济南七里山幼儿园 Chine New Year is the most important and longest holiday in China. Chine will begin celebrating on the New Year’s Eve and the celebrations will last for 15 days.veto
The Origin1
Chine New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar2weipi, so it is also called the Lunar New Year. And it is also referred to as the Spring Festival since it is the beginning of the Spring term走进鲁迅, which is the first term of the 24 terms on the lunar calendar.
ehcache It was recorded that Chine started to celebrate Chine New Year from about 2000 BC, though the celebrations were held on different times under different emperors. They started to celebrate Chine New Year on the first day of the lunar calendar bad on Emperor Wu Di’s almanac3 of the Han Dynasty.