Telephone-bad psychological crisis intervention: the Portugue experience with COVID-19
holland期刊名称: Counlling Psychology Quarterly不满英文
作者: Eugénia Ribeiro,Adriana Sampaio,Miguel M. Gonalves,Maria Do Céu
Taveira,Jácome Cunha,ngela Maia,Marlene Matos,Sónia Gonalves,Bárbara
Figueiredo,Teresa Freire,Tércio Soares
年份: 2020年
期号: 第1期摩登家庭第二季
关键词: COVID-19;psychological impact;psychological intervention;crisis
intervention;telephone-bad intervention
demonstration摘要:Portugal is one of the European countries that implemented early protective measures in the co
ntext of the COVID-19 pandemic. Portugal declared a state of emergency on 18 March, and a t of regional and national preventive public health measures was progressively implemented. Studies on the psychological impact of pandemics show evidence of the negative impact on mental health. Of particular concern are individuals with previous fragility (e.g. personal, family or occupational) and tho undergoing life transitions. In this paper, we prent a telephone-bad psychological crisis intervention that was implemented to provide brief, appropriate, and timely psychological help. This intervention follows standard models of crisis intervention and is structured in five phas and five different intervention modules to take into