Experimental study on an ultra high-ri building evacuation in China
J.Ma a ,b ,c ,W.G.Song b ,⇑,W.Tian d ,S.M.Lo c ,G.X.Liao b
School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,PR China
State Key Laboratory of Fire Science,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,PR China c
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering,City University of Hong Kong,Tat Chee Avenue,Kowloon,Hong Kong d
China Ship Development and Design Center,Wuhan 430036,PR China
a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:
Available online 4February 2012Keywords:
Ultra high-ri building evacuation Experiments Speed
Queuing and overtaking
a b s t r a c t
With the development of modern cities,more and more ultra high-ri buildings have been built.Emergency evacuation of such buildings becomes one of the major concerns for building desig
ners,building occupants and governments,especially after the disaster of 9/11.In this study we designed three experi-ments to investigate the process of ultra high-ri building evacuation.The experiments were performed in Shanghai World Financial Center,which is about 470m tall.In the first experiment,the evacuation of a single pedestrian from the top floor to the first floor was performed.Movement characteristics such as mean speed and the time needed for evacuation were analyzed.In the cond experiment,the mass evac-uation process was captured by video cameras and the data were extracted out manually.The evacuees were distributed initially on floors 12–17,and were asked to evacuate through a stairca onto the refuge floor.On the refuge flhe 6th floor,the evacuees were required to transit into another stairca to keep moving down to the ground floor.The characteristic space–time curves for each evacuee were extracted and analyzed.Parameters such as the mean speed and the evacuation time,as well as the char-acteristic of the transit process from one stairca to another were investigated.We at last mimicked and discusd the process of lift evacuation for an ultra high-ri building in the 3rd experiment.Evacuees located on the 41st and 65th floor were asked to move downward by stairs until they came to the refuge floors,where they would evacuate to the ground floor by lifts.The time characteristic of the mixed evacuation strategy was discusd.The basic data obtained from the experiments are uful for building designers and can be ud to validate and refine ultra high-ri building evacuation models.
Ó2011Elvier Ltd.All rights rerved.
With the rapid urbanization of many cities in developing coun-tries,there has been a huge influx of people into the metropolitan areas.As a result,the enormous demand for floor space in such cit-ies has led to the construction of ultra high-ri buildings.In the buildings,the number of people will be usually very large (Shields et al.,2009).Thus under the situations such as fire and terrorist at-tack,people need to be evacuated,which makes emergency evac-uation problem one of the major concerns for building designers,building occupants as well as governments (Shields et al.,2009;Oven and Cakici,2009;McConnell et al.,2010;Pelechano and Malkawi,2008).
小学课堂纪律There has been a lot of studies focud on the evacuation char-acteristics (Pelechano and Malkawi,2008).Summarizing the studies,it can be found that factors affecting the evacuation char-acteristics can be mainly divided into the following two categories (Proulx,2002):(i)flow capacity and (ii)human behavior.Flow capacity is believed to be confined by the building components such as the doorway,the stairs which formed the so called ‘‘bottlenecks.’’Pedestrian flow rates at the specific locations are influenced by the building geometry characteristics (Cepolina,2009;Kretz et al.,2006),s
o the evacuation process for buildings with different geometries will be different.It has recently been pointed out the relationship between the doorway width and the corre-sponding achievable flow capacity is not linear but influenced also by its design (Gwynne et al.,2009;Daamen and Hoogendoorn,2011).
Human ,respon and motion characteristics of the evacuees,also play an important role in affecting the evacuation process.It has been found during the evacuation process (Zhang et al.,2008;Proulx and Reid,2006;McConnell et al.,2010)that dif-ferent people tend to react differently.Thus,evacuation drills (Zhang et al.,2008;Cheng et al.,2009;Nilsson and Johansson,2009),pedestrian traffic surveys (Chow and Ng,2008;Jiang et al.,2009;Fang et al.,2008),experiments (Helbing et al.,2003)and evacuation modeling (Lo and Fang,2000;Song et al.,2006a,b;Zheng et al.,2009;Kuligowski and Milke,2005)have been ud to investigate the effect of human behaviors on evacuation process.
0925-7535/$-e front matter Ó2011Elvier Ltd.All rights rerved.doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.12.018
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:wgsong@ustc.edu (W.G.Song).
It is found during the evacuation most of the evacuees would ignore the initial evacuation signals(Proulx,2002;Zhang et al.,2008).At the time of evacuation,the people are rarely in the emotion of panic (Proulx,2002).It has also been pointed out recently that under dif-ferent‘‘time pressure,’’people may behave different normal and heightened,which leads to different motion character-istics(Frey et al.,2010).When the situation is threatening their lives in only a short time period,people may speed up to escape while ignoring polite social norms.However when the situation is not so bad,the motion characteristics during the evacuation pro-cess are comparable with the normal situation.
To model pedestrian evacuation process,different models have been built bad on the rules summarized from different pedes-trian motion characteristics(Zheng et al.,2009).The models can provide valuable information about the human behavior re-latedflow patterns,especially when it can rarely be investigated by using real people(Oven and Cakici,2009),e.g.,the largest emer-gent evacuation of the ultra high-ri building world trade center on9/11in modern times(Shields et al.,2009;McConnell et al., 2010).When using such models,it should be noticed that the mod-el parameters such as the pedestrian speed and personal size(Shi et al.,2009)should be specified carefully.As reflected by the fun-damental diagram of pedestrianflow in different regions of the world(
Chattaraj et al.,2009;Daamen and Hoogendoorn,2007; Seyfried et al.,2005;Older,1968;Graat et al.,1999),theflow-den-sity relations are different for the reason that pedestrians with dif-ferent culture background might prefer different personal space (Chattaraj et al.,2009;Ma et al.,2010a).This means that urban planners,pedestrian traffic facility designers andfire safety engi-neers would need to adapt their pedestrian traffic and evacuation models depending on the population and the area of the world to ensure a reliable simulation result(Ma et al.,2010b).
When referring to multi-storey buildings,both elevators and stairs can be ud to transport people to different levels of the building.However,when performing evacuation,occupants on eachfloor of the building can only be evacuated by the stairs as re-quired by current codes for buildingfire protection,for example, the Code of Practice on Building Works for Lifts and Escalators, Hong Kong,2002(Building Authority,2002).Thus the pedestrian flow features in the staircas are of critical importance for the rea-son that it surely will influence the evacuation process as a result of the merging at the stairwell landing(Galea et al.,2008)which connects thefloor and stairs.To quantify theflow features,the pe-destrian level-of-rvice on stairs was investigated in North Amer-ica(Fruin,1971).While in China,crowdflow in platform staircas has also been investigated(Jiang et al.,2009).Both studies indi-cated that the walking speed of crowds on stairs as well as the width of th
e stairca influences the maximumflow capacity much,which is similar to the relationship betweenflow and effec-tive width(Pauls,1984).To further explore how the human behav-iors such as collision avoidance(Fujiyama and Tyler,2009),turning at the stairwell landing(Xu and Song,2009)affect theflow fea-tures,field obrvations and evacuation drills have been performed (Fujiyama and Tyler,2009;Xu and Song,2009).Averill and Song calibrated their cellular automaton model by comparing the simu-lation results with multi-storeyfire-drill evacuation(Averill and Song,2007).Xu et al.propod a multi-grid model for the modeling of stairca evacuation(Xu and Song,2009).They compared their simulation results with evacuation drills and found good agree-ments.To provide better understandings of the stairca evacua-tion process and sufficient input parameters to the models, Peacock et al.further discusd the stairca evacuation and pre-nted the studies on the speed distribution for multi-storey evac-uation process(Peacock et al.,2009).It should be borne in mind that the speed distribution may be affected by factors such as age,gender,as well as mobility.The prence of occupants with disabilities may influence the speed and theflows within the evac-uation process(Shields et al.,2009).
For ultra high-ri buildings,the evacuation process is different from normal building evacuation.The following factors should be taken into account.Firstly,the number of stories is sufficiently large,which
makes the effect of merging at the stairwell landing much more obvious.Secondly,the movement process usually takes a relatively long time,thus the speed change should be inves-tigated.Thirdly,the evacuation strategy for ultra high-ri building is different from normal building evacuation.As required by the building code in China(GB50045-95,2005),a refugefloor is re-quired in any high ri building above100m,providing an area for protection and evacuation in the event of afire.Different from regularfloors,the refugefloors cannot rve as a usable office space.The staircas on thofloors are designed to parate the lower and the upper parts so that smoke cannot spread from the stairca to the whole building.Thus during the entire evacuation process,when coming to the refugefloor,occupants in the building should have to transit from one stairca into another one. Recently it has been propod that on the refugefloor,evacuees should be allowed to u the properly arranged lifts to improve the evacuation efficiency(Kuligowski,2003).Simulation results indicate that with proper arrangement,the u of lifts does benefit the ultra high-ri building evacuation process(Lo et al.,2010). Considering all the features,we designed three experiments in the prent study to investigate(i)the speed characteristics of occupants when evacuating down in the stairwells,(ii)the merging and overtaking evacuees in the stairwell,(iii)the transit behavior from one stairca to another,as well as(iv)the time characteris-tics of using the lift to egress.
2.Material and methods
2.1.Building layout
st patrick dayControlled experiments on the ultra high-ri building evacua-tion have been conducted in the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC)in January,2010.The470m high SWFC is located in Shang-hai,China.There are101floors above the groundfloor.There are mainly shopping malls from the groundfloor to the3rdfloor while there are all business offices on thefloors from the7thfloor to the 77thfloor.In between the3rd and the7thfloor,there are mainly conference rooms,while the79thfloor to the93rdfloor is occupied by a hotel.Thefloors above the93rd are ud for sighteing,so the mean height of thefloors is particularly high compared to that of normalfloors.Above the sixthfloor,there is one refugefloor at every12floors.The height of eachfloor interval can be found in Table1.
When evacuation takes places,all the evacuees on the regular floors should choo one of the three staircas to escape,as shown in Fig.1a.Occupants entering from the lowfloor levels will encounter tho who come down from the upperfloors on the
Heights and functions of differentfloor intervals.
Floor interval Height(m)Function
101–8977.25Hotel and sighteing
78–6650.4Business office
6-Groundfloor27.6Shopping mall and conference rooms北外壹佳英语
1666J.Ma et al./Safety Science50(2012)1665–1674
stairwell landing,which connects thefloor and the stairs,as shown in Fig.1b.The occupants merge together at the stairwell landing and then move downward until they come across the refugefloor where the stair ends.They then move out the current stairca and into another by following the guidance on the refugefloor.In Fig.1a we show this typical process of the SWFC evacuation.Evac-uees move out the north-west stairca on the refuge and follow the arrows on thefloor into another stairca or move towards the lift room where they can take a lift to keep moving downward. During this process,each evacuee has to move through four exit doors.The distance between the two exit doors of the staircas is about36m.The width of the exit door and the stair is1m and 1.2m,respectively.The stair tread is0.28m while the stair rir is0.15m.
All the following experiments were performed in the stairca 1as marked out in Fig.1a.For the convenience of description, the stairca is divided into subctions and denoted for exam-ple S17-16,meaning the stairs from the17thfloor to the16th floor.The evacuees entered the corresponding stairwell landing from the exit on eachfloor,as shown in Fig.1b.The stairwell landing is denoted as for example,P16,meaning the platform connecting the subctions of S17-16and S16-15.It should be noticed that there are two stairwell landings on the refugefloor, e.g.the stairwell landing where evacuees leave the current stair-ca and the other one where evacuees enter the next stairca, thus in the2nd experiment below they are denoted P6-1,P6-2, respectively.
2.2.Experimental procedures
All the evacuees who participated in the experiments were employees who worked in the SWFC.They were randomly lected and agreed to take part in the experiments.During the experi-ments,the participants were informed to perform an evacuation drill.Each participant took part in only one of the following three experiments.
2.2.1.Free movement characteristics
Six participants took part in thefirst experiment.Of all the par-ticipants,two of them are female,one of them was a older man.Their age and gender can be found in Table2.All of the participants were initially placed on the101stfloor.The participants moved into the stair from the101stfloor at120s intervals.Another six young people were meanwhile lected to monitoring the move-ment of thefirst six people by following them to record the time when the experimental participant arrived at and departed from each refugefloor of the SWFC.Tho who monitored the experi-ment were all equipped with personal handyphones to keep in touch with the control room in ca of emergency situation.
2.2.2.Mass evacuation
Another177people took part in the cond experiment to investigate the characteristics of mass evacuation in a high-ri building.At the beginning of the experiment,all the177people were asked to wait in the lected lobbies of stairca1as shown in Fig.1a on the12th to the17thfloor.Evacuees on the 17th,16th,...,12thfloor were numbered from1to45,46to57, 58to87,88to117,118to147,and148to177respectively.That is to say on the17th,16thfloor,there were45and12people respectively,while there were30people on each of the other floors.All the participants were also randomly lected from the employees in the SWFC.They were informed to take part in an evacuation drill.During the evacuation process,they were asked to move as fast as possible and meanwhile keep themlves safe. When they came to the refugefloor,they would be directed to the lected stairca by following the guide arrows on thefloor. The evacuees on all thefloors were synchronized to depart by a signal of‘‘Ready?Go!’’When theyfinished the evacuation drill, they reported their name,gender,quential number,initial loca-tion of the evacuation and the overall time cost to complete the evacuation at the information gathering desk on the groundfloor.
The whole process of mass evacuation was also recorded by DV cameras D17,D14,D12,D6-1,D6-2,and D1located on the corre-sponding stairwell landing P17,P14,P12,P6-1,P6-2and P1, respectively.Thus the merging process of evacuees from the 15thfloor to the14thfloor and from the
13thfloor to the12thfloor were captured.The transit of the stairca on the refugefloor was also captured.The exact time each evacuee prented in the recordings at the snapshot points was manually extracted from the video
3.Mixed strategies of evacuation
In the third experiment,the time feature of mixed evacuation strategies was explored.Another10evacuees on each of the41st and65thfloor were instructed tofirst move down to the refuge floors30and54,respectively.For the reason that the lifts in ultra high-ri building which can be ud to evacuate pedestrian for different refugefloors had different configuration parameters, e.g.,lifts ud for high level refugefloors usually have a larger speed than tho ud for lower levelfloors,we as a result in this experiment designed two sub-evacuation group evacuating from two different level of refugefloor to explore the effects of different lift configuration parameters.
When the evacuees came to the refugefloor,they left the stair-ca and went to the lift room,as shown in Fig.1a,where they took a lift to move down to the groundfloor.The departure time for the evacuees from their initial location,and the arrival time to the ref-ugefloor were recorded.After entering into the lift room,one half of the evacuees took the lift to evacuate down to the groundfloor. The others waited there during the above process until the lift came up to the refuge again.They then took the lift tofinish the evacuation experiment.The time needed for the lift to move to the refugefloor
after the lift button was presd down,the time needed for the lift to open and clo the lift door,and the time needed for all the evacuees to arrive at the groundfloor were re-corded.It should be noticed that for the reason that during real evacuation scenario,the evacuee crowds might block the lift door clo process,thus tho who were on the54thfloor were ordered to stop the lift door for about5s during the experiment.
3.Results and discussion
3.1.Free moving characteristics
The time in which a single evacuee can freely move from the 101stfloor to the groundfloor is explored in this ction by check-ing the recorded time when the participants arrived at and left each refugefloor during the evacuation process.The time interval between the departure times of the neighboring participants on the101stfloor was two minutes.Fig.2prents the space–time features of the evacuation process for each participant.In Fig.2it
can be easily found that it took about2000s for the evacuees to
move down from the height of about460m to the ground level.
anaesthesiaIt can also be found that overtaking behavior in the stairwell can
be obrved in ca that only a few evacuees u the stair.
When we compare the space–time features of participant2and
her older follower participant3we can e that the time lag be-
tween them when passing the same refugefloor became larger
and larger.Both of the two participants are female,the2nd partic-
ipant is younger than the3rd one(43compared to21,as shown in
Table2).Similarly,the space–time features between participant1
and participant4,5,and6show that the time gaps between the
older and his young follower had a tendency to become small.It
might imply that the factor of age might affect ones speed during
the long time evacuation.However,it should be noticed that the
sample in this study is relatively small that we cannot draw statis-
tically significant difference.More experimental works should be
done to further analyze the impact of age and gender
during the lengthy evacuation.考研不考数学的专业
The vertical speed of each participant during each12floor ver-
tical descent was then calculated according to the refugefloor
interval height,as shown in Table1,and the movement time as
shown in Fig.2.It should be noted that the movement time ud
here includes the travel time each participant spent when walking
on the horizontal landings,which may induce a slightly lower tra-
vel speed.The vertical speeds for each participant are given in
Fig.3.From Fig.3we can e that the mean vertical speed when
evacuating down from the101stfloor to the groundfloor was
about0.28m/s.This vertical speed derived from our experiments
is relatively lower than the one reported by Pauls etc.According
to their report,the speeds would be in the region of0.7–0.8m/s
across the incline(Pauls,1984;Waldau et al.,2007),i.e.,a vertical
speeds of about0.33–0.38m/s when the rir to tread ratio is0.54
(calculated by using the rir and tread of the SWFC).It might be
becau that after long time movement,people felt so fatigued that
they slow down their speeds.Feedbacks from the participants of
this experiment indicated that although they did not feel uncom-
fortable during the evacuation process.However their legs ache
slightly the day after the experiments and it took them about
1week to recover.The WTC evacuation investigation also indi-
cated that long time movement may lower speeds(McConnell
et al.,2010).
When the mean vertical speed across participants in different
floor intervals is referred to,it shows that the mean speedfirst Table2
Information about the participants in Experimental I.
Gender Male Female Female Male Male Male
1668J.Ma et al./Safety Science50(2012)1665–1674
decreas and then increas slightly and arrives at the biggest va-lue in the penultimate stage.While at the last stage of the evacu-ation,the speeds of the participants decrea sharply.Except for the fatigue reason,another possible explanation for the speedfluc-tuation might be due to the psychological change caud by the lengthy evacuation.At the initial pha of the evacuation process, the evacuee moves fast however feels tired later which makes him/ her slow down.They then realize it might take too much time if they keep moving slow,thus they began to hurry up.When approaching the end of the evacuation,the participants’mind is re-laxed and so their speeds become slow at the end of evacuation.
The impact on the evacuation process of the evacuees slowing down at the last stage is small when only a few evacuees are pre-nted in the stairca.However,it should be noted that the decreasing
speed in the last stage will lead to the increa of den-sity in the stairca,and will then decrea the efficiency of the evacuation.
3.2.Evacuation behavior in the stairwell
世博演艺中心In total177participants took part in the cond experiment to explore the mass evacuation characteristics in high ri buildings. Of all the participants,108are male.The male to female ratio is about 1.57:1.The age composition of participants is shown in Fig.4and it can be found that the youths account for the largest proportion in the experiment,which is consistent to the composi-tion of the office occupants.At the beginning of the evacuation experiment,the evacuees were distributed on the12thfloor to the17thfloor.During the evacuation process,the participants had to transit stairwell when they came to the refugefloor.Thus we can obrve the merging behavior at the stairwell landing, the overtaking behavior and the speedfluctuation as well in this sub-experiment.
The egress paths for evacuees on the17thfloor under the exper-imental condition II can be derived.Theyfirst came into the stair-well landing P17from the stairwell lobby and then entered onto stairs S17-16.On the stairwell landing P16which connects the stairs S17-16and S16-15,the evacuee encountered tho who entering the stairwell landing from the16thfloor.The partici-pants merged t
ogether and moved downward to the stairs S16-15.For the stairwell landing of the lower levelfloors,merging of evacuees can also be obrved.Typical merging behavior has also been captured during the evacuation experiment, e.g.,as shown in Fig.5a,on the12thfloor there is an evacuee numbered 138coming down from the upperfloor is pushing his way to move downward to the stairwell landing P12after queuing and waiting for a while when he meet tho who entered from the stair S13-12adjacent to the incomingflows from the exit(to e a detailed configuration of the stairwell,plea refer to Fig.1b).Most of the time,individuals came down from the upperfloor or the exit would queue and wait in turn for moving downward becau most people could befitted on the stairs.Thus as evacuees from different floors queuing in the stairwell,accumulative impact of the merging behavior affects the evacuation process ,occupant density in the stairca became higher,moving speed of the evacuees was meanwhile influenced.On the refugefloor,the evacuees moved out of the current stairca,as shown in Fig.5b, pasd through the refugefloor by following the arrow guidance on thefloor,as shown in Fig.5c,and egresd via another stairca. At last all the pedestrians arrived at stairwell landing P1and left the stairca by passing a door with a width of0.86m.Finally all the evacuees arrived at the prescribed safety zone,as shown in Fig.5d,where they handed over their personal information ques-tionnaire providing their quential number,their initial location, the time they arrived at the safety zone and so on.
All the evacuees in the video recordings were manually tracked to get the time when he/she moved into the recording of the evac-uation process.The times were then recorded following his/her ID(refer to Fig.5,we canfind the red ID on the shoulder of the evacuees).For the reason that the video recordings were recorded by DV cameras with a frame rate of25frames/s,the time error for detecting each person was only0.04s or a little larger.We show in Table3the times for part of the participants on the17thfloor when they appear in each of the stories where there was a camera.
3.2.1.Queuing in the stairwell
According to the time and location information we obtained for each evacuee as shown in Table.3,the space–time feature curves for evacuees on the17thfloor,the14thfloor and the12thfloor in the experimental II are plotted in Fig.6a–c respectively.It can be found the following veral interesting phenomena from this figure:
(i)The curves in Fig.6a are similar to and almost parallel with
each other,indicating that during the mass evacuation over-taking can rarely be obrved,thus the participants have to follow the front ones.It makes the stairwell evacuation pro-cess something like a queuing ,tho who enter into the queuefirst can move out of itfirst.Same situation could a
lso be reflected by Table.3.The reason accounting for the queuing of individuals in the stairwell might be that the stair width is not wide enough for participants to over-take others.However,it should be noticed that overtaking can still happen in this ca,as shown in Table3that the No.18individual is overtaken by the No.10individual.
(ii)The time range of the curves for individuals who started evacuation from the samefloor is increasing gradually for all of the sub-figures(a)–(c).This is due to the reason that with the descent of the building storey,the individuals com-ing from the upper level can only merge into theflow of tho who comes from the lower level,thus individuals from the upper level queue one after another waiting for their chance to keep moving downward in the stairwell.Taking the evac-uees on the17thfloor as examples,we can e from Fig.6a that when thefirst one in the queue completes the evacua-tion,the last one was still moving slowly at the end of queue. (iii)On the refugefl,the6thfloor,it took some time for the participants to transit into another stairwell,as shown in all the sub-figures of Fig.6.Also on thisfloor,participants frequently overtook each other and maintain in front of the queue during the evacuation under the6th level.
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Further comparing the space–time feature curves for partici-pants from different stories,it can be found the following distinctions.
Firstly,the evacuation times of the participants from the 12th floor,as shown in Fig.6c,are dispersive becau no person had been placed under this floor and as a conquence,their move-ments are similar to free flow.Thus the evacuation times are clo to the time of a single person moving down from the 12th floor to the safety area,e Fig.7.
Secondly,the overtaking phenomenon happened for partici-pants from the 14th floor,as shown in Fig.6b,however barely no overtaking was obrved for tho who came from the 17th floor.This is becau the almost free movements of participants from the 12th floor reduced the density in front of tho who came from the 14th floor and as a result had little impact on them.So the high
speed individuals expected to finish the evacuation earlier,which leaded to the overtaking as soon as they had the chance.
Thirdly,the evacuation times of participants from the 17th are the longest,as shown in Fig.6a.This might due to the following two factors.The first one is the higher storey they started their egress,the longer corresponding time it cost them to reach the safety zone.The other reason is the appearance of merging,as shown in Fig.5a incread the local density and decread the indi-vidual speed and thus leaded to the appearance of bottleneck.We found that the mean evacuation time of each storey depends highly on the layer number as shown in Fig.7.The reason for this very phenomenon can be explained as follows,the effect of merg-ing behavior on evacuation time for pedestrians from higher floors is much more obvious than for the ones from the lower floor.The mean evacuation time of the pedestrians of the 17th floor is almost twice than the evacuation time of a single person from 17th floor to ground floor.
Due to the reason that usually the amount of people is very large while the egress stairs are relatively narrow,the above men-tioned queuing phenomenon will have a critical effect in affecting the ultra high-ri building evacuation.Thus the movement char-acteristics such as moving speed are important for us to analyze the safeties of ultra high-ri building evacuation.We further ana-lyze the data and evacuation behaviors obtained in the experi-ments to investigate the speed,density and other related parameters as well as their relationships in the following context.3.2.2.Speed distribution
The times of each participant entering into the scope of the cameras at different location have been obtained by tracking
Table 3
Time quences for each participant from the 17th floor to the ground floor.Sequential no.F17F14F12F6out
...9 4.6840.272.92171.76193.725601019.259.7689.84183.96205.884931115.2857.7288.24187.32207.565251218.9258.3289.16183205.165491425.7270.24100.12198.4218.64801522.9265.496.08194.28215.165451625.5269.1298.92197.52217.85291712.8454.0887.8182.2203.846701813.6485.4116.4199.