bjjUnit 6 The Admirable
Topic Talk
Students will be able to
the power of dream
1. talk about people who are admirable
2. listen for general understanding
3. read for specific information and understand words in context
1. talking about people you admire and offering reasons.
2. listening for general understanding
1. Pair Work: Talk about people who you admire.
(1) Preview the topic of this talk by asking students what makes a person admirable. For example, it’s usually something special they do which average people can’t do.
(2) Students work in pairs to brainstorm “people I admire” and organi the information in the mind map.
(3) V olunteer students can prent their information to the class.truly madly deeply
2. Listen and complete the Text Builder.
母亲节快乐的英文(1) Read the ntence frames. Explain the meanings of unknown terms.
(2) Discuss what the dialogue could be about.
不要温和地走进那个良夜(3) Play the dialogue.
(4) Ask students to recall the information they heard in the talk to complete the ntences. If needed, play the dialogue a cond time and pau after key statements in the interview.
(5) Review the answers with students.
3. U the Text Builder to talk about the person you admire.
(1) Ask students to call out words/phras they learnt in this ction, such as brave, help people in danger, weakness and work hard and creatively.
(2) Then have students talk about the person they admire in different pairs or small groups.
4. Listen, complete and discuss.
(1) Tell students that they should write three qualities while listening, one in each box.
(2) Ask students to tell a partner what they expect to hear, e.g., people who are admirable
and what makes them admirable.
(3) Play the dialogue.
acha(4) Play the dialogue a cond time if needed and pau after key statements in the dialogue.
(5) Review the answers as a class.
(6) Have students discuss in pairs or small groups whether they agree or disagree with the qualities mentioned in the dialogue. Encourage them to give reasons for their answers.
考研 现场确认(7) V olunteer students can share their opinions with the class.
5. Write a short paragraph about the person you admire.
(1) Ask students to choo a person they admire.fuck off
(2) Refer students back to the Text Builder to write a short paragraph. Help struggling students with ideas and ntence structure.
(3) V olunteer students can read their paragraph in small groups or to the class. Find out whether