When it came to pharmacological solutions to life'sdespairs, Aldous Huxley was ahead of the curve. InHuxley's 1932 novel about a dystopian future, theAlphas, Betas and others populating his "Brave NewWorld" have at their disposal a drug called soma. Alittle bit of it chas the blues away: "A gramme" —Huxley was English, remember, spelling included — "is better than a damn." With a swallow, negativefeelings are dispelled.
郑州少儿培训机构说到以药物手段来医治生活中的绝望,奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)可谓走在了时代的前面。在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(Brave New World)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。“服药胜过受煎熬。”只要吞下药丸,负面情绪也随之烟消云散。apart
Prozac, the subject of this week's video documentary from Retro Report, is hardly soma. Butits guiding spirit is not dissimilar: A few milligrams of this drug are preferable to the manydamns that lie at the core of some people's lives. Looking back at Prozac's introduction by EliLilly and Company in 1988, and hopscotching to today, the documentary explores theenormous influence, both chemical and cultural, that Prozac and its brethren have had intreating depression, a concern that gained new resonance with the recent suicide of thecomedian Robin Williams.
本周(指9月22日那周)的"Retro Report"(以重新审视历史上的重大事件为主题的系列纪录片)的主题百忧解(Prozac)和“苏麻”当然不是一码事,但其宗旨却并无不同:对某些人而言,服用几毫克这种药物总比应付生活中的大堆烦恼合算多了。继回顾了1988年美国礼来制药(El
职业理想i Lilly and Company)推出百忧解的经过之后,这部纪录片又将视角转回当下,从化学和文化的双重角度探讨了百忧解及其同类产品在抑郁症的治疗领域造成的巨大影响。由于喜剧演员罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)不久前自杀,抑郁症又成为当今人们关注的热点。
色散系数In the late 1980s and the 90s, Prozac was widely viewed as a miracle pill, a life prerverthrown to tho who felt themlves drowning in the high waters of mental anguish. It wasthe star in a class of new pharmaceuticals known as S.S.R.I.s — lective rotonin reuptakeinhibitors. Underlying their u is a belief that depression is caud by a shortage of theneurotransmitter rotonin. Pump up the levels of this brain chemical and, voilà, the mood lifts.Indeed, millions have embraced Prozac, and swear by it. Depression left them emotionallyparalyzed, they say. Now, for the first time in years, they think clearly and can embrace life.
Pharmacological merits aside, the green-and-cream pill was also a marvel of commercialbranding, down to its market-tested name. Its chemical name is fluoxetine hydrochloride, notthe most felicitous of terms. A company called Interbrand went to work for Eli Lilly and cameup with Prozac. "Pro" sounds positive. Professional, too. "Ac"? That could signify action. As forthe Z, it suggests a certain strength, perhaps with a faint high-techy quality.
go figure(X is a pharmacological cousin to Z. Both letters are somewhat unusual, worth many points inScrabble. It is surely not a coincidence that a striking number of modern medications containeither Z or X, or both, in their names, like Luvox, Paxil, Celexa, Effexor, Zantac, Xanax, Zoloft,Lexapro and Zocor, to name but a few. Not surprisingly, confusion can t in. Zantac or Xanax— remind me which one is for heartburn and which for panic disorder?)
在线翻译Pendulums, by definition, swing, and the one on which Prozac rides is no exception. After theearly talk about it as a wonder pill — a rather chic one at that — a backlash developed, perhapsunsurprisingly. Grave questions aro among some psychiatrists about whether the S.S.R.I.sincread chances that some people, notably teenagers, would commit suicide or at leastcontemplate it. No definite link was confirmed, but that did not end the concern of someprominent skeptics, like a British psychiatrist, Dr. David Healy. He has dismisd the notion ofS.S.R.I.s as saviors as "bio-babble."
者的疑虑,英国的精神病学家戴维·希利博士(David Healy)正是其中之一。他将那些把SSRI类药物当成救世主的说法贬斥为“生物噪音”。
If some urs deem Prozac lifesaving, others consider it nsory-depriving. A loss of libido is acommon side effect. Some writers and artists, while often relieved to be liberated fromdepression's tightest grip, also say that Prozac leaves them mentally hazy. In his 2012 book, "Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder," Nassim Nicholas Taleb offered this: "Had Prozacbeen available last century, Baudelaire's ‘spleen,' Edgar Allan Poe's moods, the poetry ofSylvia Plath, the lamentations of so many other poets, everything with a soul would have beensilenced."half的复数形式>2012英语
有人觉得百忧解可以救命,其他使用者则认为它剥夺了人正常的生理感觉。百忧解的一个常见的副作用是丧失性欲。还有一些作家和艺术家声称,虽然百忧解将他们从抑郁症的魔爪之下解脱了出来,却也让他们精神恍惚。纳齐姆·尼古拉斯·塔利布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)在他2012年的著作《反脆弱:从无序中受益》("Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder")中提出:“如果百忧解早在上个世纪就问世的话,那么波德莱尔(Baudelaire)的“忧郁”、埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的浪漫主义情怀、西尔维亚·普拉斯(SylviaPlath)的诗歌、以及那么多其他诗人的哀叹,所有那些有灵魂的作品都将遭到扼杀。”