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Neonatal vitamin A injection promotes cattle muscle growth and increas oxidative muscle fibers
Bo Wang 1,2†,Wei Nie 1,2†,Xing Fu 2,3,Jeanene M de Avila 2,Yannan Ma 2,4,Mei-Jun Zhu 5,Martin Maquivar 2,Steven M Parish 6,Jan R Busboom 2,Mark L Nelson 2and Min Du 2*
wizard是什么意思Muscle growth is due to both formation of muscle fibers and increa in muscle diameters.During embryonic muscle development,mononucleate myoblasts fu to form primary myotubes [1].Secondary myotubes form near the midpoint of primary myotubes under the basal lamina,then grow longitudinally,and eventually parate from the pri-mary myotube [2].It is widely believed that the total num-ber of muscle fibers in a given muscle is fixed at or near birth for mammals [3,4].Postnatal muscle growth is achieved mainly by hypertrophy of existing myofibers [5],
初级日语学习during which satellite cells proliferate and fu with existing muscle fibers [6].Thus,satellite cell abundance in postnatal muscle is cloly associated with postnatal skeletal muscle development.
Skeletal muscle is compod of different types of fibers.Type I is a slow-twitch,oxidative fiber.Type IIA is a fast oxidative-glycolytic fiber.Type IIX is a fast-twitch,glycolytic fiber for beef cattle [7,8].The m
uscle fiber-type composition is an important factor in determining meat quality.Glyco-lytic muscle fibers accumulate greater amount of lactate dur-ing the postmortem stage [9],which is negatively associated with water holding capacity [10].Muscles with high propor-tion of type IIX fibers had high lactate content and showed low muscle pH 45min [11].Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-γcoactivator-1(PGC-1α)is a transcriptional co-activator abundant in skeletal muscle,which activates
*Correspondence:min.du@wsu.edu †
Bo Wang and Wei Nie contributed equally to this work.2tomtom
Department of Animal Sciences,Washington State University,Pullman,WA 99164,USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the
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Wang et al.Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology doi/10.1186/s40104-018-0296-3肃杀
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