Describe a placeaward winning
The place I like most in my city is a café shop. It is very clo to my school and has a very beautiful
name, ”Sculpturing Time”. I often go there in the afternoon when I don’t have class. If I’m lucky, I can grab a at by the window. Then I can spend the whole afternoon there, curing up in the sofa, listening to the light music, drinking coffee, writing my journals or just sitting there doing nothing. I do enjoy the warm atmosphere and the artistic elements the shop offers to us. By the way, both the taste and the price of coffee are really good. Since the weather is warm and sunny, why not take a day off and have a trip there?
I would like to go to karaoke bar with my friends. We call it the party world. That’s why we always hold parties there. First, it is very convenient for us to entertain ourlves. Once we’ve paid for the
entrance fees, we would get the free drinks, derts, and so on. Since it offers a great lection of songs there, we can easily find out the songs we’d like to sing along with. Second, it gives us a n of relaxation. It can relea our stress from work and study. I bet that it is such a perfect place for us to hang out with our friends.
3, 描述⼀个我喜欢去的地⽅答案同第⼀题
The school I’d like to describe is the New Oriental School. First, the teachers there are almost the best teachers in our country. They are so talented, knowledgeable and humorous that you don’t feel boring in the class at all. Second, there are lots of students around me with the same dream—go abroad to further their study. Though we come from different cities all over China, there are a plenty of things we could share with each other such as the diver experiences, our dream school, our plans about our future and so on. In short, New Oriental School gave me a chunk
of beautiful memories for me to choo from, and I will never forget it.
Describe a person/people
A good teacher should have the following characteristics. First of all, he should be knowledgeable and good at teaching. He knows how to attract students’ attention and make them active. Second, a good teacher is suppod to be patient and responsible to students. No matter what kind of students he is dealing with, he should treat them equally and whole-heartedly. Finally, a good teacher should be a good listener. He will always be willing to sit down to share his thoughts with us.
A good friend should have the following personalities. First, a trustworthy person is someone I can rely on him especially when I am in difficulty, he will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he is someone who can give me
constructsome suggestions when I lo my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during tho period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspire me by saying that I was derved the cond chance and never pushing mylf too hard would be a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize that I overcome tho dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say that prepare for the worst and hope for the best, we ldom do it when we face up the wor situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule. In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my respon.”What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”
The person I admire most is my mother. First, she is well educated and has a passion to learn. Since she is very fond of reading, I got a habit of reading when I was little. Thus, I obtained lots of kn
owledge from reading. Second, she keeps an open mind. There ems to be no generation gap between us. She is always willing to sit down to share her thoughts
with me. Finally, my mother is loyal to her friends. I guess that’s why she has so many friends around her. How I wish to be such a wonderful person like her.
A good leader is suppod to have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision is a direction, an attractive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you don’t know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers.
With a vision, you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights. It is an important function of any leader.
Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with people who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, especially tho that come from different backgrounds and age groups.
Describe events/your experiences
1. 我做过的最重要的决定 --Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? U specific examples and details to support your explanation.
The most important decision that I have ever made is when I was 19 years old. I cho chemistry as my
major in my college. It’s of great importance becau it determines what I will learn and what I will do the
遥控器英语 next four years. What is more, it partly determines my future career for the rest of my life. After four
years of study, I think I made a right decision, becau I do like chemistry and have learned a lot of skills. I
also have learned how to create an idea and implement it in my study and scientific rearch, which is an
important ability during my lifetime.
Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choo marketing as my major in university, as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn it well, I have to learn various subjects such as international trade and brand management. What’s more, i’m little timidity in front of challenges such as doing the prentation and negotiation, I guess most of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketing is a major can definitely anneal mylf. During the studies in university, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade.
2. 我的⼈⽣⽬标-Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Plea include specific examples and details in your explanation.
To tell you the truth, my aim is to be a journalist as my future career. And I have partly achieved it. You
know what, I have dreamed to be a journalist since I was still in middle school. And then I cho
journalism as my major in university though my parents strongly oppod to that. During my time in the
university, I worked hard and practiced as much as I could. Yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call. It
was from China Daily which is one of the most famous newspapers in my country. They provided me an
offer to be a journalist in their newspaper! it's like a dream come true.
Frankly speaking, I would like to be a teacher as my future career. I have dreamed to be a teacher since I was still in the primary school. Cuz training is my cup of tea. I am very glad and proud of to share my knowledge and views with others. Well, condly, with the fast speed of development in China, the demand of professional talent is a pressing issue, so I would like to contribute my effort to the development of China. As my father always tell me to do something constructive and beneficial to the ordinary people.
3. 印象最深的时刻-Describe a celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Plea explain the impression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.
Speaking of celebrations, there is one day of the year that is cond to none in our country, it is the first
day of the year in lunar calendar, which is called the Spring Festival by most Chine people. Even if you
are indifferent with festive events, you cannot resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the
defining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner, family members make toasts for each other
in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.
lumosity 4. 描述⼀个我遇到的最有挑战性的经历 Describe one of your challenging experiences. Explain why it is challenging and how you conquered this challenge. Plea include specific examples and details in your explanation.
yjc I once had a tough experience last mester when I was invited to show my dance with my friends in a
large-scale celebration evening. It was challenging becau we had only less than two weeks for
preparation. Even wor, it was the end of the term and we were all busy with our final exams. In such a
short time, as a leader, I investigated new dancing actions after my work during the daytime and taught
other members every night. We taught and learned together and encouraged each other when we were
frustrated. Finally, we had achieved a fantastic performance.
Frankly speaking, what the most challenging experience for me is as a leader in my brand management assignment group. This assignment required us to build a virtual brand. As a leader, I pay a significant amount of energy on this assignment. I allocated task to my group members and discusd issue with them. This process of learning definitely develops my abilities such as leadership, coordination and problem handling.
竖琴英文 5. 描述⼀个对我来说最重要的机会Describe a special opportunity given to you. Why does this opportunity so special to you? Your explanation should include specific details and examples.
Many years have pasd, but till today, I still could not forget the special opportunity I have received. It
was a rainy afternoon. When I was watching TV in my dorm room, I received a phone call. The man in the
phone asked me whether I was still looking for a job? I replied yes. And he then told me that he had read
my resume on the Internet and could provide me a job as manager cretary in their company. Later I
connectionstring successfully join this company. Looking back, this is actually the start point of my career path and I
learned a lot during my stay there. That’s why I consider it a very special opportunity to me.
There is a special opportunity that I have received still means a lot to me. I still could not forget that is a class assignment, the teacher required us to work together. My roommates were consistent to recommend me as a team leader in this assignment. I was really surprid by that. To be a leader is a precious challenge for me to improve my own various abilities. Definitely, under our efforts, we acc
omplished assignment successful.
6. 描述⼀个让我⾼兴的好消息为什么?Describe some good news that made you happy and explain why. Plea include specific examples and details in your explanation.
I'll tell you a piece of good news of mylf. You know what? I have just received an offer which tells me
that I was accepted to be an editor in Xinhua news Agency, which is the most important news agency in
China. Every one of my classmates admires me becau I am the only one who receives this offer. I
dreamed to be a journalist when I was still in middle school and thus I cho journalism as my major in the
university. When I graduate from the university, I found it very difficult for a female undergraduate to be
a journalist in China, but I proved mylf in the end, and got this offer.
I'll tell you a good news of mylf. I have just received an offer which tells me that I was accepted to be a student of master of luxury and fashion management in France. It is my dream major which I want to learn. I definitely made a great effort to realize this dream. What’s more, the reasons why this major means a lot to me is becau luxury profession talents are very esntial to the development of Chine local luxury industries. So I really wanna contribute my efforts to Chine local luxury industries.
7. 庆祝活动-Describe a social or politics celebration event in your culture. Specific examples and details are necessary in your statement.
好的英文名 A type of social event celebrated in my culture is the flag-raising ceremony on National Day. Oceans oftbc什么意思
people from all across the country come to Beijing the day b e f o r e . T h e y a r e v e r y e x c i t e d t o s e e t h e / p > p > 0 0 c e r e m o n y w i t h t h e i r o w n e y e s i n s t e a d o f o n T V . S o m e e v e n h a v e b e e n p l a n t i n g t h i s d r e a m i n t h e i r m i n d / p > p > 0 0 f o r y e a r s . T h e y a r r i v e a r o u n d 6 : 0 0 e a r l y i n t h e m o r n i n g , w a i t i n g f o r t h e s p e c i a l m o m e n t . I g u e s s t h e y a r e / p > p > 0 0 a l l o v e r w h e l m e d a n d t h r i l l e d b y t h e w o n
d e r f u l s c e n e a t t h e t i m e . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e v i e w o f t h e / p > p > 0 0 h o n o r g u a r d p a r a d e i s f a n t a s t i c , t h e g u a r d s a l l w e a r i n g t h e g r e e n m i l i t a r y u n i f o r m a n d m a r c h i n g t o / p > p > 0 0 T i a n m e n S q u a r e w i t h a h i g h s p i r i t . E a c h b i r t h d a y c e l e b r a t i o n o f t h e g r e a t c o u n t r y a l w a y s b e g i n w i t h s u c h a / p > p > 0 0 s o l e m n f l a g - r a i s i n g c e r e m o n y , w h i c h s t r e n g t h e n s t h e u n i t y a n d m o t i v a t i o n o f i t s p e o p l e . / p > p > 0 0 S p e a k i n g o f s o c i a l c e l e b r a t i o n i n m y c u l t u r e , t h e r e i s o n e d a y o f t h e y e a r t h a t i s s e c o n d t o n o n e , t h e C h i n e s e N e w Y e a r , w h i c h i s a l s o c a l l e d t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l b y m o s t C h i n e s e P e o p l e . E v e n i f y o u a r e i n d i f f e r e n t w i t h f e s t i v e e v e n t s , y o u c a n n o t r e s i s t t h e c h a r m o f a f a m i l y r e u n i o n d i n n e r w h i c h m a r k s t h e d e f i n i n g f e a t u r e o f t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l . A n d f a m i l y m e m b e r s m a k e t o a s t s f o r e a c h o t h e r i n o r d e r t o w i s h f o r j o y , p e a c e , h e a l t h a n d f o r t u n e f o r t h e n e x t y e a r . / p >