Culture: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and pasd down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
aptechObjective Culture: history, religion, literature, language, food, etiquette, law, and customs.
金融时报中文版Subjective Culture: feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be –the concept of time, spaces, friendship, love, family, communication pattern, etc.
Characteristics:Learned, transmitted from generation to generation, bad on symbols, dynamic, ethnocentric.
Doing Culture: It is meant to be a contrast to learning “about” culture underscores the idea that communicating across cultures is a process of making meaning, of people understanding one another so they can get to know one another, build relationships, and solve problems together. It should not be words on paper, but ideas in practice.
Communication: Human communication is the process through which individuals –in relati
onships, groups, organizations and societies –respond to and create messages to adapt to the environment and one another.
Characteristics: Dynamic and interactive
Intercultural Communication: Generally speaking, it refers to interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds, such as interactions between people from America and China, between whites and African Americans, between Hispanic and Japane Americans
The form of Intercultural Communication
a. Interracial communication –people from different races
b. Interethnic communications –the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins.
c. Intercultural communication –communication between members of the same culture, i
n which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple memberships.(gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or female)
Communication Competence (ICC competence)
The cognitive component –how much one know about communication.
giantsThe affective component –one’s motivation to approach or avoid communication
The behavior component –the skills one has to interact competently.
Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make n of them.
以上内容世界名校公开课Pattern of Thought: The way people in a culture think influences the way they interpret strangers’ messages.
World views: The grid (decentralized. This pattern does not have a fixed center)
The radiating star (highly centralized. In this pattern important things are at the center and everything el radiates out from the center)
985和211学校名单一览表 The inside/ outside pattern (圈子)
female male
化妆师学习 private public
home market, mosque, coffee hou
尘封的日记the outside is plain, not welcoming, even forbidding. The walls are thick to protect what is inside.
highly centralized pattern: important people sit in the front middle;
decentralized pattern: people sit equally.
Stereotyping: People generalize to make n of his experience. The result of the process of over generalizing bad on limited or inaccurate information.
The classification of stereotypes希拉里竞选视频
1. Negative stereotype of other cultures: Prejudice (vere prejudice)
2. Positive stereotype of one’s own culture: Cultural superiority
Characteristics: universal, unavoidable, stable, variable, ethnocentrism
High context communication & Low context communication
HC culture (察言观色): Relies mainly on the physical context or the relationship for information, with little explicitly encoded.
LC culture: provide most of the information in the explicit code itlf.
Perception: Perception is a cognitive process in which we attach meaning to objects, symbols, people and behavior in order to make n of them.
High contact and low contact culture:
In high contact cultures people want to get clo enough to one another and to objects to n them in the ways.People in the countries stand clor, touch more, engage in more eye contact and speak more loudly than people do in lower-contact cultures.
In a low contact cultures, people rely more on sight, and especially sight at a far distance. People are most likely to stand a certain distance away to get the whole picture, without actually feeling or nsing the other person’s body heat or subtle smell. So in low contact culture as America, one is taught not to breathe on people.
However, this visual space ems unfriendly and indifferent to tho from high contact cultures, which favor tactile space.