缩写 | 英文全拼 | 中文 |
ANERA | America North Eastbound Rate Agreement | 远东北美越太平洋航线东向 |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor | 燃料附加费 |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor | 货币贬值附加费 |
CNF | Cost and freight | 成本+运费 |
CIF | Cost Insurance and Freight | 成本+保险+运费 |
FOB | tracey Free On Board | 离岸价格 |
CFS | Container Freight Station | 拼装货 |
LCL | Less than Container Load | 拼装货 |
CY | Container Yard | 堆场 |
FCL | Full Container Load | 整柜货 |
D/O | Delivery Order | strife小提单 |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | 预计到达日期 |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | 预计开航日 |
FAK | Freight All Kinds | 不分项目记费 |
IPI | Interior Points Intermodal | 内陆点一贯运送 |
POA | Place Of Acceptance | 收货地 |
POD | Place Of Discharge | 卸货地 |
TEU | Twenty foot Equivalent Units | 20尺柜 |
FEU | Forty foot Equivalent Units | 40尺柜 |
THC | Terminal Handling Charge | 吊柜费 |
NVOCC | Non-Vesl Operating Common Carriers | 无船操作公共承运人 |
CUTOFF | Closing Date Cut Off Date | 截关日 |
OB | On Board Date | 装船日 |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge | 目的地运送费用 |
PNW | Pacific Northwest | 美国线西北岸 |
PSW | Pacific Southwest | 美国线西南岸 |
WC | West Coast | 美国线西岸 |
E/C | East Coast | 美国线东岸 |
MLB | Mimi Land Bridge | 迷你路桥运输 |
A/W | All water | 全海陆运输 |
B/L | Bill of Lading | 提单 |
SPS | Shanghai Port Surcharge | 上海港口附加费 |
FAF | Fuel Adjusted Factor | 燃油价调整附加费 |
YAS | Yen Adjustment Surcharge | 日元升值附加费 |
GRI | General Rate Increa | 综合费率上涨附加费 |
IFA | Interim Fuel Asssment | 临时燃油附加费 |
PTF | Panama Canal Transit Fee | 巴拿马运河附加费 |
EBS/A | Emergency Bunker Surcharge/Additional | 部分航线燃油附加费 |
PCS | Port Congestion Surcharge | 港口拥挤附加费 |
PSS | Peak Season Surcharge | 旺季附加费 |
货代-Freight forwarder | 船代-Shipping agent |
综合物流-Integrated logistics | 快递服务-Express rvice |
海运保险-Marine insurance | 全球网络-Worldwide network |
冷藏品运输-Reefer cargo transport | howo超重-Overweight |
操作流程-Operation procedure | 内陆托运-Inland haulage |
旺季附加费-Peak ason surcharge | 货物分拨-Cargo break-bulk |
报关行-Custom broker | 卫检-Sanitary inspection |
空运保价-Airfreight quotation | 讯价-Inquiry |
收货人-consignee | 制单费unit13-documentation fee |
截止日期-cut-off date | 有效期-valid date |
装箱/拆箱-stuffing/unstuffing containers | 装货港-port of loading |
托书-letter of shipping instruction | 发票原件-original invoice |
海运差价-a freight difference | 佣金-commission |
小陆桥运输-MLB | 计费重量-chargeable weight |
海空联运-a/air combined transport | 操作代理-handling agent |
报关单-customs declaration form | 利润分成-profit share |
整套单证-whole t of documents | 指定帐户-designated account |
进/出口许可证-import/export licen | 保税货物-bond cargo |
商业发票-commercial invoice | 战争附加险-war surcharge |
借记证明-debit note | 订舱单-booking note |
海运提单-a waybill | 航空主单-Master Air Waybill |
第三方物流-3rd party logistics | 展览品物流-exhibition logistics |
滞期费-demurrage | 轻抛货-volume cargo |
门到港-door to port | 集装罐-tank container |
电子数据交换-EDI | 非危险品-non-hazardous cargo |
报价表-quotation sheet | 结账-ttle account |
码头费-port/pier charges | 卸货港-port of discharge |
贷记通知-credit note | 支线船-feeder vesl |
托盘-pallet | 熏蒸-fumigation |
集运-consolidation | 整箱货-full container load |
集装箱货运站-container freight station(CFS) | 租船-chartering vesl |
original-正本 | fumigation certificate-熏蒸证书 |
LAX-洛杉矶 | PLS ACK RECEIPT-请确认收到 |
MAWB-航空主单 | HAWB-航空分单 |
offloaded-(货)卸下 | breakdown-分类 |
pre-clearance-预报关 | CFS/CY-货运站/堆场 |
prepaid-预付 | FOB charges-离岸费用 |
above-captioned-以上标题中 | co-loader-操作伙伴 |
make up the difference-弥补差额 | relea cargo-放货 |
bank receipt-银行收据 | transfer slip-转账凭证 |
T/T-电汇 | A/L-航空公司 |
DOCS-单证 | exceed-超出 |
HEC-卫检费 | EDC-加急运送费 |
SEC-服务费 | NYC-纽约 |
H/C-货物处理费 | follow up-跟踪 |
penalty fee-罚金 | D/N-货记单 |
correct t-正确的一套(文件) 英文经典故事 | ATL-亚特兰大 |
container manifest-集装箱载货清单 | transmit-传输 |
M/V-商船 | 68、illustrate-举例 |
concentration-注意力 | negligence-粗心 |
fictitious figures-杜撰的数目 | notorious-名声不好的 |
rollovers-滚装车 | feeders-支线船 |
concurrence-一致 | format-格式 |
be standardized in their layout-格式标准化 | visa-签证 alarms |
interim footwear invoice-临时鞋业发票 | A/F shipment-空运货 |
waive-取消 | preliminary-预选的 |
ZIM-以星轮船公司 | ACK/CFM-确认接受 |
comply with-遵守 | thru-通过 |
freight prepaid-运费预付 | freightage-运费 |
convert-兑换 | O/F-海运 |
inbound collect shipment-进口到付货 | entrust-委托 |
issuing bank-出票行 | fraudulent-虚假的 |
mount-增加 | diligence-勤勉 |
receiving bank-托收行 | beneficiary-收益人 |
interest-利息 | HKD-香港元 |
mark up the weight-标高重量 | 二代-Class B forwarder |
handling agent-操作代理 | 仓储-Warehousing |
chargeable weight-记费重量 | 网上订仓-Online booking |
automatically-自动的 | 指定货-Nominated shipment |
accommodate-容纳 | 多式联运-Multimodal transport |
FCR-货代收货凭证 | 关税-Customs duty |
previously-以往 | 付款条件-terms of payment |
hou bill of lading-海运分单 | 电放提单-telex relea B/L |
EMS-特快专递 | 确认书-confirmation letter |
inbound warehou-进口货仓库 | 通知方-notifying party |
computer entry fee-录入费 | 航空分单-HAWB |
AWC-单证费 | 订舱代理-booking agent |
BB fee-分拨费 | 保险单-insurance policy |
in due time-及时 | 收货单/大副收据-mate's receipt |
discrepancy-差错 | 无船承运人-NVOCC |
document pouch-文件袋 | 多式联运-multimode transport |
be cleared from errors-完全正确sometimes歌词 | 国际航协-IATA |
com.Inv.-商业发票 | 运费待付-freight collect |
providers-供应商 | 到期的-due |
volunteer info.-杜撰信息 | 立刻生效-effective immediately | 古奇英文
liquidity-资产流动性 | telex relea-电放 |
packing list-装货单 | advisable-明智的 |
expedite-加快 | credit note-借记通知 |
A/P-机场 | freeze-冻结 |
SOP-标准操作流程 | in excess of-超过 |
pending-未解决的 | balance-余额 |
elaborate-详细说明 | suspension-终止 |
P.O.-购货单 | account-帐户 |
accumulate-累积 | 汇率-exchange rate |
airport transfer fee-机场转运费 | 操作人员-operation staff |
SOC-操作费 | 货到付款-COD(cash on delivery) |
compensation-赔偿 | 发货人-consigner |
maritime bill of lading-远洋提单 | 船期-shipping schedule |
as per-根据 | 封箱号-al No. |
airborne-上飞机的 | 目的港-Port of destination | |
桥境费-Toll fee | ||
container freight forwarding-集装箱货运代理 | agency network-代理网络 | |
FCL and LCL-整箱和拼箱 | state-owned enterpri-国有企业 | |
land haulage-内陆托运 | logistics-物流 | |
warehousing and consolidation-仓储集运 | Class-A licen-一级(货代)资质 | |
customers clearance-清关 | authorization-批准 | |
quarantine-检疫 | space booking-订舱 | |
documentation and communication-制单和通讯 | customs brokerage-报关 | |
outbound cargoes-出口货物 | project cargo handling-项目货物运输 | |
destination-目的地 | bonded trucking-保税托运 | |
TEU-20英尺换算单位 | city-pair trucking rvice-城市间托运服务 | |
partnership-联盟 | exhibition logistics-展览品物流 | |
liners-班轮 | operation revenue-营业收入 | |
westbound-西行的 | No.of jobs-(处理货物的)票数 | |
Booking 订舱 | ||
Booking Note/Number 订舱单/号 | Dock Receipt 场站收据 | |
M/F (Manifest) 舱单 | Cable/Telex Relea 电放 | |
A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 | PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 | |
The said party 所涉及的一方 | On Board B/L 提单 | |
Cancellation 退关箱 | ||
港口 | ||
BP(Ba Port)基本港 | Prompt relea 即时放行 | |
Transit time 航程时间/中转时间 | Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地 | |
Second Carrier (第)二程船 | In transit 中转 | |
Transportation hub 中转港 | ||
拖车 | ||
Tractor 牵引车/拖车 | Low-bed 低平板车 | |
Trailer/Transporter 拖车 | Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司) | |
Axle load 轴负荷 | Tire-load 轮胎负荷 | |
Toll Gate 收费口 | ||
保税 | ||
Bonded Area 保税区 | Bonded Goods(Goods in Bond)保税货物 | |
Bonded Warehou保税库 | Caged stored at bonded warehou进入海关监管 | |
Fork Lift 叉车 | tripoli Loading Platform 装卸平台 | |
documents favoring above consignee-收款人为上述收货方的文件 | ||
ensure collection of documents-确保单证交接 | ||
document cover sheet/transmittal advi-寄单声明 | ||
james taylordocumentation procedure-单证流转程序 | ||
express customer brokerage-加急报关 | ||
MU's ground rvice-东航地面服务费 | ||
addresd to my attention-引起我的注意 | ||
end up loosing our customer-最终失去我们的客户 | ||
under no account-在任何情况下都不 | ||
consigned to our order-收货人凭我方指示 | ||
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