TITLE/EQUIPMENT 标题/设备: | | bridge
PROJECT NO 项目编号: | | sooDEPARTMENT/AREA 部门/区域bodily: | |
INSPECTION DATE 美国政府关门危机检查时间: | | |
| | 学大教育官网 | 高中牛津英语 | |
The PSSR team concludes that the installation is consistent with design specifications and that the equipment is safe to start-up after completion of recommendations required before start-up. (Note: If recommendations are not completed as originally intended attach information to explain alternative solution). PSSR小组确认安装符合设计规范且在完成必要的整改后可安全的启动。(注:若不能完成附件要求的整改则需说明另可选择的解决方案)
Approved批准相亲 英语:
__________________________ _____________________________
(Area Coordinator) Date (Maintenance Coordinator) Date
(区域管理者) 日期 (维修管理者) 日期
龙文教育官网__________________________ _____________________________
(Safety Coordinator) Date (LMT Member) Date