编号 | 缩写 | 英文全称及说明 | 中文解释说明 |
1 | 0-100-30 | To produce products at full volume that meet Customer requirements with 0 recordable injuries, 0 rejected parts per million, and 100% on time delivery, 30 after launch. | 使正式生产的产品满足顾客要求,并确保0可记录事故,0RPPM,100%准时交付,在投产30天内。 |
2 | 0S | A abbreviation which equals to PPAP | 零批量,类似于生产件批准程序 |
3 | 3/6/12MIS | 3/6/12 Month in Service Incidents per Thousand Vehicle | 使用3/6/12月的每千辆车故障数 |
4 | 2TP | A abbreviation which means that supplier launches pre-production to verify the production capability. GM names it as GP9. | 两日生产,指供应商进行预生产来验证其批产能力。通用称为GP9 |
5 | 3C/CCC | China Compulsory Certification | 中国强制认证 |
6 | 3G | 结汇英文Go and See, Get the Fact, Grasp the Countermeasure | 开展现场调查,了解问题根本原因,制定出有效措施 |
7 | 3M不用谢用英语怎么说 | Muda, Mura, Mari | 浪费,无稳,无理(日文)——常作改善的核查点 |
8 | 3P | Position, Person, Performance | 岗位,能力,绩效(付薪制度) |
9 | 4M1E | Man, Machine, Material, Method, Environment | 人机料法环——现场管理五大要素,问题分析五大方面 |
10 | 5M | Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measure | 人员,机器,材料,方法,测量 |
11 | 5M1E | Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measure, Environment | 人机料法环测 |
12 | 5S | 1. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke 2. A tool to make unstable wasteful situations become visible earlier, then to allow for quicker more effective problem -solving.1S - Separate & Scrap, 2S- Straighten, 3S-Scrub, 4S-Standardized and Spread, 5S-Systemize. | 1. 整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,修养(日语) 2. 使不稳定因素和浪费的情况尽早地显露出来,以便快速有效地解决问题的方法。1S是分离和丢弃,2S是整理,3S是清洁,4S是标准化和推广,5S是系统化。 |
13 | 5W2H | Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How many | 何人,何事,何时,何地,为何,如何,多少 |
14 | 6 Sigma | 6 Sigma - Continuous improvement method that is designed to improve products and rvices by improving the process by which they are | 六西格玛——是持续改进方法之一,通过改进产品生产工艺而改进产品及服务。 |
15 | 8D | 8 Discipline, Method that approach to identify and eliminate the root cau of a problem. | 问题解决的8个步骤法,明确并消除问题的根本原因的方法。 |
16 | AAR | 1. Appearance Approval Report 2. Audit Action Request | 祖国 我为你自豪1. 外观批准报告/外观手册 2. 审核措施要求 |
17 | ABS | 1. Antilock Braking System 2. Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneAcrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene | 1. 制动防抱死系统 2. 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯,一种热塑性塑料合成聚合物树脂 |
18 | ACC | Automatic Crui Control | 汽车巡航控制(系统) |
19 | ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line - a technology for transmitting digital information at a high bandwidth on existing phone lines to homes and business,providing continously-available, "always on" connection,ADSL is asymmetric in that it us most of the channel to transmit downstream to the ur and only a small part to receive information from the ur. | 非对称数字用户线——在现有的电话线上以高带宽传输数字信息的一项技术,提供永远在线的连接方式。因其使用大部分信道传输下行的到达用户端的信息,只一小部分传输上行数据,所以是非对称的。 |
20 | AFS | American Foundry Standards | 美国铸造标准 |
21 | AG | Automotive Group | 汽车集团 |
22 | AGV | Automatic Guided Vehicle | 自动导向车辆 |
23 | AIAG | Automotive Industry Action Group - AIAG is a famous global organization which is founded by Daimler-Chrysler AG,Ford Motor Co.,General Motors Corp.. | 汽车工业行动集团——AIAG 成立于1982年,是戴姆勒-克莱斯勒 (DaimlerChrysler AG)、福特汽车 (Ford Motor Co.)、通用汽车 (General Motors Corp.) 三大汽车公司共同创建的全球公认的著名的组织。 |
24 | AISI | 宏庙小学 American Iron and Steel Institue | 美国钢铁协会 |
25 | AME | Advanced Manufacturing Engineer | 前期制造工程师 |
26 | Andon | A Kind of Visual Control System | 暗灯系统(一种可视化的讯号系统) |
27 | ANOM | Analysis of Means | 中位数分析 |
28 | ANOVA | Analysis of Variance | 方差分析 |
29 | ANSI | American National Standards Institute | 美国国家标准协会 |
30 | AOP | Annual Operating Plan | 年度运作计划 |
31 | AOQ | Average Outgoing Quality | 平均出货质量 |
英语在线朗读 32 | AOQL惊喜英文 | Average Outgoing Quality Limit | 平均出货质量界限 |
33 | APQP 汽车护理 | Advanced Product Quality Planning | 先期产品质量策划 |
34 | APS | Advanced Planning and Scheduling | 前期计划和排程 |
35 | APW | Average Production Weekly | 周平均产能 |
36 | AQE | Advanced Quality Engineer | 前期质量工程师 |
37 | AQL | Acceptable Quality Level | 接收准则 |
38 | AQP | Advanced Quality Planning | 前期质量策划 |
39 | APQP | Advanced Product Quality Planning | 产品质量先期策划 |
40 | ARR | Architectural Requirements Review | 外观需求评审 |
41 | ASA | American Standards Association | 美国标准协会 |
42 | ASG | Automotive Systems Group - Automotive Systems Group which belong to | 汽车系统集团——江森自控公司 (JCI)下属的汽车系统集团 (ASG). |
43 | ASL | Approved Supplier List - A list of approved suppliers qualified to supply certain types of commodities. | everything at once 合格供方清单——一份列出所有被验证的有资格提供某种类型产品的供应商的清单。 |
44 | ASN | 寻找我的钱包Advanced Shipping Notice, A network operation system which helps suppliers inform customers tho shipping related information such as quantity, control number before shipping. | 事先的发料单,指供应商应具有的一种交货提前通知的电脑连网操作系统。从而使其在出货之前,将出货资料诸如数量、货号等信息传递给客户。 |
45 | ASP | Application Services Provider - It's a company that offers individuals or enterpris access over the Internet to applications and related rvices that would otherwi have to be located in their own personal or enterpri | 应用服务提供商——一种为个人或企业级用户提供通过Internet访问应用程序或相关服务的公司。从而,上述应用程序或相关服务就不必存在于用户自己的个人电脑或企业服务器上。 |
46 | ASQE | Advanced Supplier Quality Engineer | 前期供应商质量工程师 |
47 | ASSY | Asmbly | 总成 |
48 | ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials | 美国材料实验协会 |
49 | ATA | Anti-trap Algorithm | 防夹力算法high sierra |
50 | ATI | ATI Industrial Automation | 公司名称,ATI工业自动化,主要业务为机器人末端执行器和自动化工 |
51 | ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode - It's a dedicated-connection switching technology that organizes digital data into 53-byte cell units and transmits them over a physical medium using digital signal technology. Individually, a cell is procesd asynchronously relative to other related cells and is queued before being multiplexed over the transmission path. | 异步传输模式——一种专用交换技术,它把数据分割成53字节的信 元,用数字信号通过物理介质传输。每个信元独立异步传输,且在通过复用技术传输前被排队。 |
52 | ATS | Anti Trap System | 汽车天窗的安全防夹系统 |
53 | ATT | 1. Anti Trap Test 2. Actual Take Time | 1. 汽车天窗的安全防夹功能的测试 2. 实际单件工时 |
54 | AV | Apprair Variation | 评价者变差 |
55 | AW | Arc welding | 弧焊 |
56 | B2B | Business to Business - It's the exchange of products, rvices, or information between business. | 电子商务交流平台——是指互联网上企业间产品、服务、信息的交换 。 |
57 | B2C | Business to Customer - B2C is the retailing part of e-commerce on the Internet. | 企业对消费者的商务—— 是指互联网上开展的电子商务中网上零售业务部分。 |
58 | BB | Black Belt - Six sigma project coordinator | 黑带——6σ项目协调人 |
59 | BBP | Best Busniess Practice | 最佳业务实践 |
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