Harvard Referencing System Guide
Motivation For This Document
In academic work, you are expected to follow certain rules of conduct in your study. Specifically, whenever you create an assignment, essay, prentation, group project, or other work which will be submitted for discussion or for evaluation, then your work needs to be of academic standard. Not doing so may cau your grade to be reduced significantly, perhaps even to the point of failure.
“Academic standard” is quite a vague term and can be different things to different people. However, for business students you can imagine that your work should try to emulate the work of other people in the field of business. In particular, this includes work which you e in professional journals, the work of your professors and the writers of your textbooks.
shortgiOf cour, you are not expected to be able to produce leading edge content in your work, but the format of your work should follow the same academic standard as professional writers in your field at least in terms of structure, referencing, and layout.
This document only discuss the elements of referencing which are required for “Academic standard” work. Other elements of your work such as its structure and layout are also important, but the are not discusd here.
商务英语口语王Referencing can be done in many ways. For your programme, the standard method of referencing is the “Harvard System of References”. This system is very common world-wide, and is nearly universally understood. However in your professional career or in other other academic programmes, you may be required to u other systems of referencing. You are responsible for being aware of the local standards required in any work which you produce.
长沙化妆培训学校In most reference systems, the idea is to leave the main text of your work uncluttered, but to still provide clear hints to the reader about where they can look for further information. Thus, most reference systems are actually implemented in two parts: a citation, and a bibliographic entry. A citation is just a shorthand marker that you inrt into the body of your work to allow the reader to find a resource such as a book or an article or a televisio
n programme or whatever. The format for this is specified by the system of referencing you are using. In the ca of the Harvard System, a citation looks like “Smith (2002)”. A bibliographic entry provides a complete description of the actual resource in a standard form. It contains just enough information for readers to find the resource for themlves. Again, the Harvard System of referencing has its own unique way of expressing this information.
What This Document Is
This work is taken largely from an online guide to the Harvard System at the University of the West of England website (UWE, 2005).
This is a guide to the Harvard System of References and is bad on British Standards 1629:1989 and 5605:1990. As the standards do not yet include references to electronic resources we include our own recommendations for the below. The recommendations follow current common practice.
This document provides a ries of guidelines for citations (also known as attributions) and their accompanying bibliographic entries. The guidelines however are not completely rigid: you have some flexibility in how you do both citations and bibliographic entries. But it is important that you decide, within the flexibility allowed by the guidelines, your specific way of making them. Whatever that way is, you should be absolutely consistent within your work (i.e., within your assignment/report/prentation). Inconsistency is sloppy and viewed as unprofessional. Of cour, if your professor or supervisor impos other constraints on you, then you should follow tho as well.burgundy
medicine是什么意思General Comments About Electronic Resources
The general recommendation for electronic resources is that you need to include all the usual information for print resources. In addition, you need to indicate that the resource is online, where it was found online, and when it was found online. Details of this are provided below.
Furthermore, for any electronic resource which has a printed counterpart (e.g., an electro
estatesnic book, or electronic newspaper, etc.), you should prent the information in a similar way in both cas. For example, if your bibliographic entries to printed books includes the title of the book quoted and in italics (“like this”) then your bibliographic entry to electronic books should also prent the title in the same way.
Citation in the text of your work.
A citationzip是什么意思 is simply a reference to a resource. The resource could be a page in a book, a magazine article, a television programme, or even a telephone call. In the Harvard System, a citation is simply the author's name, plus the date of publication (though in the ca of an authour who publishes more than one resource in a given year, you need to add an optional letter “a”, “b”, etc., to distinguish between the resources). This simple method lets you look up the bibliographic entry easily, and also lets you e directly who is being quoted or referenced. The full details of the resource (the title of the book and the publisher, for example) are provided in the bibliography ction.