Episode 10: The brainstorm
Episode 13: The Imperial Lemon
Narrator: Hello, welcome back to the offices of Citrus Ventures!
(broken computer + murmur of people at meeting, as proceedings have
been interrupted)
Anna's prentation to Mr Lime and his Well,
almost! Her computer has jammed and the prentation, along with her
notes, are frozen.
Anna: Oh no, this is terrible!
Narrator: Anna, you're going to have to manage without the slideshow or notes. Just
wait till you hear from me
Anna: Just talk! Just talk! You just talk! What on earth am I going to say? My
mind is blank.
Narrator: Try to remember the key points you wanted to share, and give them one
by one. If you can, give some facts that support each point. For example:
Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients doubled last year.
U phras like this:
The company has a strong track
Let me share
The Imperial Lemon's key
Anna: OK. Ahem!
(murmurs die down)
Sorry about that, I'll just have to continue talking without the slideshow.
So, Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients
doubled last year. This is becau our company-
Narrator: Yes, but try not to bark out information like a robot. Look people in the
eye, slow down and try to be more conversational….oh, and smile!
Anna: (more conversationally) Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of
clients doubled last year. This is becau our company has a strong track
record of reliability and becau, thanks to new technology, our fruits are
more and more convincing. Our bananas have won awards for being the
most authentic-looking fruits in Europe.
We are very happy that Citrus Ventures is already among our clients and
we hope to build on that by offering you more exciting new fruits.
Let me share with you our latest product: (sound of unzipping of a bag)
the Imperial Lemon.
(impresd murmur from the audience)
The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are its design and flexibility. It is
made with revolutionary faux-orange-premium, lar-curve-definition
(fade out)
Narrator: What an excellent performance from Anna. She focusd on some key
points, supported them with facts and structured her answer clearly. She
also managed to relax and sound more natural. She ud the phras:
The company has a strong track
Let me share
The Imperial Lemon's key
Let's fast-forward to after the meeting to e if she gets an order.sobering
Anna: …so thank you for your time, I hope you're impresd with our Imperial
Mr Lime: Fantastic Anna, fantastic!
Anna: Thank you.
Mr Lime: lemons – wow. I'd like to put in an order for three hundred
thousand right away.
Anna: Of cour.
Mr Lime: Now, what's your direct phone number?
Narrator: Good work. Although, I must say, Mr Lime ems just as excited about
Anna as he is about the lemons. watch out Anna! Until next time!
·全国英语等级考试Listening Challenge
Question: What does Anna say are the key strengths of the Imperial Lemon?
Answer: Its design and flexibility.
Episode 14: Telephone tell-tale
Narrator: Hello. We're back at Tip Top Trading. Anna is very busy dealing with Mr
Lime's big order for Imperial Lemons.
(phone rings)
Anna: Yes?... Who?... I can't hear you. Mr what? What? Mr Who? I don't know,
you tell me. Oh, you are H-U: Hu. Er... No, Tom's busy. Call back
later. Bye. (hangs up) Tom, Mr Hu called you.
Tom: Mr Hu-
adhdAnna: bufferMr Hu: H-U
Tom: Anna, Mr Hu is a very important-
毕业演说任务怎么做astro boy(phone rings)
Oh! What now?! (answers) Yes?
Tom: (to himlf) I'm going to have to talk to the boss about this.
Anna: No. I'm busy, give me your number, I'll call you later. Yep, yep, 6... 8...
thanks. Bye! (hangs up) Right, now where was I?
Paul: Anna, could I have a word?
Anna: Yes. (to herlf) Ohhh, he must want to tell me how plead he is with the
北京英语翻译招聘Citrus Ventures deal.
(door closing)
Paul: Now, biscuit?
Anna: Thank you.
Paul: I'm a little bit concerned about something.
Anna: (to herlf/whispering) "I'm a little " Doesn't that mean
something bad?
Narrator: Yes, Anna, Paul is using a polite turn of phra to say he is unhappy about