jstlannexation专利名称:Celestial navigator 发明人:William L. Abler出纳是做什么的
摘要:Celestial navigational instrument and method of determination of local latitude and local hour angle of Aries by a single sighting on the night sky. Greenwich hour angle of Aries and latitude are obtained by simple reference to the instrument's scales and to a watch and Nautical Almanac; sight reduction tables, plotting boards and charts are not required. The instrument compris a sky asmbly and a horizon asmbly. The sky asmbly includes a clod central axial tube on which are rotatably mounted a combined periscope/telescope tube for sighting a first star and a periscope tube for sighting a cond star, the siderial hour angular positions of both of which are t with respect to a single sky wheel and the polar distances of each periscope turret with respect to protractor scales. The horizon asmbly compris a periscope/telescope asmby mounted on the central axial tube and indexed to a horizon wheel and protractor scale to read the local hour angle of Aries and local latitude. A beam splitter, mirrors and optical lens elements are mounted to permit simultaneous obrvation of two stars and the horizon.
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