branch是什么意思Shoshonites, vaugnerites and potassic lamprophyres: similarities and differences between
'ultra'-high-K rocks
zoom是什么期刊名称: Earth & Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of
作者: Scarrow, J. H.,Bea, F.,Montero, P.,Molina, J. F.
年份: 2009年
squeeze是什么意思期号: 第3-4期
cast关键词: Discriminant function analysis;late-orogenic magmatism;rock
摩登家庭 美剧classification;subduction;Variscan
摘要:A comparative study of three main igneous rock associations that plot in the K2O–SiO2diagram
shoshonite field: shoshonite ries absarokites–shoshonites–banakites (henceforth referred to as shoshonites s.l.), vaugnerites, and potassic lamprophyres, reveals that similarities between the associations are superficial. Vaugnerites and lamprophyres are more magnesian, richer in large ion lithophile
mistletoe什么意思commentariesand high field strength elements and have higher light rare earth/heavy rare earth ratios than shoshonites. Furthermore, shoshonites have low radiogenic heat production, typical of subduction-related rocks, but most vaugnerites and some lamprophyres are highly radioactive. Relative to bulk-Earth, shoshonites have depleted, asthenospheric mantle-like Sr and Nd isotope signatures, whereas vaugnerites and potassic lamprophyres have enriched,...