章/节题目 | Unit One Room Rervation Service | |
学 时 | 14 | |
教学目标 | 1)Be familiar with the formalities of making rervation; 2)Be able to introduce some information about the Front Department ; 3)Learn how to make a rervation for the guest. | |
教学方法 | Group Discussion;refined-chon instruction;Listening and Oral practice; | |
教学内容与进程 | ||
一、课堂检验〔包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等〕 | 备注栏: 时间安排、教学方法、举例、案例、新增内容填写等 | |
1.提问: 〔1〕What is the hotel? 2.讨论: 〔1〕What kind of rvices can you get if you live in a hotel? 〔2〕What is the most important product in a hotel? 〔3〕What is the classification of the hotel? 〔accidentally4〕A system for rating hotels according to quality is widely ud in China. Can you describe it? | ||
二、精讲内容〔包括①要点、重点、难点;②互动设计;③板书设计〕 1、要点: <1> A hotel is a temporary home for people who are traveling. <2> In a hotel the traveler can rest and has access to food and drink.The hotel may also offer facilities for recreation, such as a swimming pool, a golf cour, or a beach. <3>Accommodation is the most important rvice in hotel. All of the other rvices are designed to accommodate the traveler. <4>As you know, there are many kinds of hotels in modern society. According to the guests they cater to, the hotel can be divided into commercial hotel, conference hotel, resort hotel, residential hotel, economy hotel<budget hotel>. <5> A system for rating hotels according to quality is widely ud in China. This system puts the top hotels as the five-star hotels, with other receiving from four to one star. The difference between hotels is the quality of equipment and furnishings and rvices they offer are also a matter of prime importance. <6>What is the importance of Front Office? the Front Office is the most visible area in hotel. It has the greatest amount of guest contact. It’s the hotel’s nerve center and a liaison between the guest and the hotel. The Front Office is the focus of guest requests for information and rvice . It is the profit center of room sales. (7) What is the major functions of Front Office? 1> to ll guest rooms 2> to provide rvices such as handling mails, telegrams and messages for guests and provide some information to guests. 3> to coordinate guest rvices. complaints. 4> to chart room status report. 5> to maintain guest accounts, determine credits, render bills, receive payments, 6> to ttle guest accounts. And 7> to construct guest history file for future references. <8> What kinds of ctions are included in the Front Office? Rervation;Front Desk;Concierge;Business center;Telephone room;Assistant manager. (9) What are the different ways to make a rervation? Requests for rervations are received at the hotel through different means - by telephone, fax, letter, through the web or by the guest in person. (10) Generally speaking, there are two kinds of rervation, what are they? non-guaranteed ;guaranteed <11> What are the different kinds of guaranteed rervation? The types of guaranteed rervations are: Credit card guaranteed rervation - The guest provides the hotel with a credit card number to hold the room. Prepayment guaranteed rervation - Guests make full payment for the stay prior to arrival. Advance deposit guaranteed rervation - A specific amount of money is requested from the guest prior to his arrival. Travel agent guaranteed rervation - This rervation is made and guaranteed by the travel agent. The hotel bills the agent for a no-show. Corporate guaranteed rervation - A corporate contract guarantees payment for no-show travelers of that corporation. <12> What kind of information should be contained when making a rervation? Guest name, address, and telephone number. Arrival date and time, and length of stay. Type and number of rooms and for how many people; Rate quoted; Guarantee method. Information such as method of payment, special request <non-smoking room, handicapped> and the purpo of guest's visit is helpful in satisfying the guest's needs. 2、重点: <1> What kind of information should be contained when making a rervation? <2> The procedure of making rervation. <3> How to confirm and revi the rervation for the guest. <4> The important ntences of making rervation: Important ntences: important words: 房型: 99宿舍六级成绩查询double room 双人间=honey room= couple room: a room with a double bed or a queen<king> bed to accommodate 2 adults. A third adults needs an extra bed. single room 单人间 :A room with 1 single bed, strictly for 1 adult only. No extra beds are available. baastandard room=TWB room= twin room:two-bed<or twin-bed or two single beds> room with bath accomodating 2 adults, a third adult requires an extra bed. suite [swi:t]n.套房 junior suite=astandard suite 普通套房 mobilephoneluxury suite=deluxe suite 豪华套房 superior suite =nior suite高级套房 abusiness suite 商务套房 executive administration suite 行政套房 presidential suite 总统套房 honey suite 蜜月套房 family suite 家庭套房 triple room三人间:A room with either 3 single beds, or I queen bed and 1 single bed to accommodate 3 adults. 预定的类型: Non-guaranteed rervation 非保证类预定 Guaranteed rervation:保证类预定 credit card guaranteed rervation 信用卡保证类预定 prepayment guaranteed rervation 预付款保证类预定 advance deposit guaranteed rervation 订金保证类预定 travel agent guaranteed rervation 旅游代理保证类预定 corporate guaranteed rervation 公司保证类预定 The rervation record must have following information: guest name, address, telephone number arrival date and time, and the length of stay type and number of rooms and number in the party rate quoted guaranteed method information such as method of payment, special request<non-smoking room, handicapped> the purpo of the guest’s visit important ntences: Asking to be excud One moment, plea, sir <madam>. Just a moment, plea, sir <madam> Hold on a moment, plea, sir Could you hold on a moment, plea, sir? Let me check. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Answer the guest’s rervation call Can/May/ I help you? What can I do for you? How can/may I help/assist you? Is there anything I can do for you? Guest name, address, and telephone number Your name, plea? May I know your name, sir? Will you give me your full name, sir? What’s the name, sir? May I have your surname/initials,sir? Sorry, I can’t catch you clearly; can you spell your name / surname plea, sir? Could I take your name and contact number? May I have your name and guest’s name, plea. May I have your telephone /fax/ contact number? May I have the company name/ address? May I have the way to contact you? Whom is the rervation for, plea? Arrival and departure date, and the length of stay Could you tell me your arrival time and departure date? What time will you be arriving? How long do you plan to stay? How many nights do you plan to stay? For which dates? For when was<is> that, plea? From May the 15th to<through> the 17th. How long are you being stay? How long will you stay in our hotel? How many nights do you require the room? Type and number of rooms and the number in the party What type of room would you like/prefer/require? We have deluxe suites, deluxe double rooms, twin-bed rooms with bath, and single rooms, which do you prefer? Which do you prefer, a double room with bath or a twin-bed room with shower? Single or double room? How would you like a double room with twin-bed? For how many people? How many was it for? Who is the booking for? For whom? In who name? Rate quoted The price/room rate for a standard room would be 160 yuan RMB. That will run/cost you 300 yuan a night. 200 yuan a night, including breakfast and dinner. Is it a company/ private / group/ guaranteed booking? We will give you 10 percent discount/off since you are our old customer/ since you are a group rervation/ since you are a corporate rervation. I e your company has an arrangement with this hotel for deluxe rooms. The rate will be RMB 860 per night. Can you give us a special rate since ours is a company booking? There is a 20 percent company discount. Since yours is a corporate〔company〕rervation, we will give you a 20% discount. The room rate will be RMB 600 per night just as your last stay. We charge a deluxe single for RMB 100 Yuan per night. Confirmation and guaranteed method. How do you wish to guarantee your rervation? How would you like to guaranteeips是什么意思 your rervation? We can guarantee your room after the fifth. We can guarantee you the room booked after October 17. We can confirm you two double room from November 2nd to 7th I can confirm you a single with bath for the 2nd, but I can’t guarantee it for more than one night. We can do a standard twin-bed room for RMB 800 Yuan per night. Yes, we do have a double room available for that day. We do have a single room available for tho dates. We confirm your credit card guaranteed rervation. We 〔can〕confirm your prepayment / advance deposit / travel agent / corporate guaranteed rervation. You should pay 500 yuan as deposit to confirm your rervation. How would you like the way of payment/ to pay the pre-payment? Will the company pay everything? The guests will pay their own expens upon checkout, expect the room rates. We can hold the room until for you. When there is no room available I am sorry, all the rooms are taken/ booked up. Oh, sorry, all the twins are taken, but we happen to have a suite available. Sorry, but we have no vacancies /room available at this time. Well, we are rather full. But I’ll try my best. Oh, I am sorry but all the rooms are booked up in October. Don’t worry, we can either put you on the waiting list or find you a room in the nearby hotel. Sorry, we have no double room at that day, how about a junior suite? The way to confirm the rervation <1>We’ll nd you a confirmation by fax within five days. May I know your fax number? <2>I’ll give you a definite answer by phone within five days. <3>You can have a room in ** hotel, they are expecting you to arrive. <4>Can you confirm tho payment details in writing, plea? <5>We’ll nd you a fax to confirm the rervation as soon as possible. <6>We look forward to eing you soon. <7>We look forward for your coming. Guest’s questions for some information Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 22nd and 23rd? I’d like to make a rervation for the two nights. How much will it be for one night? Do you accept VISA? Do you offer airport pick-up rvice? With or without breakfast? Can you tell me the room rate? What rvices come with that? 3、互动设计: Listening Practice: Dialogue 1: For which date, plea?For how many nights? From October 10th.For three nights. How many guests will there be? Just my wife and mylf. What kind of room would you prefer? A twin, plea. What is the room rate? We’ll take the one at 1,800 Yuan. your name and initials, plea? Brown T.E. may I have your phone number? 06-321-5535. Dialogue 2: For which dates? From September 10th to September 15th. For how many people? Twenty persons. What kind of room? Double room with twin beds. Is there a special rate for a group rervation? Yes, there is a 10 percent discount. Name and telephone number, plea? Mr. Blake, 2860456. Dialogue 3: What kind of room and for which dates? I’d like to rerve a single room with bath for September 24th. Is there any room available for that day? No. Could you give me your phone number? Yes, my phone number is 08-65783325. Guest's name? 高二英语教学反思 Evelin. Evelin Winthrop. Dialogue 4: When will the guest arrive and how long will the guest be staying in the hotel? What type of room does the guest want? What is the name of guest? How much is the room rate? Dialogue 5: Why can’t the rervation be made? The guest changes the date of arrival, doesn’t he? Why? What suggestion does the receptionist give? Which one does the guest prefer? Oral practice: Situations: 1、Cues:面对面的预定.推荐房型并要求付500押金来保证预定. 2、Cues: 预定,信用卡保证类预定. 3、Cues:团队预定.公司保证类预定.两个豪华套房,五个豪华标准间.因为是公司的VIP客人.所以务必要保留好房间.回答说,因为是公司保证类预定,就算有预定未到的客人,也会把房间保留24个小时.但是费用将由公司支付. 4、Cues: 预定.旅行社保证类预定.通过 发送预定确认函. 5、Cues:面对面的预定,但是那个时间段已经没有房间了.问是否愿意等候.或者可以帮安排在临近的酒店. gates6、Cues: 团队预定,问是否可以安排接机服务.让客人到机场后联系酒店的机场服务处. 7、Cues:残疾人预定.问是否有适合残疾人使用的设施设备 8、Cues: 散客预定.问房价是否包括早餐和服务费. 9、Cues: 预定.没有标间了,问是否可以考虑双人间. 10、Cues:公司保证类预定.问公司是不是会承担所有的费用.回答是除了房费外,其他的费用由客人自己承担. 11、Cues: 预定,信用卡保证类预定.要定一个豪华行政套房,一个普通套房,一个双人间、一个标间、一个单人间. 12、Cues: 客人做一个非保证类有预定,预计的抵店时间为下午两点.预订员申明:如果没有接到推迟抵店的通知,非保证类预定的房间可以保留到当天下午六点. 13、Cues: 预定13-15号的房间.13号有房.但是14-15号的房间暂时没有.将把客人的名字放在候房单上.sirocco 14、Cues: 客人打 来更改预定.时间从原来的13-15号变成13-16号、房间的类型从普通套房到豪华套房. 15、Cues: 客人打 预定房间.并要定一间会议室. 16、Cues: 客人打 做团队预定房间.并要定当天晚上的欢迎鸡尾酒会. 17、Cues: 客人打 取消房间的预订. 18、Cues: 客人打 预订十月二号到五号的房间,但是那几天的房间已经订满了.可以把客人的放在候房单上,并在五天之内通知客人是否有房. 19、Cues: 散客的面对面预订,要求全额付费来保证预订,并给客人一份预定确认函. 20、Cues: 旅行社打 来做团队预定.问旅行社的 号,发一份预订确认函给旅行社. | ||
三、答疑安排 | ||
1、Ask the students to think over some difficulties of this topic, if they have any questions, they can confer me on internet. | ||
四、布置三习题〔预习题、练习题、复习题〕 | ||
1、预习题:Have a preparation about next class. Read the dialogues of the Chapter One, 2、练习题:Finish the exercis after this Unit on your textbook. P7-10 3、复习题:Understanding the important words, phras, expressions and ntences with some examples in order to get ready for the oral practice for the next class. | ||
五、教学反思 | ||
1、gre报名网站如何更多的让学生参与到课堂讨论? (1)前几堂课尽可能多的让学生轮流发言、回答问题.对每个学生的英语基础特别是口语基础有一个大致了解.根据实际水平,提不同难度的问题. (2)不管学生回答的怎么样,尽可能的肯定和鼓励,营造轻松愉悦的课堂氛围. | ||
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