Chapter 4 Parts Replacement
Injector Modules
•SSL Injector Septa Replacement
Cool down the oven and the SSL injector module at the room temperature and then t the injector carrier pressure OFF.
Unscrew manually the ptum cap and then remove the pta from its pta housing.
Install the new pta into its pta housing pay attention to have the center guide toward up.
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When screwing the ptum cap on the SSL Injector DO NOT overtighten, lightly finger tight is more than adequate, then t the carrier pressure ON.
Re-t the oven and injector temperatures as before.
•SSL Injector Liner Replacement
Cool down the oven and the SSL injector module at the room temperature and then t the injector carrier pressure OFF.turnoff
Open the module flap cover to unscrew manually the ring nut and then remove it with the ptum holder.freeing
U a tweezers to remove the liner with o-ring from the SSL injector body.
Reinstall a new or cleaned liner proceeding in the rever order of its removal and complete the injector reasmbling.跑堂狗
How to clean the liner
Remove the o-ring from the liner.
Place the liner into an ultrasonic bath filled with a methanol/acetone mixture (1:1) and sonicate it for about half an hour
男警察和女警察们Using the tweezers, remove the liner from the ultrasonic bath and dry it with compresd clean air or other inert gas.
•SSL Injector Module Replacement
The SSL injector module replacement is performed as follow:
Cool down the oven and the injector - detector modules at the room temperature, then,虞美人盛开的山坡主题曲
switch the instrument OFF.
Clo manually the inlet carrier gas lines by using the external pneumatic switches (option) or clo the main carrier gas source.
Remove the column from the inlet of the injector.
Open the module flap cover.