human anatomy [ ] 人体解剖学
anatomical position [ ] 解剖学姿势
superior [ ] 上
inferior [ ] 下
anterior [ ] 前
posterior [ ] 后
ventral [ ] 腹侧
dorsal [ ] 背侧
medial [ ] 内侧
lateral [ ] 外侧
ulnar [ ] 尺侧
radial [ ] 桡侧
tibial [ ] 胫侧
fibular [ ] 腓侧
internal [ ] 内
external [ ] 外
superficial [ ]youngchildren 浅
deep(或profound) [ ] 深
proximal [ 绸组词拼音] 近侧
distal [ ] 远侧
sagittal plane [ ] 矢状面
coronal plane [ ] 冠状面
frontal plane [ ] 额状面
transver plane [ ] 横切面
horizontal plane [ ] 水平面
locomotor system 运动系统
locomotor system [ ] 运动系统
osteology [ ] 骨学bone [ ] 骨pneumatic bone [ ] 含气骨bony substance [ ] 骨质bone marrow [ ] 骨髓
periosteum [ ] 骨膜
articular cartilage [ ] 关节软骨
vertebra [ ] 椎骨
vertebral body [ ] 椎体
vertebral arch [ ] 椎弓
vertebral foramen [ ] 椎孔
vertebral canal [ ] 椎管
intervertebral foramen
[ ] 椎间孔韩语自学教程
cervical vertebra [ ] 颈椎
thoracic vertebra [ ] 胸椎
lumbar vertebra [ ] 腰椎
sacrum [ ] 骶骨
coccyx [ ] 尾骨
transver foramen
[ ] 横突孔
sacral horn [ ] 骶角
sternum [ ] 胸骨
sternal angle [ ] 胸骨角
jugular notch [ ] 颈静脉切迹
xiphoid process [ ] 剑突
costa [ ] 肋
rib [ ] 肋骨
costal cartilage [ ] 肋软骨
clavicle [ ] 锁骨
scapula [ ] 肩胛骨
glenoid cavity [ ] 关节盂
coracoid process [ ] 喙突
acromion [ ] 肩峰
humerus [ ] 肱骨
greater tubercle [ ] 大结节
trochlea of humerus
[ ][ ] 肱骨滑车
capitulum of humerus [ ] 台风为什么叫山竹肱骨小头
medial epicondyle [ ] 内上髁
lateral epicondyle [ ] 外上髁
ulna [ ] 尺骨
olecranon [ ] 鹰嘴
radius [ ] 桡骨
styloid process of radius
[ ][ ] 桡骨茎突
carpus [ ] 腕骨
metacarpus [ ] 掌骨
phalanx of hand [ ] 指骨
hip bone [ ] 髋骨
acetabulum [ ] 髋臼
obturator foramen
[ ] 闭孔
ilium [ ] 髂骨
iliac crest [ ] 髂嵴
anterior superior iliac spine
[ ] 髂前上棘
ischium [ ] 坐骨
ischial tuberosity [ ] 坐骨结节
pubis [ ] 耻骨
pubic tubercle [ ] 耻骨结节
femur [ ] 股骨greater trochanter [ ] 大转子medial condyle [ ] 内上髁lateral condyle [ ] 外上髁
patella [ ] 髌骨
tibia [ ] 胫骨
tuberosity of tibia [ ][ ] 胫骨粗隆
medial malleolus [ ] 内踝
fibula [ ] 腓骨
tarsus [ ] 跗骨
metatarsus [ ] 跖骨
phalanx of foot [ ][ ] 趾骨
bones of cranium [ ] 颅骨
frontal bone [ ] 额骨
parietal bone [ ] 顶骨
occipital bone [ ] 枕骨
temporal bone [ ] mab培训颞骨
ethmoid bone [ ] 筛骨
sphenoid bone [ ] 蝶骨
maxilla [ ] 上颌骨
mandible [declarations ] 下颌骨
foramen magnum
[ ] 枕骨大孔
groove for sigmoid sinus
[ ][ ] 乙状窦沟
petrous part of temporal bone
[ 国际废除核武器运动][ ] 颞骨岩部
orbit [ ] 眶
nasal concha [ ] 鼻甲
nasal meatus [ ] 鼻道
paranasal sinus [ ] 鼻旁窦
zygomatic arch [ ] 颧弓
mastoid process [ ] 乳突
external occipital protuberance
[ ] 枕外隆凸
bony joint [ ] 骨连结
articular surface [ ] 关节面
articular capsule [ ] 关节囊
articular cavity [ ] 关节腔
ligament [ ] 韧带
articular disc [ ] 关节盘
articular meniscus [ ] 半月板
flexion [ ] 屈
extention [ ] 伸
adduction [ ] 内收
abduction [ ] 外展
rotation [ ] 旋转
circumduction [ ] 环转
vertebral column [ ] 脊柱
intervertebral disc [ ] 椎间盘
thorax [ ] 胸廓
costal arch [ ] 肋弓
shoulder joint [ ] 肩关节