caa是什么A fish is a water-dwelling vertebrate with gills that doesn't change form, as amphibians do, during its life. Most are cold-blooded, though some (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded. There are over 29,000 species of fish, making them the most diver group of vertebrates. 鱼用鳃是一种水生脊椎动物,不
Taxonomically, fish are a paraphyletic group who exact relationships are much debated; a common division is into the jawless fish (class Agnatha, 75 species including lampreys and hagfish), the cartilaginous fish (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species including sharks and rays), with the remainder clasd as bony fish (class Osteichthyes).
杭州服装培训学校>健身教练考试Fish come in different sizes, from the 16 m (51 ft) whale shark to a 8 mm (just over ¼ of an inch) long stout infantfish. Many types of aqu atic animals named "fish" are not true fish, and in the ca of animals such as jellyfish and cuttlefish, are not even vertebrates. Other marine creatures that have in the past been considered fish, like dolphins, are actually mammals.
Although most fish are exclusively aquatic and cold-blooded, there are exceptions to both cas. Fish from a number of different groups have evolved the capacity to live out of the water for extended periods of time. Of the amphibious fish some such as the mudskipper can live and move about on land for up to veral days. Also, certain species of fish maintain elevated body temperatures to varying degrees. Endothermic teleosts (bony fishes) are all in the suborder Scombroidei and include the billfishes, tunas, and one species of "primitive" mackerel (Gasterochisma melampus). 虽然大多数鱼只水生和冷血这两种情况下,也有例外。从许多不同的组的鱼已经进化长时间住出来的水的容量。这些两栖鱼如弹涂鱼生活和移动关于土地长达数天。此外,某些种类的鱼保持不同程度的体温升高。吸热硬骨鱼类(硬骨鱼类)所有亚Scombroidei中,并包括旗鱼,金枪鱼,一个物种的“原始”鲭鱼(Gasterochisma MELAMPUS)
接电话All sharks in the family Lamnidae –shortfin mako, long fin mako, white, porbeagle, and salmon shark – are known to have the capacity for endothermy, and evidence suggests the trait exists in family Alopiidae (thresher sharks). The degree of endothermy varies from the billfish,
which warm only their eyes and brain, to bluefin tuna and porbeagle sharks who maintain body temperatures elevated in excess of 20 °C above ambient water temperatures. See also gigantothermy. Endothermy, though metabolically costly, is thought to provide advantages such as incread contractile force of muscles, higher rates of central nervous system processing, and higher rates of digestion.
勤奋学习演讲稿在家庭中的鼠鲨科鲨鱼 - 鲭shortfin,长鳍鲭,白,鼠鲨和鲑鲨 - 被称为有能力为温性,有证据表明性状存在在家庭Alopiidae(长尾鲨)。温性的程度不同,温暖他们的眼睛和大脑,以维持体温超过20°C以上的环境水温升高的蓝鳍金枪鱼和鼠鲨鲨旗鱼。另见gigantothermy。温性,虽然代谢昂贵,被认为是提供了有利条件,如增加肌肉的收缩力,中枢神经系统处理率较高,消化率较高。
Fish are an important source of food in many cultures. Other
water-dwelling animals such as mollusks, crustaceans, and shellfish are often called "fish" when ud as food. For more details, e Fish (food).