China's TV variety show as a mainstream form of television programs, whether it is early period of the "Super Girl", or in recent years “Singer", "Running man" are attracted to the eyes of countless audiences, it has become a television station to improve the ratings of the battle, As the major TV to improve the core competitiveness of the important means, but also the major media advertising revenue of the main source.
In China, Hunan TV variety show in the provincial TV in the strongest influence, the largest brand column, variety show host the greatest influence in the country had a wide range of effects. Leading our country about 20 years of style, "Hunan TV" phenomenon, "entertainment Hunan" phenomenon has aroud strong concern. In the current variety show to become the major provincial-level competition in the main positions of the environment, although other TV variety show is also rapid development, but most of the variety of the show's influence and production standards less than Hunan TV. The reason is that Hunan TV variety show has its core competitiveness, its core competitiveness is developed over the years and the formation of the variety of production and related resources and capabilities, which is other TV variety show production ctor in the short term is difficult to copy.
愿望成真 英文
Hunan TV variety show the core competitiveness, bad on a full
two decades of development and accumulation, mainly embodies the core competitiveness and core competitive resources, including the Hunan TV variety show rearch ability, production technology, management mechanism, and inherent Or acquired resources and other multi-dimensional elements. At the same time, in today's media ecological changes in the environment, including the development of online media and other media variety show production level. Hunan TV variety show core competitiveness encountered a certain degree of dilemma and shock, the need to advance with the times to develop and consolidate the core competitiveness. To understand the core competitiveness of Hunan TV variety show, to explore its opportunities and challenges, to promote the development of Hunan TV variety show and other media variety show development and construction of a certain significance and role.
Key words: Hunan TV; variety show; core competitiveness;翻译员
目 录
摘要......................................................................................................... II 引 言 (1)
第一节研究背景与研究意义 (1)
第二节文献综述与概念界定 (2)
一、文献综述 (2)
二、概念界定 (5)
第三节研究思路与研究方法 (6)
第一章 湖南卫视综艺节目核心竞争力的形成过程 (8)lindex
adman第一节综艺节目核心竞争力的萌芽期(1997年-2001年) (8)
第二节综艺节目核心竞争力的成长期(2002年-2011年) (9)
第三节综艺节目核心竞争力的成熟期(2012年-至今) (11)
第二章 湖南卫视综艺节目的核心能力 (13)
第一节综艺节目研发创新能力 (13)
一、创新主体:创新小组与研发中心 (13)
二、创新流程:各级联合创新 (14)
三、制度保障:多种制度并存 (15)
四、创新成果:理念模式创新 (16)
第二节综艺节目制作能力 (21)
一、前期执行:不计付出、追求极致 (21)
二、后期制作:叙事清晰、包装精美 (24)
三、延续影响力能力:粉丝人群的延展 (26)
第三节综艺节目人才孕育管理能力 (27)
一、人才孕育方式:以人为本尊重个性 (27)
二、人才管理机制:制片人团队领导制 (29)
第三章 湖南卫视综艺节目的的核心资源 (32)
第一节资金资源:湖南广电雄厚资金大力支持 (32)
第二节文化资源:以“快乐中国”为主流文化 (33)
第三节人才资源:26支“超级IP”节目团队 (34)
changes in my hometown第四章 媒介生态变化下核心竞争力面临的困境 (37)
第一节竞争对手突起:核心竞争优势弱化 (37)
growthrate一、其他卫视综艺崛起 (37)
二、网综综艺受众分流 (38)
第二节市场环境改变:核心制作能力边缘化 (40)
第三节传统体制限制:核心人才资源流失 (41)
一、人力资源流失现状 (41)
二、人力资源流失原因 (42)
第五章 湖南卫视综艺节目核心竞争力脱困对策 (44)
第一节平台困境解决建议:大力发展芒果TV (44)
一、借助网络特性创新节目模式 (44)
二、拓宽播出平台巩固影响力 (45)
健康管理师培训第二节内容困境解决建议:着力打造素人节目 (45)
一、素人节目开辟差异化竞争道路 (46)
二、素人节目制作强化核心制作能力 (46)
结语 (47)
参考文献 (50)