Chine Journal of Oil Crop Sciences
托福好还是雅思好2018,40(4) :592 -596
初二下册英语doi:10.7505/j.issn.1007 - 9084.2018.04.018
大豆G m G B P l基因启动子的光周期
blair waldorf
响应元件TCT- motif功能分析
摘要:G m C S P l基因启动子的多态性位点S N P-796与生育期密切相关,S N P-796G为缩短大豆生育期的优异 等位基因。本研究运用生物信息学手段分析发现,等位基因S N P-796 h A变异会导致T C T- motif光效应元件的 变异。将包括S N P-796位点的G m G B P l基因的启动子片段与双萤光素酶(luciferas
e)报告基因融合构建植物表达 载体并转化烟草,结合烟草叶片中的农杆菌瞬时表达试验,分析了该启动子中T C T-m o t i f顺式作用元件的功能。
结果显示,T C T- motif受短日照条件诱导,引起基因显著上调表达。在短日照条件下,T C T- motif可能通 过增加C m C S P l基因m!«V A的表达量,从而缩短大豆品种的生育期。
中图分类号:S565.103 文献标识码:A文章编号=1007 -9084(2018)04 -0592 -05
健康的英文TCT - motif function of photoperiod respon element of soybean GmGBPl gene promoter
LI Ying - hua,WANG K uo,ZHENG Yan - hong,LI Min - m in,XU Chong - jin g,YANG X u e,
WANG Chun -sh eng,Z H A N G Y a n,U Wen - bin* ,Z H A0 Lin*
(K ey L aboratory o f Soybean B iolo gy in Chine M inistry o f E d u ca tio n/
K ey L aboratory o f Soybean B iolo gy a n d B reeding( Genetics)o f Chine A gricultural M in istry,
C ollege o f A gron om y, N ortheast A gricultural U niversity, H arbin 150030, C h in a)
Abstract : Previous studies in our lab showed that polymorphic site of SNP -796 in the promoter quence of G m G B P l gene was cloly related to growth period in soybean. SNP - 796G is an excellent allele to shorten growth period of soybean. In this study, results of bioinformatics analysis showed that the G^-A mutation of SNP -796resulted in the variation of TCT - motif light responsive element. Promoter fragment of G m G B P l gene including the polymorphic site of SNP -796was fud with reporter gene of lucifera. Function of TCT - motif cis - acting element was analyzed by transient expression of A grobacterium tum efaciens in tobacco leaves. The results showed that TCT - motif was induced by short - day condition and caud the significandy incread expression of lucifera gene. TCT - motif could increa mRNA expression of G m G B P l gene under short - day conditions to shorten the growth period of soybean varieties.
Key words : soybean ; promoter of G m G B P l;photoperiod ;TCT - motif
A S X/P基因通过调节昼夜节律钟影响拟南芥 研究发现G m G
gentlemanB P l基因的表达受到短日照条件的的花期[1]。在大豆中也存在SX7P基因的两个拷诱导[2’3],同时G z nGBPl基因的启动子也受到黑暗 贝,分别是G m G B P l和,并且本实验室前期条件的强烈诱导[4]〇
收稿日期:2018>04>06mia farrow
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771820);国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFD0101005);转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2016ZX08004 - 005);东北农业大学“学术骨干”(16X G03);黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目(C2015009);黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划(U N P Y S C T- 2015003)
作者简介:李英华(1993 -),男,黑龙江伊春人,硕士研究生,研究方向为大豆生物技术,E-mail:1836251535@qq.c〇m
appoint*通讯作者:李文滨,教授,主要从事大豆生物技术研究,E- mail: wenbinlid* neau. edu. cn
赵琳,研究员,主要从事大豆生物技术研究,E- mail: zhaoHnneau@ 126. com