Incident rates are an indication of how many incidents have occurred, or how severe政府英文 they were. They are measurements only of past performance or lagging indicators. Incident rates are also only one of many items that can be used for measuring performance. There are many items that should be used to measure performance, most of which are positive
in nature; incident rates tend to be viewed as an indication of something that is wrong
with a safety system, rather than what is positive or right about the system. In spite of this, for many companies, incident rates remain the primary indicator of safety performance measurement. This is primarily because incident rates are fairly easy to figure out, and can be easily compared between one company and another, and are used throughout industry.
The most difficult part about incident rates is that the five major types of rates are easily confused with one another. The most common rate used is the Recordable Incident Rate. This is commonly called either the “total case incident rate” or just the “incident rate”. The “Lost Time Case Rate” (LTC) is the second most commonly used. The “Lost Workday Rate” and “Severity Rate” are primarily used only in larger companies that
have a larger number of Lost Time Cases. The newest incident rate type is called the
DART or “Days Away/Restricted or Transfer Rate”.
间案件率”(LTC)。“损失工作日比率”和“严重率”主要用于有大量损失时间情况的较大型公司。最新的事件比率类型叫做DART “损失天数/限制日或工作转移率”。
DART (Days Away/Restricted or Transfer Rate) – A mathematical calculation that
describes the number of recordable injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees that resulted in days away from work, restricted work activity and/or job transfer that a company h广州形象设计学校as experienced in any given time framedriver.
DART “损失天数/限制日或工作转移比率”—是一种数学计算方法,描述在给定的时间框架内,公司每100名全职员工可记录数量的受伤和疾病造成损失工作、受限制的工作活动和/或工作转移的比率。
LOST TIME CASE – Any occupational injury or illness which results in an employee being unable to work a full assigned work shift. (A fatality is not considered a LTC.) Lost time cases result when there are no reasonable circumstances und哈尔滨pm2 5er which the injured e
mployee could return to meaningful work. It is assumed that if an employee could work, even if it is not their normally assigned duties, alternate tasks that accommodat英语作文框架e the restrictive nature of an injury would be assigned to the employee. In this situation, the days are recorded as RESTRICTED WORK DAYS, rather than Lost Work Days. (Note that working from home, on a computer or at other assigned tasks, is not considered restricted work activity unless the employee would normally perform this function from home as part of 美国枪支管理their assigned work. Situations like this would be considered lost work days. The incident, if employees can report to their normal workplace, and they can be assigned and complete productischool gyrlsve tasks to benefit the company, can be considered restricted work days, rather than lost work days.)
LOST WORKDAY RATE – a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost work days per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.
LOST TIME CASE RATE – a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost time cases per 100 ful英语四级分数计算l-time employees in any given time frame.
OCCUPATIONAL INJURY – Any injury (including a fatality) which results from a work-related incident or exposure involving a single incident. Examples are:
• Thermal and chemical burns 热灼伤或化学烧伤
• Cuts, abrasions and punctures 割伤、擦伤和刺伤
• Fractures or crushing injuries 骨伤或挤压伤
• Respiratory i置若罔闻rritations 呼吸系统刺激
• Instantaneous hearing loss 瞬间的听觉损失
• Amputations 截肢
• Sprains or strains 扭伤或拉伤
• Broken bones 断骨(骨折)
OCCUPATION ILLNESS – Any abnormal condition or disorder (other than an法语培训班 injury) that resulted from a work-related exposure to a biological, chemical or physical agent. These include both acute and chronic illnesses or diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact. Some examples are: