With the advent of energy crisis, the global environmental pollution is increasingly rious, we need to ek new sources of energy to replace oil. Biological fuel ethanol and butanol as a new type of biological energy were to be attention and rearch. In the past, the rearch on biological fuel ethanol and butanol on the starch, honey and other food crops to fermentation. With the advent of the world food crisis,We need to choo renewable resource as an object of fermentation to ea food crisis. Lignocellulo is the most abundant renewable resources in the world, After pretreatment, hydrolysis of lignocellulo, generation of reducing sugars that can be utilized by microbial fermentation, in order to produce ethanol and butanol. So it can ea the energy crisis and food crisis,it can make u of lignocellulo resource.
This topic us lignocellulo (smashed straw) as raw materials. The content was that analyd the composition of the raw material, and the discussion cellulo enzyme hydrolysis conditions, it choo appropriate hydrolysis conditions, and then it proceed microbial fermentation. The topic lected yeasts and acetone butanol carboxylic acid bacteria for ethanol and butanol fermentation.Through detoxification treatment increa the fermentation product.It mainly consists of the following parts.
becau you loved me
Part 1, To analyze the composition of the raw material composition. Lignocellulo is mainly compod of cellulo, hemicellulo and lignin of three parts, pretreatment method is different, material is different, the content of the three components are also different. Ultrafine comminution of rice which contains cellulo of 24.8%, hemicellulo contains 21%, and acid detergent lignin contains 10.9%.
Part 2, To explore the optimal hydrolysis conditions of Cellula. The single factor experiment was conducted to rearch the influence of substrate concentration, temperature, pH, and enzyme-substrate on enzymatic hydrolysis,so as to confirm the best condition for single factor experiment. We get a result by choosing orthogonal experiment, combined with the impact of the subquent fermentation, the optimum hydrolysis conditions is temperature of 50 ℃, pH 5, and substrate concentration was 10%, and the hydrolysis time was 24h,and the ratio of enzyme to substrate was 6%.
Part 3, The fermentation of fuel ethanol. It conditions a result through the single factor
experiments of yeast cells fermentation,The best conditions of yeast cells fermentation was that tem
perature is 30, inoculation quantity is 9mL, the growth of yeast pH is 5, fermentation time is 48 hours.To increa the concentration of reducing sugars by concentration, the fermentation results was that inhibitor concentration incread in the concentrated solution, which it effects of microbial growth, so it can hindered the yeast fermentation,Although the sugar utilization incread by 10%, and the ethanol yield was down 18.7%.The maximum yield of ethanol was 2.17g through detoxification treatment, the theoretical yield was 2.4g, the yield reached 90%, in which the best effect was activated carbon.
Part 4, It rearched butanol fermentation. Acetone butanol carboxylic acid bacteria is strict anaerobic microbes, it needs to manufactue anaerobic environment by filling nitrogen. Directly to butanol fermentation, butanol yield is only 4.7 g/L, ABE total volume was 8.14 g/L, butyl alcohol conversion rate is 12%, sugar total solvent conversion rate was 21.9%. After detoxification treatment, solvent butanol yield and total solvent yield were improved. When ud the method of 0.1% sodium sulfite, butanol yield was 6.11 g/L, ABE total volume was 9.24 g/L, butyl alcohol conversion rate incread to 17%, total sugar fluxing agent conversion rate was 25.7%. Activated carbon processing, butanol production was 7.86 g/L, total solvent was 14.12 g/L, butyl alcohol sugar conversion rate incread to 19.9%, sugar total solvent conversion rate was 30.8%.
The rate of sugar u can reach 90% in ethanol fermentation, The rate of sugar u can reach73% in butanol fermentation, biological ethanol fermentation on the utilization rate of lignocellulo was high.
Key Words: Cellulo;Hydrolysis;Ethanol fermentation;Butanol fermentation
目 录
摘要......................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. III 1引言.. (1)
1.1国内外的燃料发展概况 (1)
1.1.1国内外燃料乙醇发展概况 (1)
1.1.2国内外丁醇发展概况 (2)
1.2木质纤维素的预处理方法 (3)
1.2.1物理法 (4)
1.2.2化学法 (5)
1.2.3生物法 (6)
1.3木质纤维素的水解 (6)
1.3.1稀酸水解 (6)
1.3.2浓酸水解 (7)
1.3.3酶水解 (8)
1.4原料预处理过程中抑制物的形成 (9)
1.4.1弱酸类 (10)
1.4.2呋喃醛类化合物 (11)
1.4.3酚类化合物 (11)
1.5木质纤维素水解液中的抑制物以及脱毒方法 (11)
1.6纤维素的糖化和发酵 (12)
1.6.1同步糖化发酵工艺(SSF) (12)
1.6.2分步糖化发酵工艺(SHF) (13)大望路中学
1.6.4同步糖化共发酵工艺(SSCF) (13)
1.6.5固定化细胞发酵工艺(CBP) (14)
1.7丁醇发酵 (14)
1.7.1丁醇的性质及应用 (14)
1.7.2生产丁醇的菌种及其改良 (15)
中英文在线转换1.7.3丙酮丁醇羧酸菌的代谢机理 (16)praying
1.7.4发酵工艺的研究进展 (17)
1.8研究的目的、意义和技术路线 (18)
1.8.1研究目的和意义 (18)
1.8.2技术路线 (19)
2纤维素原材料的分析 (20)
2.1材料与方法 (21)
2.1.1试剂与仪器 (21)
2.1.2试剂的配制 (22)
2.1.3 Van Soest法测定纤维素 (23)
2.1.4凯氏定氮测定氮含量 (24)
2.1.5原子吸收测定离子元素 (24)
2.1.6水分、灰分的测定 (24)
2.2结果与分析 (24)
2.2.1纤维素测定结果 (24)
飞扬英语2.2.2其他成分测定结果 (25)
2.2.3主要成分含量表 (25)
2.3结论 (25)
3纤维素水解条件的探讨 (27)
3.1材料与方法 (27)
3.1.1试剂与仪器 (27)
3.1.2试剂配制 (27)
3.2试验方法 (28)
3.2.1还原糖的测定方法 (28)
3.2.2还原糖的标准曲线制作 (28)
3.2.3还原糖的测定 (28)
3.3结果与分析 (28)
3.3.2 木质纤维素水解液中色素浓度对糖测定结果的影响 (30)
3.3.3温度对酶解过程的影响 (30)
3.3.4 pH对酶解过程的影响 (31)
3.3.5 底物浓度对酶解过程的影响 (31)
3.3.6 酶底比对酶解过程的影响 (32)
bolivia3.3.7 水解时间对酶解过程的影响 (33)
3.3.8 正交实验结果 (34)
3.4结论 (35)
4燃料乙醇发酵 (36)
4.1材料与方法 (37)
4.1.1试剂与仪器 (37)
4.1.2菌种的制备 (37)
4.1.3发酵材料 (38)
4.1.4发酵液的制备 (38)
4.1.5DNS法测还原糖 (38)
4.1.6气相色谱法测定乙醇 (38)
4.1.7脱毒方法 (39)
4.2结果与分析 (39)
4.2.1乙醇标准曲线 (39)
4.2.2温度对酵母发酵的影响 (39)
4.2.3pH对酵母发酵的影响 (40)
4.2.4接种量对酵母发酵的影响 (41)
4.2.5发酵时间的影响 (41)
4.2.6发酵结果 (42)
4.2.7脱毒处理后发酵的结果 (43)
4.3结论 (44)
5丁醇发酵 (45)
5.1材料与方法 (46)
5.1.1试剂与仪器 (46)
5.1.2菌种制备 (46)
5.1.3种子液的制备 (46)
5.1.4发酵材料 (47)
5.1.5维生素混合液 (47)
5.1.6丁醇发酵方法 (47)
5.1.7还原糖测定法 (47)barbecue
5.1.8ABE溶剂的标准曲线 (47)