
更新时间:2023-07-09 14:43:49 阅读: 评论:0

教材共 6 个单元:
Unit one What time is it? (第一单元 几点了?)
单元目标: 1. 能够就具体时间及一些事情的安排做出询问、应答,并结合语境用    ”Let's ... .”(我们一
2.能听懂、认读time (时间),o 'lock (整点),when (什么时候)及15203050 等与时间相关的单词,并能在相应情景中结合具体动词短语进行运用。
3.能根据字母 a 在单词中发音为 /?/ (类似发音“爱”)的规律拼读单词。
Unit two What 'sfor breakfast? (第二单元 早餐吃什么?)
单元目标:1.能够用”What'sfor breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)    Cm hungry.”(我饿了。)等日常交际
3.能初步感知名词的可数与不可数,    尝试用a (一个)an (一个)some(一些)a cup of
(一杯)队长英文a glass of (一杯)    表达食物数量。
4.能根据字母i在单词中发音为/i/ (类似发音“一”)的规律拼读单词。
Unit three Welcome to my hou ( 第三单元 欢迎来我家
单元目标: 1. 能在一定的情景中运用“ Would you like to ... ? ” (你愿意… …吗? )礼貌地询问对方的 意愿或发出邀请;能用”Can I u ... , plea?(请问,我可以用 吗?)提出自己的请求并做出相 应回答。
2.能听懂、认读有关餐具类的单词 spoon (勺子)bowl (碗)chopsticks (筷子)glass (玻璃杯)dish(盘)fork (叉子)knife(刀子)洗漱用品的单词towel (毛巾)soap(肥皂)shampoo (洗发剂),toothbrush (牙刷),mirror (镜子),能听懂、认读有关人物日常活动的动词短语,如:
come to my room (来到我的房间)read my books(读我的书)ride my bike (骑我的车)play with my toys (玩我的玩具)sit on the chair (坐在椅子上)等,并能在相应情景中运用。
3.感知元音字母e及字母组合ea在单词中的读音/e/,能认读符合语音规则的单词,如: bed (床)pen (钢笔)red (红色)等。
Unit four Where is my shirt? (第四单元 我的衬衫在哪?)
单元目标:1.能用”Where is ... ? Where are ... ?(    在哪?)询问某人某物在哪里,并用    on (在上
面)in (在里面),under (在下面),behind (在后面) 做简单应答。
2.能用”Is this ... ?'(这个是    ? ) Are the ... ?'(这双    ?这条    ?)询问某
人某物是否是对方的,并能用 ”Yes, it is.No, it isn 和”Yes, they areNo, they aren't.”做应答。
3.能听懂、认读衣物类单词shirt (衬衫)stalemate,coat (外套,大衣)小码王dress (连衣裙)cap (帽 子)jacket (夹克) 以及 trours (长裤)shoes (鞋)shorts (短裤),socks (袜子)pants (休闲 裤)复数衣物类单词。
4.感知字母 o 在单词中的读音 /?/. (类似发音“奥” )
Unit five How do you go to school? (第五单元 你怎么去上学?)
单元目标: 1. 能够听懂、 会说询问交通方式的相关功能句及其答语。 能够在真实情景中合理运用功能 句式及固定短语就自己及他人的出行方式进行准确描述、询问和回答。
2.能够听懂、 认读表达出行方式的固定短语及表示地点、 场所的词汇和固定搭配, 并能够 正确书写交通工具词汇。
3.能够根据字母 u 在单词中的发音 /?/ (类似发音“阿” )正确拼读单词。
Unit six Which ason do you like?
单元目标: 1. 能谈论季节,用 ”I like ... . ” (我喜欢… … )表达自己喜爱的季节,并简单说明理由或 表达常做的事情。
2.能听懂、指认并读出表达四季的词和表达活动的动词短语,如:    plant trees (植树)go
camping (去露营)pick apples (摘苹果)play in the snow (在雪里玩).
3.感受字母组合ar在单词中的读音/a:/ (类似发音“啊”)
Lan guage and structure
Key vocabulary
Letters and sounds
Unit one
Talk ing about time
-What time is it?
thirty to fifty
a: bad, bag, cat, jam, van,
-It' ve n o'clock.
o Clock
apple, flag, glad, pan da,
-Whe n do you go home?
go home, get up,
happy, hand
-At five thirty.
go to school, go to
-What time is it?
bed, go to the
-It' nine twenty. It '
draw ing less ons,
time to go to bed.
watch the carto ons
Unit two
Havi ng meals
-What 'for breakfast?
bread, milk, eggs,
i: fish, dish, big, gift, river,单词记忆法
-We have bread, milk,
fruits, soy milk,
king, six, film, it, sing
eggs, and fruits.
no odles, fish, fried
-Ca n 1 have fish and
rice, a hamburger,
rice, plea?
a hot dog, an egg,
-Yes. Here you are.
傻瓜英文an oran ge, a glass
-I'm hun gry/thirsty.
of water/juice/soy
-Have an oran ge/ a glass
milk, a cup of tea
of water.
Unit three
In vitati on and
-Would you like to
come to my room,
e: bed, pen, red, pet, get,
ask ing for
come to my room?
read my books,
n eck, leg, desk, vest, jello,
permissi on
-Yes, we'd love to.
ride my bike, play
yellow, egg, elepha nt,
-Would you like to u
with my toys
ea:head, bread
the glass?大学英语b统考
the spo on ,the
-No, tha nk you.
glass, the bowl,
-Ca n 1 u the
the chopsticks, the
bathroom, plea?
bathroom, the
-Sure. / Sorry you can C.
towel, the soap,
the shampoo, the
Unit four
.Talk ing about
-Where is my shirt?
coat, cap, dress,
o: box, dog, ox, fox, l ong,
where the things
-It' un der the bed.
shirt, jacket,
clock, mop, top, hot
-Is this your jacket?
football, watch
options是什么意思.Ask ing and
-Yes, it is. / No, it isn C.
shorts, shoes,
telli ng own ership
-Are the your
trours, socks

-Yes, they are. / No,
they are not.
beh ind the sofa, un der the bed, in the box, on the desk
Unit five
Ask ing and telli ng
-How do you go to
school, the
u: hut, cup, l un ch, nut,
the way to travel
cin ema, the zoo
duck, lucky, bus
-I go to school by bus.
by bus / bike / car
-How does your dad go
sanity/ taxi / subway, on
to work?
-He goes to work by car.
come / go to the
-Does he come by taxi?
park / go to the
-Yes, he does./No, he
does n't.
Unit six
Talk ing about
-How many as ons are
as on, year, hour
ar: car, park, star, arm,
there in a year?
spring, summer,
card, party
-There are four.
autum n, wi nter
-Do you like win ter?
go camp ing, play
-Yes, I do. / No, I don '
in the snow, fly a
like wi nter.
kite, pick apples
-Which as on do you
-I like spring. I can fly a

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