paint怎么读跨国并购理论研究分为两个方面:并购动因研究和并购效应研究。其中跨国并购动因研究显得尤其重要 —— 现象背后孕育的动因是任何研究所必须首先要解决的问题。
The theory of the Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions can be classified into two fields :the motives of M&As and the effects of M&As. The former is particularly important becau the motives behind a phenomenon are the first thing which should be resolved.
In this thesis, the definition of cross-border M&As is reviewed first, and then looks back upon the rearch of the motives of cross-border M&A with a brief commentary on them. As a popular framework for the analysis of the determinants of FDI, the OLI (ownership advantage, location advantage and internalization advantage) theory provides a uful outline to explain the motives for cross border M&As. After described its origin and historical process,especially the path of dynamic development with the esntial change of international business environment , conclusion comes out
that OLI theory after its dynamic development is suitable for developing country ,also for private enterpri of our country .
The thesis then goes to the status of private enterpri cross-border M&As, focus on the size, motives, objectives, geographical location, and industries of it. Compare with the state-owned , private enterpris cross-border M&As have smaller size;aim at the core technology and market power;its targets are always overas companies in an awkward predicament which lie in more developed market-oriented economy;the industry has turned from manufacturing to high technology. Bad on the above analysis, this thesis will deal with the motives of private enterpris cross-border M&As. According to the OLI theory , known as the core theory of international direct investment,Chapter 4 reveals the competitive advantages which private enterpris expect to get from cross-border M&As . Upon on the advantages, a clear clue began to emerge, that is the core technology, the market power and the strategy centering on the core competitiveness. The key point is that arching for the core technology will be the basic motives among the three becau attaining technology advantage can augment the core competitiveness for private enterpris, especially when the international competition which focus on R&D innovation are getting more and more fierce. However, there are veral approaches to obtain the technology advantage. Here take Jingdongfang for example for further analysis. By adopts Wernerfelt’s resource-bad view
and Goldratt’s theory of constraint to expand Dunning’s OLI Model and us the expanded model to analyze constraint character of technology resource faced by private enterpris. It distinguishes caus of improving technology resource with motive factors of this kind of M&As. The thesis sums up that cross-border M&As should be conducted according to the quantity of improving technology resources when eking for core technology.
Keywords: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions Private enterpris
Motives analysis Eclectic paradigm
日期: 年 月 日
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1 绪论
1.1 研究的目的、意义
目前,国际上跨国并购的主流企业全为清一色的私营企业, 国有企业极其鲜见。然而中国作为转型经济, 由于制度转型尚未完成, 实施国家“走出去”战略也好, 还是企业自发的“走出去”也好, 均以国有企业为主。中国企业的跨国收购大致分为以国企为主的资源性跨国收购和以民企为主的制造业跨国收购。如果以前后两者并购的动机——国家经济安全战略和强烈的商业赢利趋动来划分,也可以划分为防御性跨国收购和主动性跨国收购。前者如中石油、中石化等中国政府主导下的大型国企成为基础产业海外投资的主力军;后者是以民企为主的海尔、联想和华为的主动性国际化[1]。虽然民营企业跨国并购与国有大中型企业的海外投资不可同日而语,但其因受政府干预和保护都较少,产权明晰,机制灵活,自我发展意识、风险意识和竞争意识都较强,因此海外投资效率相对较高。此外,随着国有资本从原有领域大规模退出,加之国家政策限制的放松,民营企业正在进一步加速发展。21世纪将是民营企业突飞猛进的时代。民营企业必将成为跨国并购活动的主要推动者之一。