grandeMarch of the Penguins is a French nature documentary directed and co-written by Luc Jacquet, and co-produced by Bonne Pioche and the National Geographic Society. The documentary depicts the yearly journey of the emperor penguins ofAntarctica. In autumn, all the penguins of breeding age leave the ocean, their normalhabitat, to walk inland to their ancestral breeding grounds. There, the penguins participate in a courtship that, if successful, results in the hatching of a chick. For the chick to survive, both parents must make multiple arduous journeys between the ocean and the breeding grounds over the ensuing months.gre考试时间
外文翻译网站 太原会计培训学校It took one year for the two isolated cinematographers Laurent Chalet and Jérôme Maison to shoot the documentary, which was shot around the French scientific ba of Dumont d'Urville in Adélie Land.The documentary won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.