章节 | 教学内容 | 学时 | 教学要求、重点和难点 | 备注 |
第一章 | Introduction to Organizational Behavior | 2 | 1。 Define organizational behavior (OB). 2. Explain the value to OB of systematic study. 3。 Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB。 4。 Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts。 5。 Identify the three levels of analysis in OB. | |
第二章 | Attitudes and Job Satisfaction | 2 | 1。 Define attitudes 2。 Define Job Satisfaction。 | |
第三章 | Emotion and Moods | 2 | 1。 Differentiate emotions from moods, and list the basic emotions and moods. 2. Identify the sources of emotions and moods. 3。 Show the impact emotional labor has on employees. 4。 Contrast the evidence for and against the existence of emotional intelligence. 5。 Apply the concepts of emotions and moods to specific OB issues. 6。 Contrast the experience, interpretation, and the expression of emotions across cultures. | |
第四章 | Personality and Values | 2 | 1。 Explain the factors that determine an individual’s personality。 2。 Describe the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality framework. 3。 Identify the key traits in the Big Five personality model. 4. Explain how the major personality attributes predict behavior at work。 5. Contrast terminal and instrumental values。 6。 List the dominant values in today’s workforce. 7. Identify Hofstede's five value dimensions of national culture | |
第五章 | Perception and Individual Decision Making | 2 | 1.Define perception, and explain the factors that influence it. 考研英语学习视频2。Identify the shortcuts individuals u in making judgments about others. 3。护肤技巧Explain the link between perception and decision making。 4.List and explain the common decision bias or errors。 5.Contrast the three ethical decision criteria。 6.Define creativity, and discuss the three—component model of creativity. | |
第六章 月份用英语怎么说 | Motivation Concepts | 2 | 1. Describe the three key elements of motivation。 2. Identify early theories of motivation and evaluate their applicability today。 3。 Contrast goal—tting theory and management by objectives。 成分英语4. Demonstrate how organizational justice is a refinement of equity theory. 5. Apply the key tenets of expectancy theory to motivating employees. 6。 Show how motivation theories are culture bound. | |
第七章 | Motivation: From Concept to Application | 2 | 1。 Describe the job characteristics model and evaluate the way it motivates by changing the work environment。 2。 Compare and contrast the three main ways jobs can be redesigned。 3. Give examples of employee involvement measures and show how they can motivate employees. 4. Demonstrate how the different types of variable-pay programs can increa employee motivation. 5。 Show how flexible benefits turn benefits into motivators. 6. youtube视频Identify the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards. | |
音标翻译第八章 | Foundations of Group Behavior | 2 | 1。Define group and distinguish the different types of groups. 2。Identify the five stages of group development. 3.Show how role requirements change in different situations. 4。Demonstrate how norms and status exert influence on an individual’s behavior。 5。Contrast the strengths and weakness of group decision making. 6.Evaluate evidence for cultural differences in group status and social loafing as well as the effects of diversity in groups. | |
第九章 | Understanding Work Teams | 2 | 1. Contrast groups and teams, and analyze the growing popularity of using teams in organizations. 2。 Compare and contrast four types of teams. 3。 Identify the characteristics of effective teams. 4。 Show how organizations can create team players。 5. Decide when to u individuals instead of teams. 6。 Show how the understanding of teams differs in a global context。 | |
第十章 | Communication | 3 | 1。 Describe the communication process, and distinguish between formal and informal communication。 2. Contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication and provide examples of each. 3。 Contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication。 4. Contrast formal communication networks and the grapevine. 5。 Identify common barriers to effective communication. 6。 Show how to overcome the potential problems in cross-cultural communication。 | |
第十一章 | Leadership | 2 | 1。Define the leadership and contrast leadership and management。 2。Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership. 3。Asss contingency theories of leadership by their level of support. 4.Compare and contrast charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and lettuceauthentic leadership. 5.Address challenges to the effectiveness of leadership。 6。Asss whether charismatic and transformational leadership generalize across cultures。 | |
第十二章 | Power and Politics | 2 | 1。 Define power and contrast leadership and power。 2。 Contrast the five bas of power. 3. Identify nine power or influence tactics and their contingencies. 4. Identify the caus and conquences of political behavior。 5. Apply impression management techniques. 6. Show the influence of culture on the us and perceptions of politics。 | |
第十三章 | Conflict and Negotiation | 2 | 1。 Define conflict and differentiate between the traditional, interactionist and managed—conflict views of conflict。 2. Outline the conflict process。 3。 Contrast distributive and integrative bargaining. 4. Apply the five steps of the negotiation process。 5。 Show how individual differences influence negotiations. 6. Describe cultural differences in negotiations。 | |
第十四章 | Foundations of Organization Structure | 2 | 1. Identify the six elements of an organization’s structure. 2。 Describe the common organizational designs. 忠犬八公的故事电影3. Compare and contrast the virtual and boundary—less organizations。 4。 Demonstrate how organizational structures differ. 5. Analyze the behavioral implications of different organizational designs. 6. Show how globalization affects organizational structure. | |
第十五章 | Organizational Culture | 2 | 1。 Define organizational culture and describe its common characteristics. 2. Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization。 3. Explain the factors that create and sustain an organization's culture. 4。 Show how culture is transmitted to employees。 5。 Demonstrate how an ethical culture can be created. 6. Show how national culture may affect the way organizational culture is transported to a different country. | |
第十六章 | Organizational Change and Stress Management | 1. Identify forces that act as stimulants to change. 2. List the sources for resistance to change. 3。 Compare the four main approaches to managing organizational change。 4。 Demonstrate two ways to create a culture of change。 5. Describe the caus and conquences of work stress。 6。 Explain global differences in organizational change and stress。 | ||
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