I woke up at eight,feeling drowsy. I brushed my teeth, and I went downstairs. Beforegoing to school, i had breakfast - cookies and milk. I had to walk to school, and it was piano是什么意思mes系统是什么意思snowing outside. It was monday, and my first period was science. We had a quiz on periodictable of elements, i thought i did good. Afterwards I had business, it was easy. Finally, lunchwas here. I ate a slice of pizza and i was no longer hungry.
coast guardSo then, I had English and French in the afternoon. I enjoyed learning French a lot, so itturned out to be not so boring after all. The bell rang and the school day was finished. Iwalked home. I finished my homework first, then i played piano for an hour. My mom waspreparing dinner while i surfed on the Internet. After dinner, I continued to surf on the Internet as Mom kept on writing her novel. It was 10 o'clock and I took a shower and brushedmy teeth, I went to sleep. It was a tiring day!美剧排行榜前十豆瓣
oh >lfishness