axueRomanticism: is an asrtion of independence, a departure from the neo-classic rules. A work of art must be original.
Modernism: is ud to apply to the works of a group of poets, novelists, painters, and musicians between 1910 and the early years after the world war2.The term includes various trends or schools, and it means a departure from the conventional criteria or established values of the Victorian age.
The Theatre of the Absurd: It refers to the technique which eks to depict the multitudinous and feelings which pass through the mind.
Ode: is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feeling, often addresd to a person of celebrating an event.efene
amphitheatreStream of Consciousness: It refers to the technique which eks to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.
Angry Young Men: During the fifties there appeared a group of young writers who were fier
cely critical of the established order. They were called ***.
Wesx Novels: The ** were written by Hardy who vividly and truthfully described the tragic lives of the tenants in the last decade of 19th century.
Interior Monologue: It refers to the technique which eks to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass trough the mind.
The Lakes Poets: It refers to Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey who lived in the Lake area and wrote poems to express their love of nature.
Lyrical Balladsdespairing: It was publishedin1798 written by Wordsworth and Coleridge. The preface to this collection of poem is an important piece of literary criticism in English literature. It can be read as a declaration of romanticism, in which W* openly express his theory of poetry.
Neo-Classicism: It emphasizes reason rather than emotion, form rather than content. It stress elegance, correctness, appropriateness and restraint.
Heroic Couplet: It is a pair of rhyming iambic pentameter lines.
Sentimentalism: 例如的英文缩写It craves for something more natural and spontaneous in thought and language. It stress emotions and ntiments. It is the reawakening of an interest in nature and in natural relations between man and man.
Symbol: A * is something that reprents or stands for something el.
Allusion:* is an indirect reference to another work of literature, art, history, or religion.
1. Rober Burn great contribution to English Literature lies in his work in collection (Sottish Ballads).
2. The chief writing method ud in Ulyss by James Joyce if (stream of consciousness)
北京万国学校3. Adonais is an elegy written by Shelley on the death of (John Keats)
4. The lady of the lake is a (narrative poem) by Scott.
5. The confession of an English Opium-Eater is a collection of (essary) written by (Thomas De Quincy)
6. Ode to a Nightingale is a (poem)written by (John Keats)
7. (Oscar Wilde)was the reprentative of the (aesthetic movement)
8. Mrs. Warren Profession is the (play) written by (Bernard Shaw)
9. (Lamb) most well know literary is (Tales from Shakespeare)
10. Ivanhoe is the first of Scott historical novel that deals with a purely(English) subject
11. One of the common festures shared by Victorian novels is the (cau-effect) quence.
12. 1832 witnesd the end of poetry boom.The poetry of the Romantic age had give ways to (novel)
13. The subtitle of Vanity Fair is (A novel without Hero)
14. Waiting fof Godot is a (play) literary by( Samuel Beckett)
15. Some Chine scholars called them( critical realistic) novelists.
16. Another phra for stream of consciousness is (interior monologue)
17. (Lord Aflred Tennyson) lived almost through the Victorian age.
18. In 1798 the publication of (Lyrical Ballads) by (Wordsworth and Coleridge) marked a new movement appeared on the literary area.
19. The other two lake poets beside Wordsworth are Samuel Taylor Coleridge and (Robert Southey)
20. The name of (Clarles Lamb) is familiar to Chine readers, for his (Tales from Shakespare) is widely read either in translation or in orginal by Chine youth.
frequency21. Walter Ccott|s contribution to English literature ,and even to world literature is his( historical novels)
22. In the ninrteen eighties there appeared the school of (art for art`s sake),which was reprented by (Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde)
最新美剧排行榜201323. (Thomas Hardy) was the last important novelist of the Victorian age. In his (Wesx Novels) his birthplace was ud as the tting of his novels.
24. Walter Scott is the founder and master of the (historical novels)