grand marnier
GE Healthcare
tippingInstructions 71-5009-64 AE Ion exchange chromatography CM Sepharo Fast Flow
DEAE Sepharo Fast Flow
Q Sepharo Fast Flow
SP Sepharo Fast Flow
CM, DEAE, Q and SP Sepharo™ Fast Flow ion exchangers are part of the range of paration media called BioProcess™ Media. BioProcess Media are developed and supported for process scale chromatography. All media are produced following validated methods and are tested to ensure they meet the performance requirements of industrial manufacturing. Regulatory Support Files contain information to assist process validation and submission to regulatory authorities. BioProcess Media are available for all purification steps from capture to polishing. To ensure best performance and trouble-free operation, plea read the instructions before u.
Table of contents
Characteristics of Sepharo Fast Flow ion exchangers 3 Column packing guidelines 10 Evaluating the packing 13 Maintenance 15 Process optimization 17 Troubleshooting guide 18 Ordering information 21
1.Characteristics of Sepharo Fast Flow ion exchangers
The ba matrix of Sepharo Fast Flow ion exchangers is highly cross-linked agaro which gives the ion exchangers high chemical and physical stability. This means that characteristics such as capacity, elution behavior and pressure/flow rate are unaffected by the solutions commonly ud in process chromatography and cleaning procedures, for details e table under each respective ion exchanger. High physical stability gives good flow characteristics and low back pressures. Flow velocities ranging between 300 and 700 cm/h through a bed height of 15 cm at a pressure of 1 bar are typical for the media, e Fig 1. Furthermore, the high rigidity of the matrix minimizes volume variations during change of pH or ionic strength.
Fig 1. A typical pressure/flow rate curve for Sepharo Fast Flow ion
Characteristics of CM Sepharo Fast Flow
CM Sepharo Fast Flow is a weak cation exchanger. The ion exchange group is a carboxy methyl group, e below.
涨价 英文Table 1. Characteristics of CM Sepharo Fast Flow.
* 15 cm bed height, 1 bar, 25°C, XK 50/30 column.
15 cm bed height, 1 bar, 25°C, XK 50/30 column. The titration curve in Figure 2 shows the pH working range of CM Sepharo Fast Flow, i.e. the pH range in which the CM group is charged.
Description Total ionic capacity
0.09–0.13 mmol/ml media Exclusion limit
sweet dreams
4 x 106 (globular proteins)Matrix
Cross-linked agaro, 6%Bead form
Spherical, 45–165 µm Flow rate
300–600 cm/h *Working temperature大家说英语
4–40°C Working pH
See Figure 2.pH stability
2–14 (short-term, CIP) 4–13 (long-term)Chemical stability All commonly ud aqueous buffers 1 M NaOH 8 M urea 6 M guanidine hydrochloride 70% ethanol
The following should be avoided
女生祛痘Oxidizing agents Long exposures (1 week, 20°C) to pH <4
Fig 2. Titration curve of CM Sepharo Fast Flow.
Characteristics of DEAE Sepharo Fast Flow
DEAE Sepharo Fast Flow is a weak anion exchanger. The ion exchange group is a diethylaminoethyl group, e below.
–O–CH 2CH 2–N+(C 2H 5)2H
Table 2. Characteristics of DEAE Sepharo Fast Flow.
圣诞节快乐的英文怎么写 >leybold
Description Ion exchange type
Weak anion Total ionic capacity
0.11–0.16 mmol/ml media Exclusion limit
4 x 106 (globular proteins)Matrix
Cross-linked agaro, 6%Bead form
Spherical, 45–165 µm