Benjamin Franklin:“The First American"
How does one characterize Benjamin Franklin? Journalist, scientist, educator, politician, writer, administer, philosopher—he truly emed to be able to do everything。 His accomplishments and the talents and interests which he displayed during the cour of his long life—1706 to 1790—have caud him to be called both “the first American" and “the last universal man”.
bygoneHistorian Samuel Eliot Morison gives this view of the man:“Franklin's cret, the thing that ‘made him tick’ and pulled every aspect of his mind together, was his love of people. He talked with English and French statesmen as an equal; he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe。” Morison even speculated that if we had been alive in 1776 and had made a call upon Benjamin Franklin, he would have made us feel at home。 He would have asked about our parents, and probably would have known them, or at least about them; he would then have asked us about ourlves, drawn us out, and nt us away with some good advice, a handshake, and a smile。
Benjamin was one of 17 children, all of whom were expected to help support the large Franklin houhold。 As a young child, he worked in the shop of his father, a soap and candlemaker, but this work did not appeal to a boy who loved to read and study。 Therefore, when he was 12, Benjamin was nt to assist his half-brother James who had a printing shop. There, surrounded by books, young Ben would often stay up late into the night reading on a wide range of subjects; and as he read, he practiced improving his own style of writing.
In 1721, James began publishing a newspaper, the New England Courant. Benjamin
cretly wrote articles for the paper under the pen name of “Dame Silence Dogood”, putting them under the door of the printing shop late at night so that his brother would not know the articles were his. They were full of humor and wi obrvations of life in Boston, Franklin’s birthplace, and they immediately became popular with the public.
When James was jailed for criticizing the British authorities, young Benjamin took over the publishing of the paper. In defen of freedom of speech and the press, he courageously printed a quotation from a London newspaper; “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech; which is the right of every man as far as by it if he does not h
urt or control the right of another."
yesterday oncemore
大轰大嗡After a quarrel with James, Benjamin left Boston to ek his own fortune。 Failing to find work in New York city, the 17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job as a printer’s apprentice and soon had a wide circle of friends。 Within a few years, Franklin had married, has started his own printing shop, and was looked upon as a successful young businessman.
tony stark
In 1729, Franklin purchad the newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. Besides the regular news, Franklin included his own articles and editorials alive with humor and wisdom; and soon the paper was the most widely read in all of colonial America。
At the same time, Franklin involved himlf in community projects。 He founded, for example, the Junto, a discussion group that met weekly to debate the issues of the day。 The Junto was active for 30 years and developed into the American Philosophical
Society. He also founded the country's first subscription library and organized America’s first fire—fighting and fire insurance companies。 He helped to improve the local police force and to establish a hospital and a college which later became the University of Pennsylvania。 He once said of his activities, “I would rather have it said, ‘he lived uful’ than ‘he died rich'…”
party girl与此同时,富兰克林还积极投身于社会事业。他建立了皮围裙俱乐部(the Junto),每周都组织成员聚在一起对这一周所发生的事情进行讨论。经过三十多年的发展,“小团队”成为了后来的美国哲学学会。他还创立了美国第一家捐赠图书馆,组建了美国第一支消防队、第一家火灾保险公司。他帮助提高地方警卫力量,并且开办了一家医院和一所大学(现在的宾夕法尼亚大学)。他曾如此评价自己所做的一切:“我想要人们谈到我的时候,会说‘他的生命很有价值’,而不是‘他很有钱’。"