turn offComparative advantage, product quality, and the
保育员培训invinciblecompetitiveness of firms
mulder期刊名称: Journal of Korea Trade
作者: Unjung Whang
作者机构: Korea Institute for International Trade Policy, Sejong-si, Korea
年份: 2017年
期号: 第3期arnal
关键词: F12;F10
造价工程师成绩查询摘要:A model of 'quality competition' rather than 'price competition' in firms in a country with a comparative advantage in given product tends to improve their product quality as oppod to lowering production costs, so they compete on quality-adjusted price.PurpoThe purpo of this paper is to em
phasize the importance of product quality in differentiated-products markets in determining the structure of competition among firms.Design/methodology/approachFirst, two distinct models of firm heterogeneity are considered as two possible structures for firms' competition: "price competition" and "quality competition." Then, the author exploits the bilateral trade data of the world's 83 largest countries in order to examine a link between the empirical findings and the theoretical