A survey of mobile cloud computing 2013

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Wirel.Commun.Mob.Comput.2013;13:1587–1611 Published online11October2011in Wiley Online ).DOI:10.1002/wcm.1203
A survey of mobile cloud computing:architecture, applications,and approaches
Hoang T.Dinh,Chonho Lee,Dusit Niyato*and Ping Wang
School of Computer Engineering,Nanyang Technological University(NTU),Singapore
Together with an explosive growth of the mobile applications and emerging of cloud computing concept,mobile cloud computing(MCC)has been introduced to be a potential technology for mobile rvices.MCC integrates the cloud com-puting into the mobile environment and overcomes obstacles related to the ,battery life,storage,and bandwidth),,heterogeneity,scalability,and availability),and ,reliability and pr
ivacy)dis-cusd in mobile computing.This paper gives a survey of MCC,which helps general readers have an overview of the MCC including the definition,architecture,and applications.The issues,existing solutions,and approaches are prented. In addition,the future rearch directions of MCC are discusd.Copyright©2011John Wiley&Sons,Ltd. KEYWORDS
mobile cloud computing;offloading;mobile rvices
Dusit Niyato,School of Computer Engineering,Nanyang Technological University(NTU),Singapore.
Mobile ,smartphone and tablet PC)are increasingly becoming an esntial part of human life as the most effective and convenient communication tools not bounded by time and place.Mobile urs accumulate rich experience of various rvices from mobile applications (e.g.,iPhone apps and Google apps),which run on the devices and/or on remote rvers via wireless networks. The rapid progress of mobile computing(MC)[1]becomes a powerful trend in the development of IT techn
ology as well as commerce and industryfields.However,the mobile devices are facing many challenges in their , battery life,storage,and bandwidth)and communications (e.g.,mobility and curity)[2].The limited resources significantly impede the improvement of rvice qualities. Cloud computing(CC)has been widely recognized as the next generation computing infrastructure.CC offers some advantages by allowing urs to u infrastructure (e.g.,rvers,networks,and storages),,mid-dleware rvices and operating systems),and softwares (e.g.,application programs)provided by cloud providers (e.g.,Google,Amazon,and Salesforce)at low cost.In addition,CC enables urs to elastically utilize resources in an on-demand fashion.As a result,mobile applica-tions can be rapidly provisioned and relead with the minimal management efforts or rvice provider’s interac-tions.With the explosion of mobile applications and the support of CC for a variety of rvices for mobile urs, mobile cloud computing(MCC)is introduced as an inte-gration of CC into the mobile environment.MCC brings new types of rvices and facilities mobile urs to take full advantages of CC.
This paper prents a comprehensive survey on MCC. Section2provides a brief overview of MCC including defi-nition,architecture,and its advantages.Section3discuss the u of MCC in various applications.Then,Section4 prents veral issues that ari in MCC and approaches to address th
e issues.Next,the future rearch directions are outlined in Section5.Finally,we summarize and conclude the survey in Section6.The list of acronyms appeared in this paper is given in Table I.
The term‘mobile cloud computing’was introduced not long after the concept of‘cloud computing’.It has been attracting the attentions of entrepreneurs as a profitable business option that reduces the development and run-ning cost of mobile applications,of mobile urs as a
Copyright©2011John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.1587
A survey of mobile cloud computing H.T.Dinh et al.
T able I.Acronyms
4G Fourth Generation
AAA Authentication,Authorization,Accounting
APDV Application Protocol Data Unit
API Application Programing Interface
lamdaARM Advanced RISC Machine
AV Antivirus
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Customer
BTS Ba Transceiver Station
CC Cloud Computing
CSP Cloud Service Provider
EC2Elastic Compute Cloud
GPS Global Positioning System
HA Home Agent
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IA Integrated Authenticated
ID Identifier
IMERA French acronym for Mobile Interaction in Augmented Reality Environment
ISP Internet Service Provider
IRNA Intelligent Radio Network Access
JME Java ME,a Java platform
LBS Location Ba Service
LTE Long Term Evolution
LTS Location Trusted Server
MAUI Memory Arithmetic Unit and Interface
MC Mobile Computing
MCC Mobile Cloud Computing
MDP Markov Decision Process
MSC Mobile Service Cloud
P2P Peer-to-Peer
PaaS Platform as a Service
QoS Quality of Service
RACE Resource-Aware Collaborative Execution
REST Repretational State Transfer
RFS Random File System
RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
S3Simple Storage Service
SaaS Software as a Service
TCC Truster Crypto Coprocessor
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
new technology to achieve rich experience of a variety of mobile rvices at low cost,and of rearchers as a promis-ing solution for green IT[3].This ction provides an overview of MCC including definition,architecture,and advantages of MCC.
2.1.What is mobile cloud computing?
The MCC forum defines MCC as follows[4]:
‘Mobile cloud computing at its simplest,refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and data pro-cessing happen outside of the mobile device.Mobile cloud applications move the computing power and data storage away from mobile phones and into the cloud,bringing applications and MC to not just smartphone urs but a much broader range of mobile subscribers’.
Aepona[5]describes MCC as a new paradigm for mobile applications whereby the data processing and stor-age are moved from the mobile device to powerful and centralized computing platforms located in clouds.The centralized applications are then accesd over the wireless connection bad on a thin native client or web browr on the mobile devices.
Alternatively,MCC can be defined as a combination of mobile web and CC[6,7],which is the most popular tool for mobile urs to access applications and rvices on the Internet.
Briefly,MCC provides mobile urs with the data pro-cessing and storage rvices in clouds.The mobile devices
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do not need a powerful confi,CPU speed and memory capacity)becau all the complicated computing modules can be procesd in the clouds.
2.2.Architectures of mobile cloud computing
From the concept of MCC,the general architecture of MCC can be shown in Figure1.In Figure1,mobile devices are connected to the mobile networks via ba stations (e.g.,ba transceiver station,access point,or satellite) that establish and control the connections(air links)and functional interfaces between the networks and mobile devices.Mobile urs’requests and ,ID and location)are transmitted to the central processors that are connected to rvers providing mobile network r-vices.Here,mobile network operators can provide r-vices to mobile urs as authentication,authorization,and accounting bad on the home agent and subscribers’data stored in databas.After that,the subscribers’requests are delivered to a cloud through the Internet.In the cloud, cloud controllers process the requests to provide mobile urs with the corresponding cloud rvices.The r-vices are developed with the concepts of utility computing, virtualization,and rvice-oriented ,web, application,and databa rvers).
themountainThe details of cloud architecture could be different in different contexts.For example,a four-layer architecture is explained in[8]to compare cloud computing with grid computing.Alternatively,a rvice-oriented architec-ture,called Aneka,is introduced to enable developers to build.Microsoft applications with the supports of application programming interfaces(APIs)and multiple programming
models[9].[10]prents an architecture for creating market-oriented clouds and[11]propos an architecture for web-delivered business rvices.In this paper,we focus on a layered architecture of CC(Figure2). This architecture is commonly ud to demonstrate the effectiveness of the CC model in terms of meeting the ur’s requirements[12].
Generally,a CC is a large-scale distributed network sys-tem implemented bad on a number of rvers in data centers.The cloud rvices are generally classified bad on a layer concept(Figure2).In the upper layers of this paradigm,Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS),Platform as a Service(PaaS),and Software as a Service(SaaS)are stacked.
Data centers layer.This layer provides the hardware facility and infrastructure for clouds.In data center layer,a number of rvers are linked with high-speed networks to provide rvices for customers.Typically, data centers are built in less populated places,with a high power supply stability and a low risk of disaster. IaaS.Infrastructure as a Service is built on top of the data center layer.IaaS enables the provision of storage,hardware,rvers,and networking compo-nents.The client typically pays on a per-u basis.
Thus,clients can save cost as the payment is only bad on how much resource they really u.Infra
s-tructure can be expanded or shrunk dynamically as needed.The examples of IaaS are Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing and Simple Storage Service(S3). PaaS.Platform as a Service offers an advanced inte-grated environment for building,testing,and deploy-ing custom applications.The examples of PaaS
Figure1.Mobile cloud computing architecture.
Wirel.Commun.Mob.Comput.2013;13:1587–1611©2011John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.1589 DOI:10.1002/wcm
A survey of mobile cloud computing H.T.Dinh et al.
Software as a Service (Microsoft’s Live Mesh)
Platform as a Service (e.g., Google App engine, Microsoft Azure)
Data centers
Infrastructure as a Service (e.g., EC2, S3)
Figure2.Service-oriented cloud computing architecture.
Google App Engine,Microsoft Azure,and Amazon Map Reduce/Simple Storage Service.
SaaS.Software as a Service supports a software dis-tribution with specific requirements.In this layer, the urs can access an application and informa-tion remotely via the Internet and pay only for that t
hey u.Salesforce is one of the pioneers in pro-viding this rvice model.Microsoft’s Live Mesh also allows sharingfiles and folders across multiple devices simultaneously.
Although the CC architecture can be divided into four layers as shown in Figure2,it does not mean that the top layer must be built on the layer directly below it.For exam-ple,the SaaS application can be deployed directly on IaaS, instead of PaaS.Also,some rvices can be considered as a part of more than one layer.For example,data storage rvice can be viewed as either in IaaS or PaaS.Given this architectural model,the urs can u the rvicesflexibly and efficiently.
2.3.Advantages of mobile cloud
Cloud computing is known to be a promising solution for MC becau of many ,mobility,communica-tion,and portability[13]).In the following,we describe how the cloud can be ud to overcome obstacles in MC, thereby pointing out advantages of MCC.
(1)Extending battery lifetime.Battery is one of the
main concerns for mobile devices.Several solutions
have been propod to enhance the CPU perfor-
mance[14,15]and to manage the disk and screen in
an intelligent manner[16,17]to reduce power con-
历史上的今天5月20日sumption.However,the solutions require changes
in the structure of mobile devices,or they require
a new hardware that results in an increa of cost
and may not be feasible for all mobile devices.
Computation offloading technique is propod with
the objective to migrate the large computations and
例子的英文complex processing from resource-limited devices
(i.e.,mobile devices)to resourceful ,
rvers in clouds).This avoids taking a long applica-tion execution time on mobile devices which results in large amount of power consumption.
Rudenko et al.[18]and Smailagic and Ettus
[19]evaluate the effectiveness of offloading tech-
niques through veral experiments.The results demonstrate that the remote application execution can save energy significantly.Especially,Rudenko et al.[18]evaluates large-scale numerical com-putations and shows that up to45%of energy consumption can be reduced for large matrix calcu-lation.In addition,many mobile applications take advantages from task migration and remote pro-cessing.For example,offloading a compiler opti-mization for image processing[20]can reduce 41%for energy consumption of a mobile device.
Also,using memory arithmetic unit and interface (MAUI)to migrate mobile game components[21] to rvers in the cloud can save27%of energy consumption for computer games and45%for the chess game.
(2)Improving data storage capacity and processing
power.Storage capacity is also a constraint for mobile devices.MCC is developed to enable mobile urs to store/access the large data on the cloud through wireless networks.First example is the Amazon Simple Storage Service[22]which sup-portsfile storage rvice.Another example is Image Exchange which utilizes the large storage space in clouds for mobile urs[23].This mobile photo sharing rvice enables mobile urs to upload images to the clouds immediately after capturing.
Urs may access all images from any devices.With the cloud,the urs can save considerable amount of energy and storage space on their mobile devices becau all images are nt and procesd on the clouds.Flicker[24]and ShoZu[25]are also the suc-cessful mobile photo sharing applications bad on MCC.Facebook[26]is the most successful social network application today,and it is also a typical example of using cloud in sharing images.
1590Wirel.Commun.Mob.Comput.2013;13:1587–1611©2011John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.
H.T.Dinh et al.A survey of mobile cloud computing
Mobile cloud computing also helps in reducing
the running cost for compute-intensive applications
that take long time and large amount of energy
when performed on the limited-resource devices.
CC can efficiently support various tasks for data
warehousing,managing and synchronizing multi-
ple documents online.For example,clouds can be
ud for transcoding[27],playing chess[21,28],
or broadcasting multimedia rvices[29]to mobile
devices.In the cas,all the complex calcula-
tions for transcoding or offering an optimal chess
move that take a long time when perform on mobile
devices will be procesd efficiently on the cloud.
Mobile applications also are not constrained by stor-
age capacity on the devices becau their data now
is stored on the cloud.
(3)Improving reliability.Storing data or running appli-
cations on clouds is an effective way to improve
the reliability becau the data and application are
stored and backed up on a number of computers.
This reduces the chance of data and application lost
on the mobile devices.In addition,MCC can be
designed as a comprehensive data curity model
for both rvice providers and urs.For example,
the cloud can be ud to protect copyrighted digital
,video,clip,and music)from being
abud and unauthorized distribution[30].Also,the
cloud can remotely provide to mobile urs with
curity rvices such as virus scanning,malicious
the fourcode detection,and authentication[31].Also,such
cloud-bad curity rvices can make efficient
u of the collected record from different urs to
improve the effectiveness of the rvices.
In addition,MCC also inherits some advantages of clouds for mobile rvices as follows:
Dynamic provisioning.Dynamic on-demand provi-sioning of resources on afine-grained,lf-rvice basis is aflexible way for rvice providers and mobile urs to run their applications without advanced rervation of resources.
Scalability.The deployment of mobile applications can be performed and scaled to meet the unpredictable ur demands due toflexible resource provisioning.
Service providers can easily add and expand an appli-cation and rvice without or with little constraint on the resource usage.
Multitenancy.Service ,network oper-ator and data center owner)can share the resources and costs to support a variety of applications and large number of urs.
Ea of integration.Multiple rvices from different rvice providers can be integrated easily through the cloud and Internet to meet the ur demand.
Mobile applications gain increasing share in a global mobile market.Various mobile applications have taken the advantages of MCC.In this ction,some typical MCC applications are introduced.
3.1.Mobile commerce
Mobile commerce(m-commerce)is a business model for commerce using mobile devices.The m-commerce applications generally fulfill some tasks that require ,mobile transactions and payments,mobile messaging,and mobile ticketing).The m-commerce appli-cations can be classified into few class includingfinance, advertising,and shopping(Table II).
The m-commerce applications have to face various ,low network bandwidth,high complexity of mobile device configurations,and curity).Therefore, m-commerce applications are integrated into CC environ-ment to address the issues.Yang et al.[32]propos a3G E-commerce platform bad on CC.This paradigm com-bines the advantages of both third generation(3G)network and CC to increa data processing speed and curity level [33]bad on public key infrastructure(PKI).The PKI mechanism us an encryption-bad access control and an over-encryption to ensure privacy of ur’s access to the outsourced data.In[34],a4PL-A VE trading platform uti-lizes CC technology to enhance the curity for urs and improve the customer satisfaction,customer intimacy,and cost competitiveness.
3.2.Mobile learning
Mobile learning(m-learning)is designed bad on elec-tronic learning(e-learning)and mobility.However,tradi-tional m-learning applications have limitations in terms of high cost of devices and network,low network trans-mission rate,and limited educational resources[35–37].
T able II.Application class of m-commerce.
Application class Type Examples英语新闻网
Mobilefinancial applications B2C,B2B Banks,brokeragefirms,mobile-ur fees
Mobile advertising B2C Sending custom made advertiments according to ur’s physical location Mobile shopping B2C,B2B Locate/order certain products from a mobile terminal
B2C,business to customer;B2B,business to business
Wirel.Commun.Mob.Comput.2013;13:1587–1611©2011John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.1591 DOI:10.1002/wcm

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