J’ai bien aimé le film parce qu’il est simple. C’est un film pour tous. Elsa (Claire Bouanich) était un peu délaissée par sa maman. Julien (Michel Serrault) est un collectionneur de papillons. Il avait fait la promes à son fils de ramener un papillon dont le nom est Isabelle. Julien et Elsa rencontrent pour réalir leurs rêves。
Julien, horloger à la retraite, collectionne les papillons qu'il élève dans la rre de son appartement parisien. Parti dans le Vercors à la recherche d'un spécimen rare, il découvre bientôt que la fillette de sa voisine du dessus s'est cachée dans sa voiture. Elsa, 8 ans, a fait une fugue parce qu'elle ntait délaissée par sa mère. Julien pen d'abord la remettre à la police. Mais la gamine parvient à le convaincre de la garder avec lui. La randonnée s'annonce très vite difficile pour le vieil homme. Lui qui ne rêvait que de calme doit ainsi supporter les bavardages incessants et les questions indiscrètes
诲人不倦是什么意思She does not have father, only when mother , she are not afraid of a stranger. Her curiosity is bigger than elephant Huan Yao , she is called Lisha , 8-year-old this year. Noon has left school , mother has forgot meeting her going home , Lisha cannot cry and scream , sits to be member of coffee shop, grandfather is discovered by the neighbour. The strange grandfather of temperament, has collected the beautiful various variegated butterfly , has wanted to go to look for "Isabella on the mountain too, that "he criticizes that is the rarest butterfly of Europe. The little girl is unable to find mother , easy to perhaps the orphanage is delivered to! Lisha also wants to look at a butterfly flying , can go to together with the grandfather? A solemn old people, a lively child , two people answers each question successively , temperament and interest is exuberant , have a dialogue conci but deep, layer-upon-layer being accompanying music goes deep into, the old and the young two people questions and answers are quick-witted , each other move harmony. Final song ending makes person feel this once becoming old in opening and enlightening mutually , showing loving care for mutually middle having become once for a short time already the amusing partner ,route having stepped on trend nature. Tnem
e song in film , the humour being that this is taking the risk of on the way once always once for a short time have a dialogue. The neighbour grandfather is in cold blood solemn , rerved , young Lisha is lively lovable , always have asking no complete topic of conversation. The "butterfly" looks like movies of children , script writes in fact intelligently ingeniously, with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach, weight lifting if light, behind the back of every problem, all implication the life philosophic theory. The come from the French "intelligent problem " , may let the important friend go and think deeply that studying in spare time of smiling a smile of understanding. Little girl fervency in slicing is lively , grandpa is in cold blood solemn, two people individuality is quite different. They remble two children but , are able to bicker with each other each other , mock and confute but as for some's about tier of face. Being the same as the caterpillar meeting exactly as becomes a butterfly slowly , this amument once very once small cooperates with, once having stepped on the nature route, mutuality experiencing the different stage opens and enlightens, concern the delicate change also beginning to have had, ... . This genius underage film star she , the cameraman are fond of her making the
director delighted , are audience in vere middle natural pure behaviour, you, also are sure to be fond of her! Able important moment of beautiful butterfly changing qualitatively is about to come ", this film is able to help you to break a pupa but goes out of "butterfly", come into being brand-new life!