Unit 10 Owl and Bluebird
by Anne Schrelber
Illustrated by Wenda Collins
Bluebird lived in a tree. Owl lived in a different tree clo by.
my favorite tv programAll day, Owl slept.
All night, Bluebird slept.
All day, Bluebird tweeted.
All night, Owl hooted.
All day, Bluebird flew.got cakes on the low
All night, Owl glided.
遗失的世界第一部All day, Bluebird ate bugs.
All night, Owl hunted mice.
One night, a huge storm woke Blue bird.
The wind blew hard.上海松江雅思培训机构
Bluebird fell from her branch.
Owl sped to grab her.
Owl saved Bluebird!
But Bluebird’s tree was blown over.
Bluebird could not go home.
“Come live in my tree.” said Owl.
Owl and Bluebird became good friends.
But when Bluebird tweeted, Owl could not sleep.
And when Owl hooted, Bluebird could not sleep.
“What should we do?” they asked each other.
The friends could not live in the same tree.
comprehensive“Let’s find another tree for you to live in,” said Owl.
i miss you的意思“One that is not too clo and not too far.”
机械唯物主义Owl helped Bluebird move into her new home.
Owl and Bluebird visited each other in the evening.
“Plea pour the tea,” said Owl.
kamikaze“Plea pass the cookies,” said Bluebird.
Owl and Bluebird were glad to be friends and neighbors.