翻译专业词汇(经济) | |
现代化 | modernization |
保护主义 | protectionism |
闭关自守 | clod door policy |
粗放式管理 | extensive management |
集约经济 | intensive economy |
口技 翻译经济一体化 | economy integration |
二元经济 | dual economy |
发展不平衡 | disparate development |
发展民族经济 | develop the national economy |
翻两番 | quadruple |
放宽经营条件限制 | relax business restrictions |
扶贫 | helping the poor |
改善投资环境 | improve the investment environment |
工商局 | industrial and commercial administration |
公共部门;公共成分 | public ctor |
私营部门;私营成分 | private ctor |
关税总水平 | general tariff level |
管制经济 | controlled economy |
规模经济 | economy of scale |
集体经济 | collective economy |
计划经济 | planned economy |
自由经济 | liberal economy |
主体经济 | the mainstay of the economy |
国民生产总值 | Gross National Product(GNP) |
国内生产总值 | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) |
合理消费 | rational consumption |
宏观调控 | macro-control |
混合经济 | mixed economy |
基本国情 | fundamental realities of the country |
财政政策 | fiscal policy |
解放生产力 | emancipate the productive forces |
经济波动 | economic fluctuation |
经济复苏 | economic recovery |
经济杠杆 | economic levers |
经济平衡 | economic balance |
经济趋势 | economic trend |
经济渠道 | economic channels |
经济全球化 | economic globalization |
经济衰退 | economic depression |
经济腾飞 | economic take-off/boom |
控股公司 | holding company |
拉动经济增长 | fuel economic growth |
贫富悬殊 | polarization of rich and poor |
涉外经济 | foreign-related business联系方式的英文 |
实体经济 | the real economy |
停滞;萧条 | stagnation |
通货紧缩 | deflation |
统一市场 | single market |
网络经济 | cybereconomy |
效益农业 | profitable agriculture |
新兴经济 | emerging economies |
养老金 | pension |
优化结构 | structure optimization |
有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制 smoothy | social market economy with Chine characteristics |
资源配置 | the distribution/allocation of resources |
按劳分配 | distribution according to one's performance |
变相涨价 | disguid price hikes |
财政收支平衡 | fiscal balance |
产粮大省 | granary province |
莲藕的英文 朝阳产业 | sunri industry |
第一产业 | primary industry |
第二产业take care of | condary industry |
第三产业 | tertiary industry |
恶性通货膨胀 | hyperinflation |
恶性循环 | vicious circle |
良性循环 | virtuous circle |
xyy高科技板块 | high-tech ctor |
工薪阶层 | salariat; state employee; salaried person |
国家利益微笑的英文 | interest of the state |
积压产品 | overstocked commodities/inventories |
尖端产品 | 同性恋 英文highly sophisticated products |
减免税 | tax exemptions and reduction |
连带责任 | joint liability | paul sturgess
耐用消费品 | durable consumer items/goods |
年同比 | year-on-year; on an annual basis |
商品交易所 | Commodity Exchange |
市场疲软 | barium sluggish market |
市场准入 | market access |
双边和多边经济合作 | bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation |
无形资产 | intangible asts |
效益工资 | achievements-related wages |
重复建设 | primary markets |
资金技术密集型产业 | duplication of similar projects |
多元化 | diversity |
积极性 | initiative |
机会均等 | level playing field |
隐患 | hidden danger |
功利的 | utilitarian |
机遇之地 | land of opportunities |
脱贫 | get rid of poverty; poverty alleviation |
养老金 | pension |
经合组织 | OECD; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
自上而下的管理模式 | top-down management |
经商便利制度指标 | ea-of-doing-business indicators |
实际投资 | actual investment |
减轻赤贫 | alleviate extreme poverty |
商品分配 | allocation of commodities |
汇率上调 | appreciation in the exchange rate |
商业巨头 | commercial magnate |
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