圣安地列斯车辆对照(The SAN andreas vehicle controls)1. Cross-country and station wagon
sloggi什么意思Huntley - a four-door luxury suv
考研作文Landstalker - and GTA3 and Vice - like suvs, run and roll up a gust of wind
Perennial - and GTA3 travel with the same station wagon as Vice, with quick speed
Rancher - a very beautiful two-door suv that has been converted to Landstalker
Regina - a car that rembles a Perennial
Romero - a black hear. There's a parked in Angel Pines.
2. 2 private cars
Alpha -- a two-door private car with a head and tail
Blista Compact - a vehicle very similar to the Honda CRX
Bravura - a two-door private car with a head and tail
Buccaneer - a car that is very similar to Esperanto
tpo下载Cadrona - Bravura's high-speed bulk compact disc car
Club - half of the station wagon, half private cars, combined
Esperanto - and GTA3 and Vice - low chassis Caddy carguestbook
Feltzer - a very common type of car that runs on the ground
Fortune - the simplest and most common car, can be en everywhere
Hermes - looks like a PT Cruir car
Hustler - an old ford T
Majestic - a high chassis version of Esperanto
Manana - a private car that feels like cardboard
Picador - another car that is very similar to Esperanto Previon - a private car with a performance stand behind it
Stafford - a Manana that is lengthened and preceded by a guard rack
Stallion - a simple and convenient private car, but it's not easy to drive
Tampa - a car similar to the old Bravura
Virgo - a Stafford, but with a different front and back Windows 3.4 luxury private cars
Admiral - an expensive but emingly unfashionable car
Elegant - a flat 4 private car
perkEmperor - a kind of Elegant, more beautiful, the same performance
Euros - a circular motion car with a head and tail
Glendale -- a simple old Chevrolet
Greenwood - the most basic, most difficult car to drive
Intruder - a private car with a head and tail
Merit - a simple private car like Intruder
Nebula - a vintage car like the Intruder
Oceanic - a 1950s chevy
Premier -- it looks like an Intruder, doesn't it make any difference
Primo - it also looks like an Intruder, only the head is round
Sentinel - a basic private car in GTA3 and Vice, which is nice and easy to drive
Stretch - a limo
Sunri - a low version of the Emperor and it's not easy to drive
Tahoma - fast - accelerated private car with a prominent guard in front
Vincent - a private car with a flat head and tail
Washington - a kind of Vincent, different from the hood decoration
Willard - a Sunri without tires
Speed cars
Buffalo - a very powerful sports car with very strong propulsion Clover - fast limo,
It's really like flying
Phoenix - a nice pontiac car
Sabre - a basic speed car that you can e everywhere in San Andreas
5. Street racing
Elegy - low edge, circular design
angel什么意思Flash - high side, it looks very smart
Jester - same as Elegy, but smaller
Stratum - a street jeep race car
Sultan - a racing car
Uranus - Jester's low version of the car
6. High-performance vehicles
Banshee - one of the best cars in the game
Bullet - a Banshee with a racing belt and a silver medal at the school
Cheetah - a low chassis that's as fast as a ferrari
Comet - a porsche sports car
Hotknife - the all-gold medal at the school has an incredible speed
Hotring Racer - finished 8-track
Infernus - steal one. You'll always remember it
Super GT - the all-bronze medal of the school, a road racing car, has great destructive power
A more version of Turismo - Infernus