Homer Epics荷马史诗

更新时间:2023-07-06 18:54:57 阅读: 评论:0

Zeus 宙斯Jupiter 朱庇特    Father of Gods and men.天神。
Hera 赫拉Juno 朱诺    Queen of heaven and goddess of marriage. 天后。
affiliateAthena雅典娜Minerva弥涅瓦    The goddess of wisdom and patroness of domestic arts, personified pure intellect.
Apollo阿波罗God of sun, music and poetry. His other Greek name is Phoebus.负面影响英文(福波斯)
Artemis阿耳忒弥斯Diana狄安娜    Moon-goddess, goddess of moon and cha. She stands for feminine chastity and virginity.
Ares 阿瑞斯    Mars玛尔斯    God of war.
Hephaestus赫斐斯塔斯Vulcan伏尔康    God of fire and god of forge.
Aphrodite阿佛洛狄忒Venus 维纳斯    Goddess of love and beauty.
Poidon波塞冬Neptune尼普顿    Ruler of the a. 
Demeter得墨特尔    Ceres刻瑞斯     Goddess of grains and harvests, supervid agriculture and stood for mother of civilization. 农神
Hestia赫提斯    Vesta维斯塔    Goddess of the hearth, reprented home life and family life. 灶神或家室之神, 家庭的保护神
Hermes赫耳墨斯/海尔梅斯    Mercury墨丘利    The wing-footed mesnger, god of invention and commerce and patron of thieves. 神使。
Hades 哈得斯Pluto 普鲁冬摆姿势英语怎么说    King of the lower World. 冥王。
Dionysus狄俄尼索斯    Bacchus巴喀斯/巴库斯    The god of wine and revelry. 酒神。
Eros埃罗斯牛津一年级英语Cupid 丘比特    Eros was the god of love, better known by his Latin name Cupid. Son of Aphrodite by Ares.
Mus 缪斯Goddess /Mt Helicon Darghters of Zeus and Mnemosyne the goddess of memory1 clio: mu of history2Calliope:epic poetry3Melpomene:tragedy4Thalia:
            comedy5Terpsichore:dance and song6 Erato:love poetry7 Euterpe:lyric poetry8 Uraniaastronomy9Polymnia:religious poetry or the pantonime.
Fates Moirae Three goddess of fate命运三女神
The Furies were a grisly band of black women three in all, who names were Tisiphone, Alecto and Megaera. Born of Mother Night, they dwelled in the dark abyss of Tartarus.
Homer Epics荷马史诗传说作者为荷马。史诗为欧洲文学史中的最早的有作者的作品。普遍认为是游吟诗人口头流传下来,后来又某个人整理出来的相传是公元前九八世纪由一个名叫荷马的盲诗人根据小亚细亚口头流传的史诗短歌编成的,因而被称为荷马史诗。公元前六世纪正式形成文字。Homer (around 700B.C.) was considered by ancient Greeks the author of their epics. Iliad---deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy. The heroes are Hector on the Trojan side and Achilles and Odysus on the Greek side. In the final battle, Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was sacked and burned by the Greeks.The Odysy(《奥德赛》)deals with the return of Odysus to his home island of Ithaca af
ter the Trojan war. It describes many adventures he ran into on his long a voyage and how finally he reunited with his faithful wife Penelope.24 chapters  12105
史诗 长篇叙事诗,以重大严肃的历史事件为题材,以英雄人物为中心宣扬英雄主义精神,富于戏剧性,规模宏大,插曲很多,风格崇高,语言华丽而富于装饰,用第三人称叙事方法,采用六音步长短格的诗体,通常称为英雄格。也叫英雄史诗。
史诗的意义 oblivious表示人与人之间的关系和斗争。反映当时的文化生活风貌。表现了英雄气概,英雄精神,以及面对命运不屈服的精神。突出表现了一种尚武精神。
史诗的特点 史诗中的人物具有象征意义。尽管描写残酷的战争,但充满朝气蓬勃的乐观主义精神。两部史诗开创了欧洲文学史上的两种体裁。伊利亚特记实,叙事性体裁。O—个人遭遇为主要内容的海洋冒险小说。为后来文艺复兴和流浪汉小说,及批判现实主义的先驱。
史诗中采用了高明的写作技巧--如抓重点,十年只写最后几十天的事实。用多角度的写作手法。史诗中出现了现实主义和浪漫主义两种创作方法。采用六音步长短格的诗体。(the dactylic hexameter )不用尾韵,但节奏很强,这种诗体显然是为朗诵歌吟而创造出来
Pindar(品达)carryover(about 518-428) is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympian odes.在十七世纪古典主义时期被称为崇高颂歌的典范
Aesop’s Fables(《伊索寓言》)620 B.C 特点:思想性强,短小精悍,比喻恰当,形象生动,语言朴素,寓意明朗直接。几乎每篇故事都有一句话来点破主题。
Electra complex 伊莱克特拉情结 恋父恨母
Oedipus complex (of a young boy)an unconscious xual desire for one’s mother combined with hatred of one’s father.恋母恨父
Sophocles (496-406BC)(索福克勒斯)Oedipus Tyrannus/  Oedipus the King 《俄底浦斯王》在思想上和艺术上有很高的成就。许多评论家认为它是一部“”最完美的悲剧girl是什么意思。亚里斯多德认为它是古希腊悲剧的典范。悲剧命运:清白无辜,却要承受先人的罪恶;他越竭力反抗,却越陷入命运的罗网;他越是真诚地想要为城邦消除灾难,却步步临近他自己毁灭。他的毁灭一方面宣扬命运具有不可抗拒的威力;同时也表明命运具有伤天害理的
邪恶性质。反映了雅典自由民对于社会灾难无能为力的悲愤情绪。特点 艺术:达到了完美的境界,突破了抒情诗式的悲剧形式。减少了合唱队的作用,加强了戏剧动作。放弃了三部曲的形式注重戏剧冲突,情节的整一和内在的联系。使剧成为一个有机的整体。(他的作品在戏剧中结构最为完整)不注重写神而注重写人(英雄)不注重抒发人物的感情而注重刻化人物的性格。
Euripides (欧里庇得斯) 485-406BC He was more of a realist than Aeschylus and Sophocles, concerned with conflicts. His characters are less heroic, more like ordinary people. He was called the first writer of “problem plays”. He was a friend of Socrates and the intellectuals, but the people who flocked to the performances often found him disturbing. The philosopher in theatre.
Aristophanes(阿里斯托芬)(450-380) Features---It is about contemporary events containing direct attacks on well-known people of the day, such as Socrates in Clouds and Euripides in Frogs. The plays are loo in plotSatirical in tone, full of clever parody and acute criticism.
Birds《鸟》理想国式的作品云中鹁鸪国”1讽刺雅典城市中的寄生生活2欧洲文学史上第一部描写理想国社会的作品题材:大多选自当代生活2 虽是喜剧,却能触及到当时社会的一系列问题(这是和新喜剧相对而言)3 结构松散,语言粗糙(相对于悲剧)4 形式是轻松的,意图是严肃的5 hybridoma擅长用夸张手法并带有寓言色彩It is about contemporary events containing direct attacks on well-known people of the day, such as Socrates in Clouds and Euripides in Frogs.The plays are loo in plot satirical in tone, full of clever parody and acute criticism.
NewComedy:Menandros/ Menander (米南德)432-292BCwas the greatest writer of Attic new comedy. Nearly one hundred titles of his plays are known, but only one play Dyskolos(《恨世者》)favoritegirland some fragments remain.Herodotus 希罗多德)(484-430)“Father of History”. He wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians. He had a keen eye for drama and pathos. His history, full of anecdotes and digressions and lively
dialogue, is readable. He kept alive many traditional stories, which were not always accurate.

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