.Geng Lei said, 'This goo has been hurt in the past.Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed.So it simply gave up trying to live.'
This idiom means that if one has been frightened in the past one's will may become paralyd in a similar situation.寓意2:后人根据上面的故事,形成了“惊弓之鸟”这个成语,形容先前多次受过惊吓的人,忽然遇到同样可怕的事物,就吓得魂飞魄散,惊惶失措,不知如何去应付新的环境。
Henceforth comes the idiom “A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string”, illustrating a ca where a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and stupefied by a new thing of the same nature not knowing how to face the new situation.例1:汤姆越狱後, 时时如惊弓之鸟, 生怕再次被捕。
Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture.例2:地震之后,那个地区的人都成了惊弓之鸟,稍有风吹草动就要逃到街上去。
People there became so frightened after the quake that they would run into the streets once they nd something wrong.2.毛遂自荐
Mao Sui Recommending Himlf
In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao.Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the State of Chu personally for assistance.He wanted to lect a capable man to go with him.A man called Mao Sui volunteered.When the negoti-actions between the two states were stalled becau the ruler of Chu hesitated to nd troops, Mao Sui approached him, brandishing a sword.At that, the ruler of Chu agreed to help Zhao, against Qin.“毛遂自荐”这个成语用来比喻自己推荐自己,不必别人介绍。This idiom means to recommend onelf.例1:当老师问到有没有人愿意为孤寡老人服务时,同学们各个毛遂自荐,教室里一时热闹非凡。
When the teacher asked if anyone would like to help the childless old, all the students
offered to take the duty and the classroom was at once full of noi and excitement 例2:将来说不定您会需要一位新的译员。因而在此不揣冒昧,特致函向阁下毛遂自荐,敬请原谅。
Someday in the future you may have need for a new interpreter.So I take the liberty of writing you here to to offer mylf for a position in your corporation.例3:然后她坦率地告
drive by诉他自己曾是一个妓女,她想毛遂自荐作为他的一个情妇。
generationalAfter that,she told him frankly that she was a prostitute, and she wondered whether she could offer herlf as his mistress.3.世外桃源
A Haven of Peace and Happiness
Tao Yuanming, a famous writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty(317-420), wrote the well-known essay Peach-Blossom Spring.In it he tells a story which goes like this: A fisherman happened to come upon a place called Peach-Blossom Spring.Squeezing through a cave, he found a village, the residents of which were descendants of refugees from the Qin Dynasty.It was a paradi isolated from the outside world, without exploitation or oppr
ession, and everybody living and working in peace and contentment.The fisherman left the villagers and went home.But he could never find the place again.后来,由这个故事产生了“世外桃源”这个成语,用来比喻与世隔绝的、理想的美好世界。This idiom is derived from the above story, and is ud to mean an isolated, ideal world.例1:进入九寨沟如同进入世外桃源一般,人间烦恼都会置于脑后。缺口冲击强度
Upon entering the resort, you will find yourlf strolling in a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and vexations.例2:西藏的确是世界上最后一个世外桃源。来到这儿,我感觉好像置身于一个世外桃源。corner
Tibet is really the world's last Shangri-La, and when I came here, I felt as if I had been in a different world.4.南辕北辙
Going South by Driving the Chariot North
Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north.A pasr-by asked him: 'If you are going to the south, why is your chariot heading north? ' The man answered, 'My hor is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I have enough money.' The man didn't consider that the direction might be wrong;the better his conditions were, the further he was away from his destination.后来人们就把这个故事概括为“南辕北辙”,比喻一个人的行为和他的目的正好相反。